View Full Version : What band..

27/05/2005, 5:31 PM
Was reading this week that The Stone Roses are rumoured too be getting back together,wouldn't mind seeing it as they have a bit of unfinished business to do imo,this just got me thinking, as who I'd like to see getting back together for a one off tour.Anyway..I'd love to see The Jam again,somewhere small and indoors.Any other bands you'd like to see reform for a one off?

27/05/2005, 5:35 PM
Well I would of said Pixies, but I got my wish :)
I would say The Clash but Strummer is dead (RIP)
So I guess I always wanted to go to a Smashing Pumpkins gig.

bands I wanted to see, but now someone is dead. Nirvana, Alice in Chains, The Clash.

27/05/2005, 5:38 PM
Billy Corgan is playing Dublin sometime soon,don't know exact date,anyway,first show on tour I think.

27/05/2005, 6:19 PM
Well I would of said Pixies, but I got my wish :)
I would say The Clash but Strummer is dead (RIP)
So I guess I always wanted to go to a Smashing Pumpkins gig.

Same as: Other bands I would like to see reform

The libertines, Rage Against the machine, The Smiths

the 12 th man
27/05/2005, 7:30 PM
The Smiths

morrissey & marr have collaborated on a track for the forthcoming
soundtrack for the ian curtis/joy division film so there's hope for yeh still :)

28/05/2005, 5:05 PM

They did a once-off reunion gig in the US, I collected money to go but didn't get my passport ready in time :( They should really do a new reunion tour (second reunion after their Crackle tour in 1998) or at least give the European fans a once-off goodbye gig as well... Peter Murphy is touring solo right now, so he's too busy, but maybe afterwards ?! He said he would never say no per definition to it, so I have hopes...

With the reunion of the original Black Sabbath line-up I cannot complain anyway.

Would be nice to see Les Pattinson join the Bunnymen again, then all remaining members of my favourite band ever would be united again (too bad Pete De Freitas has passed, RIP)

A Smiths reunion would be nice as well (Marr and Morrissey are still good pals so why not ?!). Virgin Prunes reunion would be nice.

If there'd be a way to raise the dead, I'd love to see Ian Curtis return to our planet and reform Joy Division.

Anto McC
29/05/2005, 12:56 AM
Would love to see Dire Straits get back together,i was at the Mark Knopfler gig in the Point the other night and very suprised at how good it was.

29/05/2005, 10:09 PM
Would love to see Dire Straits get back together,i was at the Mark Knopfler gig in the Point the other night and very suprised at how good it was.

I think it was the Notting Hillbillies said it" He'll go his own sweet his own sweet way!" :D

29/05/2005, 10:46 PM
Any other bands you'd like to see reform for a one off?
Parliament-Funkadelic or the JB's but I guess they'd be too old. :o

29/05/2005, 11:28 PM
Stone Roses

29/05/2005, 11:44 PM
Thin Lizzy-but I cant cos their lead singer(Philip Lynott-R.I.P.) is dead, obviously :rolleyes:.


The old Westlife, the one with Brian McFadden :p :D :D

30/05/2005, 1:51 AM
morrissey & marr have collaborated on a track for the forthcoming
soundtrack for the ian curtis/joy division film so there's hope for yeh still :)

Cool :D

30/05/2005, 8:32 AM
morrissey & marr have collaborated on a track for the forthcoming
soundtrack for the ian curtis/joy division film so there's hope for yeh still :)

Big step, but getting Moz into a room with the other two will be a major achievement. Would still love to see it though.

The Smiths
The Stone Roses
The Jam
Spaceman 3
The Blades

There has been a lot lately, like of the Pixies and the Wedding Present (if only in name)
Looking forward to the Tears album, a reunion of sorts.

Lionel Ritchie
30/05/2005, 9:16 AM
A Smiths reunion would be nice as well (Marr and Morrissey are still good pals so why not ?!). :D oh where do I start?

Dunno if I'd call Morrissey and Marr "good pals" and I'm very (pleasantly) surprised about their collaborating for a track on the Ian Curtis soundtrack. The only thing they'd previously collaborated on since The Smiths broke up in mid 87 was defending a class action taken by drummer Mike Joyce.

The whole thing was very sinister. After years of presenting this four-piece (and briefly 5-piece line up when Craig Gannon joined) line-up as "The Smiths" Morrissey and Marr claimed that they alone were legally The Smiths and that the other two were hired side men. A nasty thing IMO to spring on Joyce and Rourke after the fact notwithstanding the fact that Morrissey and Marr wrote all the songs.

They'd have been better off striking a fair deal with Joyce and Rourke because the judge came down on Mike Joyces side (Rourke settled for a one off payment of around 75.000 STG some time before the judges ruling) and in fact gave Joyce probably considerably more than he deserved.

If there is any "Smiths re-union" I find it very difficult to see it featuring the original rhythm section of Joyce and Rourke with all that poison in the mix.

30/05/2005, 10:04 AM
Faith No More