View Full Version : Trust Website

03/06/2005, 11:38 AM
The trust website will be going through a reshuffle through the coming weeks and therefore updates could be limited throughout this time.

The changes being made will allow the site to be updated through a new front end that will always be available online. So future local connectivity problems will no longer affect the website. The problem now is that the website exists on my pc and is changed there and subsequently gets uploaded to the online website. Due to problems with my connection I cannot update the site properly.

The new frontend and website design will enable non-technical admins of the website to post updates and edit content. I think the new layout and content system will improve the site and ensure it can remain consistently updated in the future.

Hopefully the new site will be up and running very soon. In the mean time I will update the exisiting site once i get reconnected to the net.