View Full Version : South Park

02/06/2005, 11:23 PM
I come way behind, but actually it took me until last Sunday evening in a Belfast hotelroom to see an episode of South Park for the first time :eek:

I guess many of you are less out-of-date and have seen all of it before and have seen the hype knowing what they were all talking about... Well, I know it was a hype for a while and never saw an episode, but now that I've actually seen one I wonder what the fuss is about.

The drawings are not very good, the scenario had a few good jokes but the overall storyline was a bit too unrealistic, this Chef character (didn't he have a song once ??) was trying to be funny but obviously failed, and in one scene a young boy hides in the cut-open corpse of his late teacher - not the scene you'd expect in a sitcom watched by children :eek:
The only really funny thing was when some kid wanted to ruin the world somehow but every idea he came up with was dropped as he couldn't think of a single act the Simpsons hadn't come up with before. "Simspons did it ! Simpsons did it !" :D

Apart from that, I don't really get it. I guess everyone likes the show (why else would it get so much viewers ?) but I don't get the funny side of it. This is weird, like someone telling you a very easy joke and you just don't get it...

03/06/2005, 7:55 AM
you are joking you ve never seen it till now , its been on for 9 series and is the best ADULT cartoon on tv miles beter than the simpsons or even family guy .

03/06/2005, 9:11 AM

not the scene you'd expect in a sitcom watched by children :eek:

Apart from that, I don't really get it. I guess everyone likes the show (why else would it get so much viewers ?) but I don't get the funny side of it. This is weird, like someone telling you a very easy joke and you just don't get it...

I think the drawings add to the simple nature of the show. It really shouldn't be watched by kids, hence the crudeness-you're lucky you didn'y catch the sex-change episode !!

I never liked it until recently when a friend gave me copies of seasons 8 + 9. I think much of the humour is in the situations, and how ridiculous these are. For example, someone's testicles being used as knee transplants. :)

The two creators/writers are clearly immature, and that adds to it. I'd still prefer Family Guy, as that is slightly less stupid, and has a better mix of both intelligent and 'fart' humour.

Each to their own, i guess.

03/06/2005, 12:16 PM
the first one was made with bits of paper cut out and each frame shot 24 per 1 second of film .
but now they use the same computors that created jurrasic park , so they can make it and voice it in 5 to 6 days , while the simpsons takes 6 to 7 months .

its the social commentary thats the best like the one where pparis hilton is opening her own shops called "stupid spoit little whore "

Aberdonian Stu
03/06/2005, 12:59 PM
I would rate it behind Family Guy and the Simpsons but it's still great.

Lionel Ritchie
03/06/2005, 3:23 PM
Gerrit. I strongly urge you to head on down your local extravision and check out the Movie 'South Park -Bigger, Longer, Uncut'.

Nothing -but nothing -will prepare you. It's 18's so -seriously -not for kids to be seeing.

Funniest film ever.

Now -not another word from anyone about it til Gerrit sees it.

In fact I'm going home to watch it right now. Bye -ee

04/06/2005, 12:26 AM
It's a little odd to watch the high-quality social satire episodes on South Park right now (the episode with people from the future coming to work in the present was priceless) and compare them with the earliest episode, which were pretty much all fart and dick jokes

Isaac Hayes (the voice of Chef) summed it up when he said "those guys are f*cking geniuses"!

04/06/2005, 12:29 AM
It's a little odd to watch the high-quality social satire episodes on South Park right now (the episode with people from the future coming to work in the present was priceless) and compare them with the earliest episode, which were pretty much all fart and dick jokes

Isaac Hayes (the voice of Chef) summed it up when he said "those guys are f*cking geniuses"!

Yeah, the show changed so much over the years, and unlike most shows, changed for the better. It started off okay, but just got better and better as it went on. The later series are absolutley brilliant, and the film too (and team america too, if that counts).

Basically the oppisate to the simpsons, where the early shows were brilliant, clever political satire, and became completley dumbed down rubbish. The later Simpsons episodes almost made me forget how good it was at its best.

04/06/2005, 1:21 AM
Family Guy is completely unknown to me, but The Simpsons are brilliant IMO. I agree with my fellow Shels fan here though, the latest seasons contained some episodes where the storylines were a bit too much over the top, too unrealistic or just full of forced humor. Still, this changes nothing about the genius humor in the earlier Simpsons seasons: you get the dick and fart jokes (or dick and burp is a better word maybe), but also the more clever humor: satire, irony, it had it all. Homer Simpson is simply hilarious, his remarks work on so many levels. The episodes where he becomes a snow plow man, where he needs a bypass, where he becomes part of Hullabalooza freakshow, where he becomes inventor, where he becomes grease salesman, where he refuses church,... are priceless.

Who is this Chef character in South Park anyway ? I did remember it right, he did have a song in the charts once. "Chocolate salty balls", with a very sleazy lyric if you read between the lines... The song was funny, though would not really play it spontaneously.

04/06/2005, 4:02 AM
Who is this Chef character in South Park anyway ? I did remember it right, he did have a song in the charts once. "Chocolate salty balls", with a very sleazy lyric if you read between the lines... The song was funny, though would not really play it spontaneously.

isaac hayes.
the song was for charity

05/06/2005, 1:20 PM
But what is this Chef's role in South Park ? He didn't do anything but singing some silly songs... Is he working in a restaurant or bar or so ? (aka the Moe Szyslak of South Park ? :) )

05/06/2005, 2:03 PM
chef works in the school canteen.. he's the moral centre of the series, giving advice to the kids and telling them when they're wrong .. he sings the odd tune too...

05/06/2005, 3:03 PM
When Butters got served

I've got something in my front pocket (http://images.southparkstudios.com/media/sounds/805/MYFRONTPOCKET2.wav)