View Full Version : Reeling in the Months

Bald Student
20/06/2005, 11:59 AM
Does anyone remember this thread? (I'm no great shakes at the internet so sorry if the link doesen't work). The thread was about the two players moving to Waterford over the winter.


The highlights are here:

jagman 15/12/2004, 8:42 PM
no offence but a couple of hundred fans isnt going to make for much of a hostile reception for doyle and why wouldnt he move,
put yourself in his shoes, young lad, more money, closer to home, the list goes on...
if any of you can say you wouldnt move then your lying.
as for judas, he gave 100% for ucd and was made a better offer by a stable prem div club, if anyone here was offered a more suitable job and more money would you turn it down, i dont think so

CollegeTillIDie 15/12/2004, 8:45 PM
Waterford United ... STABLE? Don't make me laugh...

The Blues are my second favourite team but I would never describe a club that squandered a �400,000 windfall in 1998/99 from the Share issue as being stable. They are heavily in debt at present which is why I am surprised they are making offers for anyone.

We are one the most stable clubs in the entire League from a financial standpoint

Partizan 16/12/2004, 7:29 PM
College TID, I think that you will find otherwise.

At Waterford's last AGM in October, the Club reported to its shareholders that its debt is now down to �30,000 ( from + �700k in 2000). The previous incumbents left the Club in such a mess that when our current chairman came in that summer people thought he should be carted off to the local lunatic asylum. No businessman in the South East were prepared to touch Waterford with a 40ft barge pole.

In short WUFC nearly went bust in June 2000 with a massive 6 figure debt but our Chairman (I dont like the guy what he did to Jimmy McGeough) steadied the ship and we now have one of the best run clubs administratively in the League. Our finances are very tight but we are sure that the mistakes of the past will never be repeated again.

It looks to me like the Waterford Fans (and shareholders?) were mislead on the tightness of their clubs finances.

pineapple stu
20/06/2005, 12:31 PM
Remember it well. I think Waterford fans were pulling the wool over their own eyes, to be honest - I remember people involved with UCD predicting this very event back in November...

Will try and see if I can get hold of Waterford's accounts during the week - should make for interesting reading...

Poor Student
20/06/2005, 12:48 PM
Here's some interesting readinf from their official site:

Close Shave for the Blues
16 June 2005

Waterford United is to benefit from a unique fundraising effort where two dedicated fans will have their heads shaved in order to raise much needed funds for the Blues.

Eoghan Sinnott and Conor Nolan will lose their locks at half time during the Blues' next home game against champions Shelbourne on Friday June 24th.

Director Martin Colbert has appealed to the people of Waterford to get behind the venture and to support the Blues at what is a difficult time for the club.

"I don't want to gloss over the fact that the club is in trouble," said Colbert. "We are going through a bad time both on and off the pitch and money is running out. We need the support of the town or there will not be senior football here. I would appeal to every sports fan to get behind the Blues over the next few weeks. Sponsor the head shave and buy a ticket for the game against Shelbourne. Even if you can't go, buy a ground ticket and support the club."


Sounds desperate alright. Maybe we never replaced Finn as we are expecting him back soon? :D

pineapple stu
20/06/2005, 12:53 PM
Maybe we never replaced Finn as we are expecting him back soon? :D
Would take him back alright! Doyle we've replaced though - they can keep him! :)

Poor Student
20/06/2005, 1:06 PM
Would take him back alright! Doyle we've replaced though - they can keep him! :)

Any idea how they're doing down there? I know Doyle has grabbed the odd goal however he and Finn were only on the bench when we beat them earlier this season. It seems they made a real mistake going there.

pineapple stu
20/06/2005, 2:12 PM
Here (http://www.waterford-united.ie/stats2005.htm) you go. Bit hard to read, but Doyle's started seven of the last eight games, while Finn's only started once - replacing Doyle in the above sequence.

Poor Student
20/06/2005, 2:18 PM
Here (http://www.waterford-united.ie/stats2005.htm) you go. Bit hard to read, but Doyle's started seven of the last eight games, while Finn's only started once - replacing Doyle in the above sequence.

Thanks for that. Some colour scheme. :eek: Hmmmm, it seems Doyle is keeping up his 2nd half of last season scoring form. Finn seems to have really fallen out of the picture there, if indeed he was ever in it.

22/06/2005, 5:52 PM
pineapple thanks for reviving my quotes on this issue back then.

I wasn't too far off the mark now was I? :cool:

pineapple stu
22/06/2005, 6:13 PM
I'd love to take the credit for Bald Student's detective work, but alas, I can't... ;)

22/06/2005, 6:18 PM
pineapple stu

As a shareholder in the outfit I will get a copy of the accounts in due course will let you have a look.

Bald Student
19/07/2005, 3:19 PM

In the above link you can read how Partizan predicted Waterford's troubles as far back as 1998.
This directly contradicts what he predicted here a few months ago. I think he is using the old tabloid trick of predicting contradictory things at different times so that he can always look back at his correct prediction and claim he was right all along.

I think the technical term is being "full of shít".