View Full Version : Calloway at the senate!

17/05/2005, 9:37 PM
this is unreal, has anyone watched this.

fair play to galloway, i mean he is a cute hoor himself, but the way he has stood up to the senate and not taken any bullmuck, fair play i say. bout time someone gave it to the yanks.

im surprised it went out live on us tv without editing, however they did rally against him, particularly the "very fair" CNN, with no government ties :rolleyes:

17/05/2005, 10:39 PM
Cracking TV. The chairman, cocky SOB, didn't know what hit him.

Great to see someone spell out some home truths to the 'all-knowing' US. The guy was made for the gig.

17/05/2005, 10:43 PM
ya well said town. a pity they didnt show more of it.

17/05/2005, 10:44 PM
Seen it earlier, Great the way he put the arguement againest the war forward with every answer.

18/05/2005, 7:10 AM
Dunphy played 20 minutes of it this morning. Brilliant radio and brilliant TV no doubt. I'm pretty sure Galloway's a bit of a cnut, but the more the right demonise him with lies, the bigger the hero he is to the left (and me it has to be said.)

Blatant lies by the senate - sure they even went from him accepting money from Saddam to him giving money to Saddam.

18/05/2005, 9:09 AM
Mr Coleman and Carl Levin, the committee's senior Democrat, adjourned the meeting without a promised press conference.

"I just don't think he was a credible witness," Mr Coleman remarked.

taken from:


very good, i mean he was the accused, yet they have turned the tables and said he isnt a credible witness. LOL.

he obviouslly left them conflustered or else they would have given the promised press conference.