View Full Version : Free Burma this Friday!!

12/06/2005, 6:16 PM
This Sunday is Aung Sung Suu Kyi's 60th birthday-she'll spend it under hosue arrest with no phone line and armed gaurads and barbed wire around her house-and no acess from a docter. TODAY she has spent 9 years and 231 days under these conditions because she won the election by 83%
What goes on in Burma is easily as bad or worse than Iraq, Afghanistan, N. Korea ever was! The regimes most recent violation of human rights has been using chemical weapons in their attempt to wipe out the Karen people who live in Northern Burma.
On Friday there is going to be a 2 hour demonstration 12-2pm outside the Burmese embassy just up the road from Green Park Tube Station; The address is 19a Charles Sreet, London W1J 5DX.
Please please do something amazing and take a stand against the worst opression in the world! Show solidarity with this amazing woman who has dedicated her life to freeing her country
Aung Sung moved to England with her family but came back to free her country. When her husband had prostate cancer the regime told her she could leave and never return. She could not leave her country and after 6 years withput seeing him Aung Sung never saw her husband when he died. She could never go to his funeral. Help free Aung Sung Suu Kyi so she can see her children in her liftime!

If you can't make Friday please send Aung San Suu Kyi a birthday card at,
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
54 University Avenue
Bahan 11201
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

The Junta probably won't let her have them but it will show them that there are a lot of people on the outside who care.

Thank you

Plastic Paddy
12/06/2005, 7:06 PM
Happy Birthday Aung Sung. A beacon for conscientious dissention the world over. You may be shut away from the eyes of the world, but you won't be forgotten. :)

:ball: PP

12/06/2005, 8:02 PM
Happy Birthday Aung Sung. A beacon for conscientious dissention the world over. You may be shut away from the eyes of the world, but you won't be forgotten. :)well said

12/06/2005, 10:15 PM
Happy Birthday Aung Sung. A beacon for conscientious dissention the world over. You may be shut away from the eyes of the world, but you won't be forgotten. :)

:ball: PP

To right!! AS Bono says "Walk On [Gabriel]"

12/06/2005, 10:17 PM
Happy Birthday Aung Sung .

A true heroine in every sense of the word. The peaceful aspects of Gandhi and the symbolism of the Dalai Lama married to the eminently photogenic poster quality of her not to mention her marvellous articulateness.

Could you get a better PM for your country if you were Burmese? I don't think so :cool:

12/06/2005, 10:22 PM
Could you get a better PM for your country if you were Burmese?

MY dad says no :D

Keep the support coming lads! DOn't forget to send a card or join us for a wee bit on Friday! Prayers to of course!

14/06/2005, 5:05 PM
I know bumping isn't allowed but everyone should no about this!

Lim till i die
17/06/2005, 12:24 PM
Yes let us all join hands for Burmese freedom so she may be one day be ruled by a well heeled Western puppet and the Yanks can plunder to their hearts content :rolleyes:

17/06/2005, 6:03 PM
Just got back and it was AWESOME!!!! UP THE NLD!

[LITD that's rubbish Aung Sung Suu Kyi will rule the country independently and brilliantly!]

17/06/2005, 6:11 PM
She may not experience freedom for herself or her country but it will come, sooner rather than later.

Another disgrace is the number of Western companies that trade with that country.

Check New Internationalist or Amnesty websites for news on Burma.

17/06/2005, 7:39 PM
They mentioned it on Radio 4 this morning. The Government have sent some sort of message to the regime asking (in vain) for her release, but more importantly, the UK are going to use their EU Presidency to try and increase pressure, via sanctions they can place on the regime, on the regime to free her, and end their tyranny.

All positive steps IMO.

18/06/2005, 2:19 AM
Liam, just out of curiosity, why are you so much into the Burmese problems ? Not criticising it, on the contrary - but most people don't look further than Palestina...

Green Tribe
18/06/2005, 1:15 PM
Liam, just out of curiosity, why are you so much into the Burmese problems ? Not criticising it, on the contrary - but most people don't look further than Palestina...

His family are from Burma/Ireland. :rolleyes: :D :D Jesus, pay attention Gerrit... ;)

Proud that half my family are from Ireland, half from Burma!
We will free Burma!
We will destroy Total Oil!

18/06/2005, 7:41 PM
Liam, just out of curiosity, why are you so much into the Burmese problems ? Not criticising it, on the contrary - but most people don't look further than Palestina...

Yeah as KT said my Dad is Burma (mum is Irish). Because my dad's family was not fully Burmese, was rich and was Catholic, when the Junta came to power they decided to kill my grandad (God bless his soul). With the army standing at the end of the streets and armed agents (unsubtley) trailing my grandad my family went into hiding. Becuase my dad had been born just before Burma became independent him and all my aunts and uncles as well as my granny and grandad had British passports and so could leave get into Britain quite easily. So they found a flight and escaped while the police and army ransacked the family home. They all made it out safely (including my grandad :) ) although some had to go to Australia as it was the only flights they could get. A few stayed and now work with the NLD and underground groups raising money for the NLD.
Shame that after fighting for the British army during the war and being at big embassy dinners and things after it when my family came to England they were "just more refugee's".
The junta are scum and i'm so sad that Burma was not free before my grandad died. Just before he died he sent a lot of money to the NLD. He didn't know if it had arrived.....it did-the letter of extreme thanks came back from his cousin a few weeks after he died. I owe it to him and my dad to see that Burma is free once more.

18/06/2005, 10:43 PM
:) REM to dedicate a song to him in their show tomorow night......its live on RTE and will go out across ASIA too... :)


18/06/2005, 10:51 PM
:) REM to dedicate a song to him in their show tomorow night......its live on RTE and will go out across ASIA too... :)


Good link!
(you accidentalyl typed him instead of her-no matter)

Here is a picture from Friday-it's My brother Sean and my Burmese friend NAy Lin Phyo and me with the flag we made :)

18/06/2005, 10:52 PM
ar phot won't upload! hopefully may be in papers though :)

18/06/2005, 11:54 PM
Have you ever visited Burma ?

Well, nice that you actively care to solve the problem. Many people talk in shame about Palestina and Czeczenia, but don't know what's going on in some other countries.

19/06/2005, 11:31 PM
Check out John Pilger's website: www.johnpilger.com

alot of articles on Burma.

20/06/2005, 7:35 AM
Have you ever visited Burma ?

No-two main reasons really. One is that when you go to Burma you need to go where the junta says when the junta says (so it wouldn't really be seeing Burma) while, more importantly, all the facilities you use will have been built by child slaves, gaurded by child soldiers and all the money you spend props up the regime. Aung Sung Suu Kyi has asked everyone to boycott visiting Burma and 70 celeberaties including Tony Blair have vowed not to go.
Secondly is the fact that my family support the NLD financially and activley. This leaves us pretty vulnerable if we go out there. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind going to prison for the cause of Burmese democracy but going on a visit and getting arrested at the airport because of our family won't help anybody.

You are right about people not knowing about Burma to. I'm glad of the press coverage this weekend but it's just not cositent. The regime has be brutalising the Burmese people for 40 years. The 8/8/88 massacre made Tieneman sqaure look like a family day out but still so many people don't even know where Burma is-it's unbelivable. Spreading the word is a very important part of the struggle for democracy.

20/06/2005, 7:37 AM
Check out John Pilger's website: www.johnpilger.com

alot of articles on Burma.

Cheers for the link-good stuff.
Guys it's still not to late to send Aung Sung Suu Kyi a birthday card! LEt the regime feel the pressure