View Full Version : Paul McGrath Interview

GK for the Town
13/05/2005, 11:41 AM
I Dont know if this has been brought up in a different area of the forum but did anyone see the news last night (Thursday 12/05/05) about the Man Utd/Glazier row. They had an interview with Paul McGrath on it and he was bullocksed drunk. I missed it myself but people were telling me it was so mean but funny. The presenter/interviewer supposedly just kept asking him questions and he didnt make any sense in his replies cause he was hammered.

A face
13/05/2005, 11:55 AM
I Dont know if this has been brought up in a different area of the forum but did anyone see the news last night (Thursday 12/05/05) about the Man Utd/Glazier row. They had an interview with Paul McGrath on it and he was bullocksed drunk. I missed it myself but people were telling me it was so mean but funny. The presenter/interviewer supposedly just kept asking him questions and he didnt make any sense in his replies cause he was hammered.

He wasnt hammered ..... i saw it myself ... there is no way he was hammered. He aint a great speaker to be fairness, and his arguments aint the most reasoned ...... but thats just him. To say he was drunk is .... well its lying !! ... complete and utter bĂșll**1*

13/05/2005, 11:58 AM
They are talking about it on the Ireland forum. Everyone seems to be saying the same as A Face, that he wasnt drunk. I didnt see so i cant comment. but i think the man is a legend. Met him and found him charming (and sober even though we were in a pub) :)

GK for the Town
13/05/2005, 1:31 PM
He wasnt hammered ..... i saw it myself ... there is no way he was hammered. He aint a great speaker to be fairness, and his arguments aint the most reasoned ...... but thats just him. To say he was drunk is .... well its lying !! ... complete and utter bĂșll**1*

As i say, i didnt see it, it was what i heard. Didnt know if it was true or not, but obviously it isnt then.

13/05/2005, 1:58 PM
Didn't see it myself. The poor guy will never win, he isn't a public speaker, never wanted to be, but because of his ability with is feet and his quiet and astute reading of the game on the field he'll always be wheeled out, like it or not, at all of these things. And anyone who I've ever talked to has told me that RTE absolutely ply their guests with drink before going on - tough for a reforming alcoholic.