View Full Version : Bryan Adams Tickets

Drumcondra Red
13/05/2005, 8:28 AM
I know, I know, but if you are a Bryan Adams fan, I've got 2 tickets for sale.

He is playing the Point on the 19th of May (Next Thursday) Its about €90 face value for 2, I will accept reasonable offers, these tickets are 100% authentic, PM me if your interested!

13/05/2005, 8:53 AM
I'm sure they'll be running to you... :rolleyes:

I'm sure you're not, but just keep in mind the forum rules on touting....

13/05/2005, 8:56 AM
how much will u give me to take them off you :D

13/05/2005, 8:57 AM
I know, I know, but if you are a Bryan Adams fan, I've got 2 tickets for sale.

He is playing the Point on the 19th of May (Next Thursday) Its about €90 face value for 2, I will accept reasonable offers, these tickets are 100% authentic, PM me if your interested!

This has to be a wind up ! Just waiting on the punchline.

13/05/2005, 9:10 AM
Brian Adams eh? I always thought his one decent effort Summer of 69 was about that year. He said in a recent magazine interview it was about a certain sexual....er.....position. And here was me thinking he was such a nice boy!!!
Wouldn't cross the fcuking road to watch him.
Poor man's Bob Seger,

13/05/2005, 10:14 AM
i thought with all the responses people were actually interested in buying them... :eek: :rolleyes: ;)

Drumcondra Red
13/05/2005, 11:05 AM
First of all they're unwanted tickets, secondly I'm definitly NOT touting them I'' sell them for €60 upwards, thirdly this is not a gag, somebody l;ikes him, why not get tickets on the cheap??? :p

13/05/2005, 11:15 AM
Important thing is Drumcondra Red, you don't want them so ya must have good musical taste!! Top man. :D

13/05/2005, 11:16 AM
I wonder do the yanks use "Everything I do I do it for you" as a torture method in Guantanamo. Certainly works on me! :eek: :D

13/05/2005, 11:22 AM
I wonder do the yanks use "Everything I do I do it for you" as a torture method in Guantanamo. Certainly works on me! :eek: :D

I'm sure ye've heard the story about the bride who wanted that song played as she walked up the aisle. She asked the band to play the robin hood song. They said 'no problem'.

As she walked up the aisle, the band started singing:

"Robin hood Robin hood, riding through the glen......"

13/05/2005, 11:36 AM
is that really true?

13/05/2005, 11:57 AM
I really, really hope so.
I've heard it a few times, but possibly a myth.

13/05/2005, 12:53 PM
I'm sure ye've heard the story about the bride who wanted that song played as she walked up the aisle. She asked the band to play the robin hood song. They said 'no problem'.

As she walked up the aisle, the band started singing:

"Robin hood Robin hood, riding through the glen......"

Brilliant noby - please let it be true!! Speaking of Hood, check out the Cartoon Basement Little red riding hood episode 1 (ep 2 is no good). Very vulgar but great punchline.

13/05/2005, 11:48 PM
Brian Adams eh? I always thought his one decent effort Summer of 69 was about that year. He said in a recent magazine interview it was about a certain sexual....er.....position. And here was me thinking he was such a nice boy!!!
Wouldn't cross the fcuking road to watch him.
Poor man's Bob Seger,


I think the whole planet's being naive then. I, and no doubt the majority of people, always linked it to the year 1969. The lyrics make no sense as well if you would try to link the title to the "69 position". Are you sure that he was not just telling a bad joke ? I can't believe it's true, looks very weird...

Anyway, though a few tunes of him are not bad, I prefer keeping my cash for other issues: travelling, soccer, and decent bands. Saying that, THE DAMNED are touring again soon !! Dave, please come to Ireland ;)

15/05/2005, 1:16 AM
Except for that song I do not like Brian Adams output. I believe he's a genuinely nice bloke but then I'm sure Celine Dion is nice too. I read the story in the Observer or Guardian. I'll see if I can find it as he gave quotes to show why it was about sex. If I don't find it soon, it's gone in the blue recycle bin or I'm being my usual lazy bas...rd self.
69? To think I thought both oral sex types was an airline and an Lazio striker.

GERRIT. What's a GOTH doing listening to Brian Adams? Explain yourself, young man! :D :D