View Full Version : 5 Teenage Girls killed in bus crash in Meath

23/05/2005, 6:12 PM
Praying for them and all involved


23/05/2005, 6:14 PM
Just beat me to it Liam. RIP, terrible, terrible tragedy.

Green Tribe
23/05/2005, 6:19 PM
Awful, awful, just heard it on the radio, didn't get many details, but once i heard schoolbus and crash, my heart sunk. Tragedy when anyone dies on the roads, but when schoolchildren are involved it makes it especially sad.... :(

RIP, sympathies to the families, i can imagine they will be devasted and heartbroken :( :(

23/05/2005, 6:24 PM
What a terrible tragedy indeed. Just heard about it.
May they all rest in peace.

23/05/2005, 6:32 PM
when schoolchildren are involved it makes it especially sad.... :(

Totally-the trauma suffered by the survivors is just incomparable to anything I'd say. Again, RIP and my sympathies to anyone involved in any way with this crash.

23/05/2005, 6:52 PM
sorry not aadding numbers but my god this must have been the worstt year.
anyone know how it happened?

horrible horrible. :( :(

23/05/2005, 6:52 PM
Know that road well and will chat to Meath relations to check if any of family involved. Jesus, I hope not.
My condolences to families.

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 6:56 PM
I am bloody sick of hearing road fatalities this year. And I don't mean I'd like to be oblivious I'm just disgusted we're losing so many lives. Scantest consolation as it would be to the families of those involved, I hope it is not due to some negligence or carelessness this time. May they rest in peace. Truely awful.

23/05/2005, 6:58 PM
I am bloody sick of hearing road fatalities this year. And I don't mean I'd like to be oblivious I'm just disgusted we're losing so many lives. Scantest consolation as it would be to the families of those involved, I hope it is not due to some negligence or carelessness this time. May they rest in peace. Truely awful.
hear hear. awful news. RIP

23/05/2005, 7:26 PM
Very sad and depressing news, my prayers and thoughts with those involved and their families. I read that there were roadworks in the area, may or may not have contributed. :(

23/05/2005, 7:44 PM
Just beat me to it Liam. RIP, terrible, terrible tragedy.
Put's us arguing into perspective hey........and to think we're worrying about exams and work when this happens-God bless them; Sirhamish-praying that your family arn't involved mate.

23/05/2005, 8:02 PM
That is just awful. They did nothign wrong, they were just coming home from school. Its such a sad waste.

23/05/2005, 8:52 PM
Terrible news. R.I.P. :(

23/05/2005, 9:16 PM
just heard the news, another 6 are SERIOUSLLY injured, hate to say this but saw the bus as well it looked like it only over turned once, and that id say most werent wearing seat belts and that a few must have hit/crushed others. it was on the main stretch as well, we do often take that back way home, and its bendy before that, but not where the bus overturned, so its horrible, but its even more horrible to think that this could have been prevented had they been wearing seat belts.

again im not trying to defect from it, some of those buses might not even be kitted with seat belts.

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 9:21 PM
Eh, I've never ridden Bus Eireann, do they ever have seat belts? Dublin Bus don't have any but perhaps only buses within cities don't.

23/05/2005, 9:26 PM
well if it cost money then probably not, but then again would ye wear it on a bus especially school kids?

i know for one i shall start to wear them as i have found that a lot of bus drivers drive very fast, not saying that thats the reason again btw.

Green Tribe
23/05/2005, 9:32 PM
Eh, I've never ridden Bus Eireann, do they ever have seat belts? Dublin Bus don't have any but perhaps only buses within cities don't.

not sure,been a while since i have been on bus eireann, but in the north ulsterbus/translink, on the goldliners buses they have seatbelts and i always wear them if i am on the bus.

23/05/2005, 9:34 PM
I wonder will it come out that it was overcrowded aswell? That's often the story with a lot of bus crashes :o

23/05/2005, 9:36 PM
Very depressing news. May they R.I.P

24/05/2005, 7:51 AM
Thank you everybody for your kind words. My 15 year old cousin was one of the girls who died on that fatal accident yesterday evening (her beautiful smile will always be remembered in my heart). Another cousin was sitting beside her but came out unscatched, Thank God.

To answer some questions. There are no seatbelts on any public transport vehicles in this country or in the uk, only private vehicles. The bus crashed trying to avoid an accident that happen in front of the bus where 2 cars had collided.

24/05/2005, 8:09 AM
ooh my, i suppose out of such a huge crowd on foot.ie that there was a chance someone would be affected.

my best goes out to ye terry and your family at this time, really really sorry for ye. although ive nevet met ye, there is a good vibe on this site and i feel for ye. hope yer ok. may she rest in peace and all those others too, lets just hope and pray that the other 6 girls pull through ok.

some wonder how god can do this, but without god it would be even harder to pull through this. god bless terry

24/05/2005, 8:28 AM
RIP and hopefully the injured recover.

It's too early to tell what caused the incident, and what might have prevented the injuries (if anything). Before we get reactionary posts blaming CIE, can I just remind people they only implemented Government policy with regard to seat belts, numbers on buses etc.

24/05/2005, 8:41 AM
Deepest sympathies there Terry, sorry for your loss.

The whole country is in mourning, puts so much in perspective..

24/05/2005, 8:47 AM
Very sad news,RIP.

24/05/2005, 9:05 AM
Deepest sympathies for your loss Terry

May they all R.I.P.

24/05/2005, 9:19 AM
Deepest sympathy from myself Terry.

I don't wish to speculate on the crash and the cause but National Express coaches in the UK now have seatbelts (having travelled on them to the airport). I think they were introduced at the turn of the decade on all new coaches. Some of you may remember a similar accident in Warwickshire in the mid nineties (night we qualified for the US) where the issue of seatbelts on school coaches was brought to prominence. As usual, it took the price of lives before these proposals are introduced.

24/05/2005, 9:21 AM
Deepest sympathy from myself Terry.

I don't wish to speculate on the crash and the cause but National Express coaches in the UK now have seatbelts (having travelled on them to the airport). I think they were introduced at the turn of the decade on all new coaches. Some of you may remember a similar accident in Warwickshire in the mid nineties (night we qualified for the US) where the issue of seatbelts on school coaches was brought to prominence. As usual, it took the price of lives before these proposals are introduced.

I remember that accident well - as it involved a music class from Hagley High School, which is just up the road from where I live.

24/05/2005, 9:39 AM
Deepest sympathy Terry, very sad time :(

24/05/2005, 10:01 AM
Deepest sympathies for you and your family's loss Terry


24/05/2005, 10:13 AM
Deepest sympathy from myself Terry.

I don't wish to speculate on the crash and the cause but National Express coaches in the UK now have seatbelts (having travelled on them to the airport). I think they were introduced at the turn of the decade on all new coaches. Some of you may remember a similar accident in Warwickshire in the mid nineties (night we qualified for the US) where the issue of seatbelts on school coaches was brought to prominence. As usual, it took the price of lives before these proposals are introduced.
As I think new Bus Eireann coaches do afaik. However, it wasn't a new bus. Also afaik even in the UK it's not the law that all coaches have seat belts - just all new ones. It's all speculation anyway - I mean if they were like we were on our school bus we wouldn't have worn seat belts anyway...

24/05/2005, 10:34 AM
As I think new Bus Eireann coaches do afaik.

I got two buses to the airport in Cork the last time I was home and both were fitted with seatbelts.

There is carnage on the roads of Ireland every weekend and people just don't seem to be shocked anymore. It takes a tragedy like this to generate outrage. People come on here blaming the roads and blaming the government when the real fault lies with the drivers.
Most "accidents" are related to speed.
But then of course it's the governments fault for not making you obey the law. :rolleyes:

24/05/2005, 10:56 AM
Deepest sympathies Terry

24/05/2005, 10:57 AM
As I think new Bus Eireann coaches do afaik. However, it wasn't a new bus. Also afaik even in the UK it's not the law that all coaches have seat belts - just all new ones. It's all speculation anyway - I mean if they were like we were on our school bus we wouldn't have worn seat belts anyway...You're right about British legislation. Old cars too don't require seat belts in the back and it is up to the owner to fit them in. Also it seems that schools and parents are the ones that have to insist on coaches being fitted with seatbelts when contracts come up. There is of course a difference between urban buses which travel max 20mph and coaches on long distances (where standing is not allowed). We should see the law the same regarding cars with seat belts in the back. If they have them, people must wear them.

24/05/2005, 11:00 AM
People come on here blaming the roads and blaming the government when the real fault lies with the drivers.
Most "accidents" are related to speed.
But then of course it's the governments fault for not making you obey the law. :rolleyes:
The bottom line is that, yes, speed is a factor. But the fact that there are so many untrained drivers on our roads IS the goverments fault, and the fact that many drivers are so poorly trained (because the driving test is a joke) IS the government's fault.

24/05/2005, 11:43 AM
And we don't truly know whether speed is the major factor because there are no proper stats on road incidents and deaths. Is it speed or is it drink? Is it speeding or excessive speed (under the speed limit)? Is it mechanical faults, bald tyres etc etc. We really don't know, as it suits the governmental bodies to just blame speed.

I'd also take issue with the Governments road safety policies which are all about convictions and not about prevention - hence unmarked GATSO vans to catch people rather than marked and flashing lights to actually slow people down, catching people speeding on motorways and dual carriageways rather than on regional routes where most of the serious accidents happen...

24/05/2005, 12:26 PM
Makes incident more personal when hear someone from foot.ie community directly affected. :(

I was thinking can't blame government or Bus Eireann as accidents happen & no legal requirement to fit seatbelts BUT then heard that some Oireachtas Committe recommended in 1999 that seatbelts be fitted but Department of Finance rejected it on Cost grounds as would have costed 50m presumably to retro fit. Truely shocking & people involved should be criminally responsible.

I don't believe need for seatbelts on urban buses.

Poor Student
24/05/2005, 12:28 PM
Thank you everybody for your kind words. My 15 year old cousin was one of the girls who died on that fatal accident yesterday evening (her beautiful smile will always be remembered in my heart). Another cousin was sitting beside her but came out unscatched, Thank God.

To answer some questions. There are no seatbelts on any public transport vehicles in this country or in the uk, only private vehicles. The bus crashed trying to avoid an accident that happen in front of the bus where 2 cars had collided.

God...it's a small country. My heartfelt condolences for you and your extended family Terry. That's awful. Sorry. :(

24/05/2005, 12:33 PM
deepest sympathies terry.couldn't believe what happened when i heard it.watching the people being interviewed really was hard to watch.
Terrible Terrible accident.

Green Tribe
24/05/2005, 3:00 PM
:( Deepest sympathies Terry, so sorry to hear of your loss, my prayers are for your cousin and your family at this difficult time.

Take care


Pauro 76
24/05/2005, 3:39 PM
Deepest symapthies Terry, and to all the people involved in such a terrible tragedy. R.I.P.

24/05/2005, 8:11 PM
R.i.p :( :(

24/05/2005, 9:26 PM
terrible accident. I think its time we moved to all seat belts and one seat one child. A american style bus would be better too.

24/05/2005, 9:54 PM
even though i dont really know u that well terry, my heart goes out to ya, tis a terrible tragedy, and u have my deepest sympathies at this difficult time.


25/05/2005, 8:19 AM
Again Thanks everybody for all the kind words.

Don't know if anybody would be interested but there is an on-line book of condolences here -> http://www.dioceseofmeath.ie/ if anybody would like to sign it.

Duncan Gardner
28/05/2005, 8:22 PM
Deepest sympathy to Terry and everyone who lost loved ones.

28/05/2005, 8:33 PM
Really sad and tragic :( :(