View Full Version : FAI official Website is a joke

02/06/2005, 4:12 PM
The eircom league section has not been updated in 2 months and the the online shop is farcical.

02/06/2005, 4:33 PM
The eircom league section has not been updated in 2 months and the the online shop is farcical.
Did you tell them that?

02/06/2005, 5:11 PM
In case you haven't noticed, it's not just their website that is a joke. The whole ****ing organisation is a joke. :mad:

02/06/2005, 5:46 PM
The eircom league section has not been updated in 2 months and the the online shop is farcical.

You can't actually buy the new away gear on there yet-joke...

02/06/2005, 5:49 PM
You would have thought Delaney could have learned something from Rooney; ie taking this type of thing seriously. :rolleyes:

02/06/2005, 7:07 PM
FAI Press Officer ... fran.whearty@fai.ie

02/06/2005, 8:07 PM
I have to agree with you lads its an absolute joke of a website.
Whats even more annoying is the fact that they went to the bother of relaunching recently. The FAI have spoke at length about making the organisation more professional and yet the website whihc should be a prime promotional tool is completely amateur.

The Eircom League section is particularly bad, and there must be a case for setting up a completely seperate website for the EL. I was on the Irish League website the other day and it was excellent, and is a great advertisement for their league.

On a different note it is good to see the somel EL clubs making a greater effort on their websites. for instance UCD and Bray have both relaunched their websites recently. They are not perfect websites but they are certainly a huge improvement.

02/06/2005, 9:22 PM
as fran said: it "is evidence of the new professionalism within the FAI and of Brian Kerr’s professional approach within the squad."

ok taken slightly out of context ... but i'm sure he made reference to the big site relaunch being part of the integral part of the FAI's new era and 'image' of professional. so nothing actually changed then, just an attempt to dress up the failings a little

03/06/2005, 10:02 AM
I decided to send an e-mail to the FAI today to ask why the Eircom League news had not been updated for a few months. There is a 'contact us' section on the site so I clicked that and it gave me two addresses. info@fai.ie, this sounded too general so I thought 'webmaster@fai.ie would be perfect.

So I compose my mail asking for an explanation, hit send.

30 seconds later e-mail returns with

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

webmaster@fai.ie on 6/3/2005 11:05 AM
The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to.

Typical :confused: :confused: :confused:

03/06/2005, 10:09 AM
and go to the home page and click the picture link near the bottom right
for the Lansdowne Road Stadium Development ...

says it all really

03/06/2005, 10:19 AM
I have to agree with you lads its an absolute joke of a website.

The Eircom League section is particularly bad, and there must be a case for setting up a completely seperate website for the EL. I was on the Irish League website the other day and it was excellent, and is a great advertisement for their league.

Could not agree with you more, the EL should have its own, was very surprised lately to find out that it hasnt.
And ash your dead right, clicking on that landsdowne development link really does say it all.......such a joke of an org, i thought Rooney had them heading in the right direction but now it looks like its back to the same old fai.

03/06/2005, 10:36 AM
Could not agree with you more, the EL should have its own, was very surprised lately to find out that it hasnt.

It does have it's own site
eircomleague.ie (http://www.eircomleague.ie)

Just as good as the FAI one ;)

03/06/2005, 10:50 AM
Surely the FAI have a budget to be able to employ a web developer full time. I bet there are loads of young developers dying for a job esp to do with football. If they can pay themselves big money then they can afford a full time developer. look at any other national organisations website. it makes the FAI look bad. It is an archaeic organisation in truth, must like alot of organisations in Ireland from say the 70's with the old committee style of management. They cannot look beyond the international set-up and if domestic teams in europe do well they hop on the bandwagon.

http://www.irishfa.com/index/ (an ok one but still good)
http://www.fff.fr/ - france
http://www.hns-cff.hr/ (croatia - v good site)
http://www.dfb.de/ - germany
http://www.dbu.dk/ - denmark
http://www.fshf.org/ - albania ffs

A bit of effort goes a long way.

NY Hoop
03/06/2005, 12:45 PM
Try www.irishpremierleague.com

Super site IMO.