View Full Version : Conspiracy Theory?

05/03/2002, 11:52 AM
Not quiet a joke but interesting anyway. A pentagon plane or truck? (http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm). You decide.............

06/03/2002, 5:24 PM
feicin hell! makes ya wonder, doesn't it!

07/03/2002, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Éanna
feicin hell! makes ya wonder, doesn't it!

It was obviously some form of space technology test flight by the yanks that went wronmg?

08/03/2002, 10:23 AM
Taken from Sky News 8/3/02


Photographs of the moment a hijacked aircraft ploughed into the Pentagon have been released by the US Government.

The photos were taken by a surveillance camera positioned near the section of the Government nerve centre destroyed when the American Airlines plane crashed on September 11.


A total of 64 people on the plane, including four flight attendants, were killed by the impact, along with another 190 workers inside the Pentagon.

The series of five photographs span four one-hundredths of a second, starting with the plane as a distant, small, white, blurry image.

They end with an orange fireball and thick, black smoke.

Although not officially released by the Pentagon, officials said the images were authentic and had been provided to law enforcement officials investigating the suicide hijack attack.


However, the officials were at a loss to explain why the date on the bottom of the photographs is September 12 and the time is 5.37pm, as the attack occurred at 9.37am on September 11.

Fox News in America reported that it is possible the time and date could have been added the following day when they may have been catalogued for investigative purposes.


Photograph at above link.

Last bit is interesting isn't it.
