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15/03/2002, 1:32 PM
Nice one lads! *getting all patriotic*

15/03/2002, 1:44 PM

15/03/2002, 2:19 PM
oh you oirish guys crack me up!

mmaaaaaaaaaaaan you guys are like so funny, with your leepreeechians, ok i'm off to do some irish dancing at the crossroads, listen to foster and allen drink some guinnes and eat some bacon and cabbage...

and its only 10.30am

15/03/2002, 3:03 PM
$%^$%^%in yank!


15/03/2002, 3:34 PM
Yeah James, fsck off back to where you came from!

Oh, hang on, that's here, isn't it? Nnnooooooo!


A face
15/03/2002, 5:03 PM
See if you can catch the Leprechauns (http://www.billybear4kids.com/holidays/stpatty/catchme/mlink.htm)

15/03/2002, 5:06 PM
I reckon Face should be banned for a week after that.


15/03/2002, 5:16 PM
Originally posted by Vetinari
I reckon Face should be banned for a week after that.


how 'bout a month :rolleyes:

A face
16/03/2002, 11:54 AM
with one condition ..... Who ever catches the Leprechaun can ban me. Sounds fair to me.

Top of the mornin' to ya lads, be de hoocky .... sure isn't just grand !! :D :D

16/03/2002, 11:58 AM
i just caught him!!!


16/03/2002, 1:06 PM
the germans have a bizarre attitude to paddys day. its somewhere halfway between the Irish attitude and the Oirish-american attitude. I.e. they want to drink guinness but not very much and listen to diddly-idle music, but other music as well. strange people.

16/03/2002, 1:20 PM
Well here in wales its a load of sh!te. Swansea has 2 irish Bars.(1 being gay so thats ruled out) and the other is like a giant ad for guiness and fiddles! i suppose thats what its all about but its a bit stereotypical!

Right....off for some irish dancing and a flesdh ceol with my ginger wig and half a field of shamrock on me coat!

16/03/2002, 1:35 PM
Is there a pub in Swansea called the Black Bush? It's got TV's[1] all over the shop?


[1] Televisions!

16/03/2002, 1:43 PM
I think the one your talking about is now called the walkabout( aussie chain) its huge, and has 5 big screens and about 25 small(but still big) screens. Its superb for sport as everything is on! just pick your tv! Its where the Irish meet for Rugby/soccer internationals!

16/03/2002, 1:51 PM
That might be it. A few of us went on a pub crawl to Swansea a few years back, on the ferry. Drank all the way there, drank all the way back. Nearly missed the ferry on the way back too. That pub was great, we stayed in there most of the first day.


16/03/2002, 1:54 PM
Theres a street called Wind Street (pronouced "wine" for some reason) thats on it, as well as about 30 other absolute class pubs and clubs....superb atmosphere at night!

Shame about the rest of the town. right off to the vetch! Swansea V Mansfield....its ten feet outside my door!

09/04/2002, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Pablo
Swansea has 2 irish Bars.(1 being gay so thats ruled out)

hmm gay irish bars.. do i notice a theme here, not unlike a certain irish bar in gdanske..


09/04/2002, 11:27 AM
A painfull memory James?