View Full Version : New GTA

08/06/2005, 12:19 PM
If Rockstar bring out a new GTA(which they probably will) what would ye all like to see in the game? Just out of interest.

08/06/2005, 1:20 PM
Better graphics, a few less bugs, better camera movement...

But as for game content it's hard to know. Maybe split-screen multiplayer or online play where you could play as a group of people.

San Andreas has so much functionality it's hard to think of anything new to add.

28/06/2005, 11:38 AM
It could to with a completely new graphics engine to revamp the game! The one they are using is the same one since GTA3 with just improved textures and its getting a tad outdated now... and maybe an even bigger map!!! :rolleyes:

28/06/2005, 2:11 PM
What about GTA........... WORLD

28/06/2005, 3:20 PM
Maybe the ability to change between cities, à la Driver. Would make the game longer (think they're a bit short at the minute). Could even go with real cities, like Driver.
Would love to see an Irish city in it....but that's just dreaming. :(

31/07/2005, 8:26 PM
I wouldn't like real cities, they're better when they can let their creativity come up with whatever they want to suit each mission rather then worrying about getting everything accurate.

More variety in the missions and some kind of multiplayer would be the two big ones, they can hardly make it any bigger anyway.

Tony Montana
14/08/2005, 3:49 PM
Do a GTA Dublin game where you play a character called Johno or Madser and you can go to various parts of the city like Springfield and throw bricks at buses or if you go around Parnell St. there's big Triad gangs with machetes that attack you.Also have a speech button that says things like "Wadeye BLEEDIN looking ah?" and "I'll knock the b****x oudda ye,ye windy lookin get".Rockstar,get your finger out! :)