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View Full Version : The Offside Rule Should be Applied with Care

23/06/2005, 7:19 PM
The points made by Fahy Forever on the now closed “Future of this Forum” thread are perfectly valid and merit far more respect than you have afforded him.
I admire your efforts hugely and am more than a little indebted to you for the enjoyment which I get from following the forum. I can only imagine that someone who takes the time and effort to facilitate and moderate a forum has a vocation which far surpasses my own passion for football.
The credit and gratitude which you are due does not however excuse the indiscriminate and offensive approach which you have applied to Fahy Forever and in the past to other constructive contributors. To my mind, the essence of the good referee or moderator is to let the game flow and to use the power bestowed by the whistle in a sparing and judicious manner. The referee may feel like treating the foul and abusive player in a similarly foul and abusive fashion but it does nothing for the game. The points made by Fahy Forever are spot on and are designed to help the game flow, your treatment of him is not.
Forgive the mixed metaphor but you’re well offside – be man enough to admit it.

the 12 th man
23/06/2005, 8:27 PM
we are not going down the road of debating this here as they (threads like this one)always get hijacked by some person/s who have nothing to say(constructively).

the thread was closed so i suggest move on and live with it.