View Full Version : Stalking Pete Doherty

18/05/2005, 10:50 AM
Anyone see this show on C4 last night? A Rockumentry by failled filmmaker Max Carlish in an atempt to get back into the big time. Carlish who suffers from bipolar disorder(where people suffer from extreme mood swings) seemed to be more interested in filming himself talking about pete than filming Pete. He seemed to become obssesd with Doherty and it made me cringe showing how despretly he tried to get with Pete Doherty's gang. The bit at the end with Max signing what seemed to be some kinda ode to Doherty was really weird.

Thought it showed a bit of a different side to the ex-libertines frontman, from what is shown in the tabloids.(Not that I making excuses for him or his habbit)

18/05/2005, 11:06 AM
HAha, yeah it was pretty weird alright - a bit worrying tbh - your man came across really desperately looking to be his friend!!!

Was a bit confused on when your man max got a hiding? Like did Pete invite him down or did he just turn up?

18/05/2005, 10:56 PM
He got a "hiding" because he was trusted by pete to film him,then he turns around and sells it to the press just to get a bit of fame.
Max came across as an absolute nut.
"Me selling the tape actually brought me and pete back together"
Back together!!! He got the **** beat out of him,thats not a reunion.
"Me and pete will always have this bond,because of what we've been through"
He talks about his 15 mins of fame when people were driving by and shouting ****** at him and how much he enjoyed it,he craved it.
Doherty seemed to treat him very well and took him in.But theres only so much of him you can take

19/05/2005, 12:48 PM
pete is an absolute genius , im a huge libertines fan only got to see them once before they split , went to babyshambles in dublin last weekend . class show pete is clean and looks healthy again thank god . if he stays clean babyshambles will be huge

heard a rumour they are play oxegen , they arent playing electric picnic they have 2 gigs in london that weekend

19/05/2005, 2:15 PM
Who the f*ck is Pete Doherty like?
What a nobody.
Sick of his stupid white face in my newspaper everyday.
Liam Gallagher was never that annoying.

19/05/2005, 3:32 PM
heard a rumour they are play oxegen ,

Yeah that was aparently up on their website put was later taken down

19/05/2005, 3:34 PM
Who the f*ck is Pete Doherty like?
What a nobody.
Sick of his stupid white face in my newspaper everyday.
Liam Gallagher was never that annoying.

The only reason he is in the paper, is cause he is dating Kate Moss. An it hardlt his fault that some when some one sticks a camera in his face and sells it to the tabloids

20/05/2005, 10:11 AM
Who the f*ck is Pete Doherty like?
What a nobody.
Sick of his stupid white face in my newspaper everyday.
Liam Gallagher was never that annoying.

who the f**k are you :D an even bigger nobody :rolleyes: , pete doherthy has sold millions of albums has made millions of pounds , lives his life the way he wants to and not the way people tell him he should .

in his own words
" i lived my dream today, i lived it yesterday ,and ill be living YOURS tomorrow , so dont look at me that way "

he is one of the best thing to happen to music since the sex pistols but i dont expect some one who reads the sun to know anything about music !!
go back to listening to your maroon 5 cd

22/05/2005, 4:04 PM
I'd prefer if Peter wasn't in the papers.

I don't see how all these tabloid readers are suddenly the gospel on the life and times of Mr Doherty. The man has his problems, and has a real weakness which he is trying to beat - ultimately he's an amazing musician and one of the songwriters of the present.

I would much prefer it if he stuck to that. And so would he I bet.


23/05/2005, 11:05 AM
The man has his problems, and has a real weakness which he is trying to beat -

i think he is on the way i saw him in dublin last week , he looks a lot better he has put on a bit of weight and has colour in his face again !!! :D
plus you could understand what he was saying , all pretty possitive

best gig ive seen in a long time !.

at the trinity ball the guitarist walked off stage ( normally pete that walks or crawls ) but pete picked up the guitar and finished the set !

23/05/2005, 1:51 PM
who the f**k are you an even bigger nobody :rolleyes: , pete doherthy has sold millions of albums has made millions of pounds , lives his life the way he wants to and not the way people tell him he should .

in his own words
" i lived my dream today, i lived it yesterday ,and ill be living YOURS tomorrow , so dont look at me that way "

he is one of the best thing to happen to music since the sex pistols but i dont expect some one who reads the sun to know anything about music !!
go back to listening to your maroon 5 cd
Risteard. Hello :)
No more than one million records i'd imagine but that doesn't matter.
So he's happy with his existance is he?
Sorry Pete but my dream isn't being a junkie clown.
Having mentors like Doherty is the worst thing to happen to music since eh, i dunno.
As for Maroon 5, that is a pretty good insult there.
Very belittling.
Hold on let me think of one now.

**** you boy. :p :p

23/05/2005, 7:27 PM
Hes a legend Pete,yer man deserved the punch he got-*****!!!! :mad:

24/05/2005, 4:48 PM

So he's happy with his existance is he?
Sorry Pete but my dream isn't being a junkie clown.


so you prefere getting up every morning trudging off to work your 9 to 5! presuming you have a job :D , instead of being a rock star playing gigs every night travelling the world and going out with kate moss !!!!

mmmmmmmmmm though choice

24/05/2005, 6:36 PM
I don't trudge.
I drive.
I'm a very happy and content person, Thank you very much.

Fair enough the guy is swarmed by press and there's a lot of idiots to blame for that.
Showbiz journalism is the lowest form of life.
Especially the evil idiots who push it. Max Clifford etc.

Still, ya feel Doherty is just the kind who attracts it.

28/05/2005, 8:11 AM
I don't trudge.
I drive.
I'm a very happy and content person, Thank you very much.

Fair enough the guy is swarmed by press and there's a lot of idiots to blame for that.
Showbiz journalism is the lowest form of life.
Especially the evil idiots who push it. Max Clifford etc.

Still, ya feel Doherty is just the kind who attracts it.

In the words of the Dandy Warhols... Heroin is so passé :mad: