View Full Version : Today I'm ashamed to be Irish

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05/06/2005, 1:25 PM
after what went on last nite

The filth and abuse showered on fellow football supporters that travelled half the globe to be here was a disgrace
Outside murrays last nite and gangs of "Irish" fans hurling abuse at the passing isrealis.

Palestine flag waving was bad enough,but chanting Murderers at them ( glass houses concept was lost on them ) but to have gangs of irish fans giving nazi salutes at them made me cringe

And as for our supposed "official supporters club", 2 of them ,dressed in their official black t-shirts ,hurling pints of stout at people walking past.I never came as close in my life to hitting someone as I did at that moment

For years ,away fans have strived to show that we are the best fans to travel, we enjoy ourselves,have a party etc etc .Last night detroyed that concept of Ireland fans being special, we are now as bad as The English

we went to Isreal and were treated with respect ,had a great beach party and a enjoyable few days ,How would people have felt if isreal supporters had lined the streets ,hurling beer at us ,calling us murderers while waving union jacks on our faces ?????????

Because that is exactly what "Irish people " did last night

05/06/2005, 1:34 PM
Murrays is usually a good place too! But sure what can you do. Although after the match i was so angry i probably would have been shouting the same things. Its the late kick-offs. Everyone is ****ed!

Duncan Gardner
05/06/2005, 1:42 PM
But sure what can you do. Although after the match i was so angry i probably would have been shouting the same things. Its the late kick-offs. Everyone is ****ed!

You could condemn the incidents mentioned- nobody really thinks they're representative of fans as a whole- instead of offering weak excuses for them.

05/06/2005, 1:49 PM
I dont agree with what the fans were puting forward just the totally wrong place to do it and totally the wrong way to do it. If you probably asked half of them why they were holding palestine flags they would not be able to tell you. Thats what annoys me more, especially seeing as we are meant to be the best supporters in the world. I have never been abused when at an away match so I totally condemn it!

Don Vito
05/06/2005, 1:55 PM
Some of the people handing out the Palestinian flags really p!ssed me off, one followed me down the street trying force me to take a flag. Why mix politics and football? There was a serious knob in the West Stand beside me shouting "come on the PLO" at the Israeli keeper as he came off, same sort of knob who wears a Celtic jersey to an Ireland match.

05/06/2005, 1:57 PM
You could condemn the incidents mentioned- nobody really thinks they're representative of fans as a whole- instead of offering weak excuses for them.
Agreed !

Saying that drink or the performance was the cause is pathetic-this was happening at 6pm
I told 3 cork city fans that they were letting our club down by doing it ,and they couldn't give a sh!te ,they kept doing it
In the ground,a bray fan,2 rovers fans and a bohs fan stood there giving nazi salutes-stewards and cops came from all over the place and stood on front of us because of these scumbags
Considering some of the republican songs that these people were singing ,the irony of them shouting murderers at the isreali people was astounding
I generally dislike watching Ireland games at home because of the crowds ,the away crowd is always a better craic,and are more pssionate fans , but last night,for the first time in my life ,I felt really ashamed to be of the same nationality as these people

05/06/2005, 2:08 PM
no one around tried to stop it. It's sad, you are right, especially after the warm welcome the irish got in TA. What surprises me even more that no one here even has the "courage" to comment this thread and say-i agree. Even before the match, when i've seen people here concentrating on how to protest against the israelis, instead of concentrating on the game.
And the result-at tie, at home. As far as the way you played, you deserved to win. But as far as being a good sports, i think a lost would have been much more suitable.

05/06/2005, 2:10 PM
same sort of knob who wears a Celtic jersey to an Ireland match.

Here we go...............give it a rest yeah? :D

Glad that this was a minority of fans. I shouted some stuff I shouldn't have butluckily was only at the tv. Hope the fans who did this are trully sorry-it was unacceptable and we are better than that.......and will be better than that in Germany ;)

05/06/2005, 2:23 PM
Here we go...............give it a rest yeah? :D

Glad that this was a minority of fans. I shouted some stuff I shouldn't have butluckily was only at the tv. Hope the fans who did this are trully sorry-it was unacceptable and we are better than that.......and will be better than that in Germany ;)

if you watched it on tv ,then don't take this the wrong way ,but you are commenting on something that you havn't seen or heard .It was more than the trapsed out lines of "minority".thats generally trotted out to discredit the numbers of people .There was a hellova lot of people doing this -And I was just outside murrays , can't imagine what the numbers would have been on other parts of the ground but freinds elsewhere told me similar stories
I woke up this morning with a hangover,annoyed over the fumblings of kerr , but it was the memory of our supposed fans that hurts more than anything

It was people of all different clubs, I was in the EL section and there were bohs,rovers,celtic,cork city,bray,shels and countless other EL shirted fans doing this
Outside the ground pre game was even worse

05/06/2005, 2:29 PM
if you watched it on tv ,then don't take this the wrong way ,but you are commenting on something that you havn't seen or heard .It was more than the trapsed out lines of "minority".thats generally trotted out to discredit the numbers of people .There was a hellova lot of people doing this -And I was just outside murrays , can't imagine what the numbers would have been on other parts of the ground but freinds elsewhere told me similar stories
I woke up this morning with a hangover,annoyed over the fumblings of kerr , but it was the memory of our supposed fans that hurts more than anything

It was people of all different clubs, I was in the EL section and there were bohs,rovers,celtic,cork city,bray,shels and countless other EL shirted fans doing this
Outside the ground pre game was even worse

Fair juice mate I get what your saying-obviously actually being there your going to see more of it. Sad news and hope it won't happen again.

Plastic Paddy
05/06/2005, 3:00 PM
no one around tried to stop it. It's sad, you are right, especially after the warm welcome the irish got in TA. What surprises me even more that no one here even has the "courage" to comment this thread and say-i agree. Even before the match, when i've seen people here concentrating on how to protest against the israelis, instead of concentrating on the game.

Instead of trolling elsewhere, why didn't you just come out and say that this was going on? If that's why you're trying to stir things up, then I understand your grievance, but there's more constructive ways of making your point than trying to flame other board users.

:ball: PP

05/06/2005, 3:05 PM
we are now as bad as The English

I'm sorry, but we are not and will never be, as bad as the English in terms of football hooligans.

05/06/2005, 3:09 PM
I was afraid this would happen. The requests for bearing Palestine flags was making me feel worried in advance, half of the people accepting the flag probably did it with the intention of just hurting the Israeli players and fans. I'm glad I sticked to my choice of going to Windsor instead of paying way too much money for a second hand ticket to the Israel game. I would probably just feel ashamed to be in that public...

It was expectable this would happen. Happens everywhere. Back in my native Belgium, people in the public were making Hitler salutes during a Futsal game vs Israel. And in Holland several times fans were banned from the ground when insulting Ajax fans because of the many Jewish signs on their banners...

Everywhere Israel comes, this is happening. The world has not learnt from its disastrous past. I won't comment on the situation in Palestina, I'll leave that for politics forums, but to take the blame on Israeli citizens who are not to blame is unacceptable. Those who really have a problem with the war should point their flags towards the Israeli/Palestinian governments, and leave the innocent citizens in peace when watching a football game.

05/06/2005, 3:13 PM
same sort of knob who wears a Celtic jersey to an Ireland match.

If you look across the stand there are nearly more Celtic jerseys than green ones :rolleyes:

There was a serious knob in the West Stand beside me shouting "come on the PLO" at the Israeli keeper as he came off, .
fukin idiots like that should stay at home

05/06/2005, 3:17 PM
I'm sorry, but we are not and will never be, as bad as the English in terms of football hooligans.

That was hooliganism last nite - what else do you call 2 scumbags throwing pints of ber at passing fans ??? is that not inciting trouble ????deny it or stay in your shell or stick,your fingers in your ears ,all you are doing is denying it to yourself.Any decent football supporter that was there last night could see it .English fans make nazi salutes at opposition fans,madrid fans did the same, no we are doing it .The only difference is RTE didn't bother putting their cameras on it to show everyone apparently

05/06/2005, 3:20 PM
That was hooliganism last nite - what else do you call 2 scumbags throwing pints of ber at passing fans ???

A typical night out in Dublin(or any other city for that matter).

05/06/2005, 3:25 PM
A typical night out in Dublin(or any other city for that matter).

Yeah I agree- every friday night i stand outside my boozer singin wheres yer f**eskin gone,while dressed in black makin nazi salutes, throwin pints of stout over women and kids walking past all the while calling them murderers (depite my own country's history) and I feel big about myself for doing it.........think I'll avoid sligo if thats your idea of a good nite out

05/06/2005, 3:32 PM
Yeah I agree- every friday night i stand outside my boozer singin wheres yer f**eskin gone,while dressed in black makin nazi salutes, throwin pints of stout over women and kids walking past all the while calling them murderers (depite my own country's history) and I feel big about myself for doing it.........think I'll avoid sligo if thats your idea of a good nite out

First of all I didnt say it was a good night out, I said it was a typical night out in any city. Second, there is scumbags everywhere, and this is what they do every night of the week, just last night they got Israel fans and you did'nt like it(either would I for that matter). But if you were out on the town are you telling me you dont see the scumbags abusing other Irish people? You just felt you had to say something because it was the Israelis that were been abused. But as I've said this happens every night of the week to Irish people, been attacked for no reason, I'm not saying it's right, but it's reality.

05/06/2005, 3:41 PM
First of all I didnt say it was a good night out, I said it was a typical night out in any city. Second, there is scumbags everywhere, and this is what they do every night of the week, just last night they got Israel fans and you did'nt like it(either would I for that matter). But if you were out on the town are you telling me you dont see the scumbags abusing other Irish people? You just felt you had to say something because it was the Israelis that were been abused. But as I've said this happens every night of the week to Irish people, been attacked for no reason, I'm not saying it's right, but it's reality.

Heres a list of things I've never seen outside my boozer
1. people en masse making NAZI salutes at passing men women and kids
2. People throwing pints at women and kids on the opposite side of the street
3.People screaming murderers at passing men,women and kids
4 people bringing plo flags to a pub to wave at any isrealis that may fly in for the nite for a pint

what happens in pubs or towns around the country has absoloutly nothing whatsoever to do with what went on last nite .ALL of this was directed at a race of people,based on nonsical ideals by people who didn't know what they wer actually protesting at

05/06/2005, 4:44 PM
I'm disgusted to hear about what happened outside Murrays. I have a bad feeling that there were probably many more incidents.

I was embarrassed last night at the amount of Palistinian flags at Lansdowne. I'm not so much annoyed with the people who were handing out the flags outside the groound, at least these people may have an axe to grind with Israel or have at least done their research and anyway their presence was a legitimate protest. As for the fans inside the ground who displyed the palistinian colours, well that's just plain immaturity and ignorance. As someone else said it's akin to the Israelis parading union jacks.

Sure I was angry last night at the Israeli team, I booed them off at the end especially their goalkeeper, but this was down to football reasons I felt they spoilt the game. But if any other team had acted like that I would have done the same.

What sickens me ultimately is the abused that the Israeli fans received. I was in the West stand upper and when the Irish fans were exiting at the left hand side of the West stand looking over the Israeli fans in the North terrace some Irish fans were giving them the two fingers salute and again shoving palistinian flags in their face. The Israeli fans responded by waving their own flag and giving the peace sign.

When it comes to the middle east I sympathise with the Palistinian people because of the behaviour of the Israeli government (Sharon is a ******) and army. Historically as a nation we understand what it's like to suffer at the hands of injustice. However the situatiom is extremely complex. The Israeli people have suffered too, just think of horrific suicide bombings that occur and of the innocent lives lost. I'm not sure if the Irish fan waving palistinian flags last night are aware of the great peace movement that exist among a lot of progressive Israelis who yearn for peace and justice for all. Ironically the Israeli fans & players last night at Lansdowne road may have and more than likely be of this mindframe.

05/06/2005, 6:03 PM
At the game itself I thought the Israeli anthem was respected by 95% of the fans and I thought our Taoiseach Bertie Ahern got more boos than any Israeli, barring their actor in goal.

There are biggoted yobs in every country. If you say there were 60 out of 38,000 abusing Israeli fans outside pubs then that is 60 too many but to compare our fans' actions to the thousands of English supporters who go on the rampage is not a fair comparison. I've seen these in action in Cologne, Stuttgart and Dublin and it's not a minority - the behaviour of the majority is desperate.

It is terrible that some Israeli fans were abused but their actions are not representative of 95% of the fans.

Poor Student
05/06/2005, 6:16 PM
I didn't hear or see any of this myself. I did feel the Palestinian flags and handouts were being forced at me when I tried to enter the ground. Quite annoying. I did feel for the small bands of Israelis I saw when I could see a large group of people waving Palestinian flags ahead of them. It's not very welcoming for our guests who may have no or similar views on the conflict to those even waving the flags. For all we know they've lost loved ones to the conflict. I understand they were very nice to us when we were there. I think a combination of factors combined including people with certain political opinions, lots of alcohol and frustration at the game. None of which make any of this acceptable. What can you say? There's a large amount of fecking idiots in this country who can ruin the reputation of a group of people 1000 times or more their size.

05/06/2005, 7:26 PM
I was in outside Murray's myself but maybe for only half an hour or so. I saw a group of fupping knacker tossers down the road from Murray's more nearer the spar shouting stuff and actin like they do. Lady went by on a bike in a short skirt and there was a few cat calls but it wasn't that harsh. then I did walk past one fella who was ''screamin where's your fore skin gone? at some israeli fans'' made me feel ill but it makes me more ill now knowin I didn't tell him to shut up. However he was with ten or so dutch gold drinkers who looked like the ran into walls for a livin and I was on me toblerone at the time. There was as seems to be on occasion some ''black ******* comments'' made towards clinton. and a few other occasions where we let ourselves down. I just few bad for the Israeli cos they made such an effort for us. However having said that if that team and that ***** of a keeper is a justifyable representaion of the people and they are not ashamed of that well then I couldn't give a damn. Poor show by us last night I felt and I don't mean on the pitch. Seeing people with Palastinian flags who obviously didn't know the significance of one...................Best fans in the world we are not.

05/06/2005, 11:16 PM
was there as well and it was a gisgrace..lot of city fans involved as well. these fans travelled a long way for a football match. nothing more, nothing less.

funniest part of all was seeing a rovers fan in the ground waving a palestinian flag with an isreal flag around his neck :rolleyes:

these fans that were given the height of abuse are the same as all of us...football fans.

those involved should be ashamed

05/06/2005, 11:20 PM
look lets look at this rationally .. people were disgusted after game ****ed off with the israeli goalie , prob a few who had too many and took it out on the easy targets the israelis ... not to be condoned but to say im ashamed to be irish is going to far .. oh we are all holier than though on this site arent we ... ffs have you never had one of those nights were you do stupid things not thinking of the meaning ....

05/06/2005, 11:33 PM
look lets look at this rationally .. people were disgusted after game ****ed off with the israeli goalie , prob a few who had too many and took it out on the easy targets the israelis

this all happened before the game

05/06/2005, 11:33 PM
the level of abuse last night directed at the Israeli supporters was worse than i have ever witnessed in an Irish stadium. To call it disgraceful is an understatement. Redgav your account of what happened outside Murrays and in the stadium was 100% correct. I fully agree with you, i too was ashamed to be Irish.

i was seated in the north stand and if some of the "salutes" of the so called irsih supporters wer caught on camera then it is quite possible that ireland could be at the centre of a major FIFA inquiry. If a fan in England shouted racist abuse or made nazi salutes (as happened on numerous occasions yesterday) than that fan would be kicked out of the stadium straight away and wouldnt be allowed return for a long time.

There is no doubt that as ever the majority of fans were well behaved. but that is simply no where near good enough. Surely we as a nation should expect higher standards than that.

And lads for f£$k sake using the fact that fans were ****ed out of the brains is no excuse.

Finally if anyone is wondering i was seated in the North Stand buckets on the west stand side right beside a bunch of bohs supporters. i trust amd hope that they are not representative of the majority of Bohs fans.

05/06/2005, 11:41 PM
I'm appalled to read of that behaviour.

Every country has its pond life - didn't an Israeli journalist say a few weeks ago that Behar FC fans have an infamous reputation for racism and that Arab players were booed when they played for Israel?

We have scum, they have them, how do we rid the game of these scum - many are banned etc but like bacteria they seem to breed.

A few years ago 100,000 people marched in Israel for peace. I'm certain that many of the Israeli fans in Landsdowne were in that 100,000. Needless to say, the media in general (exceptions Guardian/UK Independent) took little notice of that march.

Yeah, I've probably done more stupud things in my time that the rest of you combined but thank God racism han't contaminated me or my friends would have thunped me if I said anything racist.

Don't knock yourself about lads for not protesting that behavior as much as you think you should have - no point in getting your head kicked in.

Personally, I would have gone to the Gardai but would they have done anything about it??????????????

I'm so depressed that we have "fans" that behaved like that.

PS I'm not boasting but I'd be thick enough to go over to the Isareli fans and shake as many hands as possible - I did soemthing similar before in a club situation and suffered the consequences.

06/06/2005, 1:59 AM
look lets look at this rationally .. people were disgusted after game ****ed off with the israeli goalie , prob a few who had too many and took it out on the easy targets the israelis ... not to be condoned but to say im ashamed to be irish is going to far .. oh we are all holier than though on this site arent we ... ffs have you never had one of those nights were you do stupid things not thinking of the meaning ....

I take it from that insane comment of yours that you were comfortably watching the game from a nice cosy bar stool then ??? this occured 2 hours before kick off ,and might I add, while the isrealie fans were singin "we love you ireland we do "

Holier than tho my ar$e ,any decent football fan there lat nite was disgusted

06/06/2005, 7:30 AM
Lads, it's only right to call it like it was ... pure bigotry and racism!! :(

Of course these guys are less that 1% of fans, and they can't even be called 'proper fans', but they do exist and we have to acknowledge that if we want to combat it. Quite simply we cannot claim the title as worlds best fans if these sort of louts exist. It's irrelevant that other countries may have bigger problems (ahem ... England), the point is we DO have this problem (this is not the only incident remember) and it needs to be stamped out.
I hope next time such a thing happens real Irish fans present will show their true colours and align themselves with the visiting fans!!

True fans of ROI take back the name of Worlds Best Fans! :D

The Bit O'Red
06/06/2005, 11:25 AM
If you look across the stand there are nearly more Celtic jerseys than green ones :rolleyes:

fukin idiots like that should stay at home

Agreed Flea, the blade 2 all-round Celtic jersey wearing brigade should have been over in Glasgow cheering on Scotlands win if they want to wear those colours. I saw some incident outside Murrays too with some knackers shouting 'PLO' at passing israeli supporters. Somehow I don't think that those lads had studied/researched their middle east history/politics all too much. In fairness though it was a minority and I did see some of the NLSA telling them to shut up and cop on which nearly started a fight.

Inside the stadium there was a young lad (fairly pished) who from the minute israel scored kept shouting 'fcuk off u jewish kunts' every two minutes. I eventually had enough and told him to shut the fcuk up, I think that he was just about to start abusing me when one of the Derry lads behind me said the same thing to him (gave him a bit of stick about his train-tracks i think!). That shut him up for most of the game but he started again at the end and then started abusing other Irish supported whenever they turned to look where the racism was coming from.

These people obviously have no respect for themselves, their clubs (this was in the Eircom league section) or their country. Hard men wannabies. And what about the stewards or the Gardai? You can't tell me that they didn't hear some of it. Were any arrests made or people removed from the stadium? I doubt it.

06/06/2005, 12:02 PM
I'd like to congratulate all those who condemned the evil Zionnist oppressive Regime that descriminates against the Christian and Islamic Palestinian people on a daily basis.

Keep your bull out of Irish soccer!! Football is football, no politics!! :mad:

06/06/2005, 12:14 PM
Nonsense. The Israelis disgustingly use football as a political tool to give them some veiled credence as a nation.

I couldn't care less what the Israelis do. We're not Israeli. We have to be above all that sh1t. There are ways of making political points, it should not be done as part of a soccer game.

06/06/2005, 12:17 PM
Keep your bull out of Irish soccer!! Football is football, no politics!! :mad:

Hear, Hear. And no matter what your political beliefs we should all be disgusted at the behaviour described above. No matter how small the minority the fact that men, women and children were racially abused and attacked is horrific.

I'm not really surprised because yob culture has been on the rise in Ireland for some time and ordinary decent citizens are too scared to stand up to the thugs.

06/06/2005, 1:30 PM
I take it from that insane comment of yours that you were comfortably watching the game from a nice cosy bar stool then ??? this occured 2 hours before kick off ,and might I add, while the isrealie fans were singin "we love you ireland we do "

Holier than tho my ar$e ,any decent football fan there lat nite was disgusted

yeah a nice cosy bar stool on the south terrace.. sorry didnt realise it was before game but politics should not be brought into football and those that put those posters up for there march should the ones feeling more guilty than those who made some comments ..

06/06/2005, 1:41 PM
I'd like to congratulate all those who condemned the evil Zionnist oppressive Regime that descriminates against the Christian and Islamic Palestinian people on a daily basis.

I proudly flew my Palestinian flag on the night and am only soirry more did not do likewise.

It sadly shows the lack of moral courage in Ireland today...

I was infuriated by the performance of the Israeli team. But this infuriates me more.

I was having a few beers in Beggar's Bush with a few mates before the game. There were a few Israeli lads (let me clarify, very dark-haired sallow-skinned Londoners all wearing Israeli shirts) having drinks beside us. The atmosphere was great, everyone was getting along. The Israeli team went by in the coach, we had a laugh with the fans, that was that.

Then some lads turned up with Palestinian flags and posters, stood on the opposite side of the road and starting waving their flags and roaring at them. Obviously, there was trouble.

I'm disgusted by so much of what the Israeli government does and would support a peaceful protest, although I feel that the Israeli embassy is a more suitable location. This wasn't peaceful protest. This was incendiary stuff aimed at inciting Israeli people and it was a f*cking disgrace. Fly your Palestinian flag mate but that's what your associating yourself with.

If you give so much of a toss about it and your full of moral courage, why aren't you protesting outside the embassy right now or why aren't you in the West Bank or East Jerusalem right now protesting with your brethern?

That wasn't a protest, that was a shower of prats looking to wind up Israeli supporters and players. F*ck off with that rubbish.

06/06/2005, 2:58 PM
I'd like to congratulate all those who condemned the evil Zionnist oppressive Regime that descriminates against the Christian and Islamic Palestinian people on a daily basis.

I proudly flew my Palestinian flag on the night and am only soirry more did not do likewise.

It sadly shows the lack of moral courage in Ireland today...
I have no problem with a peaceful protest whatsoever, in fact I fully support it. The problem is that fact that this protest was tarnished by idiots who let not just the protest, but the whole country down in the process.

06/06/2005, 3:17 PM
I was infuriated by the performance of the Israeli team. But this infuriates me more.

I was having a few beers in Beggar's Bush with a few mates before the game. There were a few Israeli lads (let me clarify, very dark-haired sallow-skinned Londoners all wearing Israeli shirts) having drinks beside us. The atmosphere was great, everyone was getting along. The Israeli team went by in the coach, we had a laugh with the fans, that was that.

Then some lads turned up with Palestinian flags and posters, stood on the opposite side of the road and starting waving their flags and roaring at them. Obviously, there was trouble.

I'm disgusted by so much of what the Israeli government does and would support a peaceful protest, although I feel that the Israeli embassy is a more suitable location. This wasn't peaceful protest. This was incendiary stuff aimed at inciting Israeli people and it was a f*cking disgrace. Fly your Palestinian flag mate but that's what your associating yourself with.

If you give so much of a toss about it and your full of moral courage, why aren't you protesting outside the embassy right now or why aren't you in the West Bank or East Jerusalem right now protesting with your brethern?

That wasn't a protest, that was a shower of prats looking to wind up Israeli supporters and players. F*ck off with that rubbish.

Nice post there.

Instead of writing angry letters to the Israeli FA about the goalkeeper, why not writing an angry email to the FAI as well to complain about the behaviour of some people in the stadium ? The FAI should try to clear the supporters mass from these no-goods.

And I agree that the Israeli government hasn't treated the Palestinians that nice (but then was Yasser Arafat such a holy good man ??) but probably the majority of Israelis just want a solution for the conflict as well and live their lifes in peace. Why bothering people with it who probably also don't want to live in war and travel +1000 km to see a sports game in quiet ?
Even if you sympathise with the Palestinians (I do as well, but also understand the Zionist point of view - as stated, it is a very complex problem with two sides that have arguments to claim the land) that doesn't justify bringing on nazi salutes. In Holland I've heard football fans shouting slogans such as "all Jews to the gas chamber" towards Jewish people... They should goddamn be sent to court straight away.

06/06/2005, 3:19 PM
I know nothing of the Beggars Bush incident.
I was however a proud part of the Palestinian falg waving in Landsdowne and wholeheartedly let my abhorance of Zionist opression in Occupied Palestine be known...

Are you palestinain ????
And were you one of those scumbgs making nazi salutes ???

Will you be standing outside the isreali embassy tonite ???
Will you be waving your Chechnian flag next time we play russia ??


06/06/2005, 3:21 PM
I've just checked the Sunday Indo, Monday Indo and Monday Examiner and there is no coverage of Irish fans behaving badly. How widespread was the problem and why is there no coverage?

06/06/2005, 3:24 PM
I know nothing of the Beggars Bush incident.
I was however a proud part of the Palestinian falg waving in Landsdowne and wholeheartedly let my abhorance of Zionist opression in Occupied Palestine be known...

Who do you think you are? Osama? P.O'Neill?

You've been reading too many terrorist press releases.

You are indeed a tosser sir.

Poor Student
06/06/2005, 3:24 PM
Where were you all when China came to town recently? Were there such sizeable protests outside their embassy? Did anyone have Tibetan or Taiwanese symbols? I don't think anyone could argue it was pure jump on the bandwagon stuff. That said I don't think we will see this happen too often as our opponents are one of the countries who will bring out this unique reaction. It's not exactly an ongoing problem to talk of solving is it? It won't rear its head again until we play one of a select few nations.

06/06/2005, 3:27 PM
Israeli keeper, accused of foul play, attacked by fan

Gerry McDermott and Ben Quinn

06 June 2005
Israeli goalkeeper Dudu Awate was attacked in the team's hotel after Saturday night's World Cup qualifier in Lansdowne Road.

A man poured the contents of an ice-bucket over the back of the 27-year-old-goalkeeper as he walked through the lobby of Dublin's Burlington Hotel.

The incident followed a controversial 2-2 draw which angered Irish fans who claimed that the goalkeeper's overacting resulted in defender Andy O'Brien being sent off.

Israel security staff intervened after the player was attacked and it is claimed that punches were thrown in the ensuing melee.

"It was a lunatic who doesn't have anything to do with his life but attack me," journalists were later told by Awate.

It is believed that an Israeli TV crew may even have captured the attack on camera.

A contingent of gardai stationed at the hotel over the weekend as part the security operation are thought to have spoken about the incident with Awate andIsraeli officials.

However, a Garda spokesperson said that there was no record or a complaint being lodged, while a spokesperson for the hotel was also unaware of any complaints.

During the match, which saw Israel come back from two goals down, Awate was both the hero and villain.

He produced a string of saves to prevent Ireland scoring the winning goal but was booked for time-wasting and was involved in the controversial sending off, which the FAI are to appeal.

Television replays showed Awate throwing a punch at O'Brien and then feigning injury when O'Brien turned around to see who had struck him. But Awate, who was booed off the pitch at the end, claimed he was more sinned against than sinner.

"I don't know what the Irish are complaining about. I was the victim. I was punched all through the game," he said.

The President of the Israeli Football Association, Itzhak Menahem, said that they would not be filing an official complaint with soccer's world governing body FIFA. "The Irish people have treated us very well and this was only one supporter," he said.

Meanwhile, political tensions also led to scuffles on Saturday between Israeli fans and some participants in a pro-Palestinian march in Dublin city centre. There was a heavy Garda presence around Lansdowne Road in the run-up to the game

06/06/2005, 3:29 PM
I know nothing of the Beggars Bush incident.
I was however a proud part of the Palestinian falg waving in Landsdowne and wholeheartedly let my abhorance of Zionist opression in Occupied Palestine be known...

It would be more appropriate if idiots like you brought your tricolour flags instead.

As someone said earlier, we like to call ourselves the best fans in the world at big tournaments such as the World Cup Finals. It's sad that a minority has has to spoil that reputation. But what is worse is the racism and anti-semetism directed at the Israeli fans. That is truly shamful.

06/06/2005, 4:34 PM
I know nothing of the Beggars Bush incident.
I was however a proud part of the Palestinian falg waving in Landsdowne and wholeheartedly let my abhorance of Zionist opression in Occupied Palestine be known...

and why were u taking it out on football fans????????/

06/06/2005, 4:37 PM
Roughly how many fans jumped on this 'bandwagon' then? Not just shameful, downright cringeworthy!

06/06/2005, 5:24 PM
Who do you think you are? Osama? P.O'Neill?

You've been reading too many terrorist press releases.

You are indeed a tosser sir.

Seems we have an 'Indo' reader on the board.
Heres a suggestion, why not learn to think for yourself instead of just repeating word for word what you read in the biased and morally bankrupt Irish press or hear your ****ed braindead mates moaning on about the pub on a saturday night.

Green Tribe
06/06/2005, 6:10 PM
Donal, i didn't see any of these eejits taunting the israeli fans before the game. This is really awful to hear this. I was at the stadium quite early and met a few israeli supporters on the way, all singing, having fun, mostly middle-aged people and some with young children, i chatted to a few welcomed them to ireland etc, just how i would like to be treated wherever i would go as a fan. I am horrified to hear what went on outside these pubs :mad: , disgracing our country and our reputation as fans these morons are.

I didn't see the salutes either :mad: , If i had seen anyone saluting i would tell one of the stewards, wouldn't think twice about it. no salutes or nasty comments where i was sitting thank god, but plenty of flags :rolleyes: i said to one wee twerp (obviously brainwashed) "do you not think you should have a flag like mine(irish flag)"? he just smirked, the brat. On the way back to the city centre, a few americans and english tourists stopped me to ask the score, they were nice, tried to cheer me up as they could see i was heart-broken. The only taunting i saw on the way back to the city centre was a few middle-aged irish supporters with a palestinian flag, shouting at israeli fans on the other side of the street, i told them to wise up, you're only looking for a beating..., they told me to f*ck off, charming! a few other teenyboppers were doing the same, but i was too scared to say anything to them as they were taller than me! :o

I did meet a nice israeli fan in my hostel, and he had spent 3 days in ireland already, and he said the people have been more than nice, he really loved dublin and the irish people. he said all the flags and whatever at the game didn't matter to him, but it still made me feel craapy. I had to make sure that he wasn't going back to haifa with a bad opinion of ireland

Green Tribe
06/06/2005, 6:22 PM
I'd like to congratulate all those who condemned the evil Zionnist oppressive Regime that descriminates against the Christian and Islamic Palestinian people on a daily basis.

I proudly flew my Palestinian flag on the night and am only soirry more did not do likewise.

It sadly shows the lack of moral courage in Ireland today...

:mad: :rolleyes: why didn't you concentrate on the main objective of that day, supporting your country in an important game, not hijacking a cause to wind up the israeli fans. You do not deserve to be called an Ireland fan.You're just trying to provoke them, try to cause a fight. I find this behaviour to be very typical of English supporters, wise the hell up!!!!!!!! :mad: I lost respect for Israel on Saturday, this respect I lost was for the team, in particular that excuse for a man Awat. But I would never deliberately try to wind up or provoke opposition fans in the way some did on saturday, grow up!!!!. And i would never disrespect a fan because of their team. I spoke to some afterwards, and they were disgusted at their goalie's actions too, but they were really happy with the result, but i wasn't, we should have won.

06/06/2005, 6:56 PM
I did not see so much as reported, but its so sad that it came to this.I was seated in the South Bucket and some imbecile started shouting 'you fcuking Jewish Cnut ' to the goalkeeper.A bloke from Donegal built like a brickhouse approached him in a calm manner and said 'I am Jewish,have you got a problem with me then' This was the last word that came out of this fools filthy mouth.Apart from this some plastic bottles were also throw on to the field directed at the Israel Keeper,did anyone see this? It's all so embarrassing and if these rejects concentrated on directing their support for the Irish team instead of the sick insults thrown at the Israeli supporters then maybe we could have won the game.Jesus our supporters blow hot and cold during games.