View Full Version : The girl who died in England

09/05/2005, 8:26 PM
her father was from ireland i thought as much with a name like that:

i am also pretty sure i know which race and origin these people are from, but unfortunately due to PC and the like i cant say it.

09/05/2005, 8:32 PM
her father was from ireland i thought as much with a name like that:

i am also pretty sure i know which race and origin these people are from, but unfortunately due to PC and the like i cant say it.I presume you are referring to the human race there. :rolleyes: What the flute are you alluding to???????

09/05/2005, 8:46 PM
& what relevance is any race,to this tragedy? Just hope the poor child, R.I.P.

May she rest in peace. It was a horrible thing to happen to any family.
However I think the point trying to be made is that in some quarters in Gross Britannien it appears to be open season on any non-WASP ethnic grouping regardless of colour. :eek:

I am thinking of course of the BNP and Combat 18 and these other neaderthal groupings.

09/05/2005, 9:59 PM
I am thinking of course of the BNP and Combat 18 and these other neaderthal groupings

and thats being polite! you can be sure they will be jumping on the band wagon for this.

im not alluding to anything.

saw the interview with the father, seemed like a very hard working humble country man. he was really trying to hold back the tears. she was supposedly very intelligent.

09/05/2005, 10:18 PM
They were taken to a local guesthouse where they were assaulted for several hours. They were then driven to the park where Mary-Ann was fatally stabbed once in the neck.

what kind of fcuk wit, and i amnt using the term lightly there, would let a group of that size and ( assuming they had been abducted as said, surely they would have been screaming and surely they would have been making some noise in the room????? ) at that stage of the night into a house? my parents run a b and b and there is no way they would someone in at that time and of that size. they would always ask questions as i would have thought most people would, but obviously not :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad: . im fuming reading this.

i hate over here the way people dont do anything or get involved at all, people have to to start taking notice and doing things.
was on a bus home on saturday night, this lad came onto the bus was cursing at everyone started belting the case in front of the bus driver and started roaring rascist scum abuse ( and he was foreign himself), this little girl woke up and was really scared, so i said fook it, got up asked him to calm down, he told me to fook off. grabbed the fooker and dragged him back to the side door and threw him out. fair enough in hindsight i thought i was quite stupid ( especially as i was on my own )and lucky as he could have been carrying a knife, at the same time someone could have been seriouslly hurt on that bus.

Green Tribe
09/05/2005, 10:32 PM
aye paul it is shocking, so frightening and horrible to read, i can't imagine what those girls went through. people don't speak up anymore, sometimes i do, and i have been lucky not to get thumped by a stupid thug, but i can't help it sometimes, so many arse holes around they need to be told sometimes. But yeah it can be dangerous standing up to these eejits :mad:

09/05/2005, 11:07 PM
i knew the numptys would be onto it

but it appears they are right... :mad:

Green Tribe
10/05/2005, 12:41 AM
Cant believe anyone could take the pure sh*t on here seriously. :mad:

There's nothing on here except hearsay & irrational prejudice;What else do you expect from Nazi scumbags! :mad:

pack o tramps indeed! :mad:

10/05/2005, 8:27 AM
It is pretty scary stuff to hear. It just doesnt sound real. Regardless of the here's who's and what fors, all that it comes down to at the end of the day is that a young girl has died for no reason and her 18 year old friend is seriously ill in hospital. Even if as her Father said on the news she had fallen in with a bad crowd, it makes no difference, no one deserves that, no matter what. Its such a waste.

10/05/2005, 5:10 PM
May she RIP......disgusting stuff.....near ma brother's house to
As Babysis said regardless of the in's and out's of this case the fact behind it is a brutal attack and murder.
Having said this of course it wasn't simple and straightfoward-nothing ever is.
Have read reports saying that she got into the car-of course nothing justify's the death and she most likley thought the people were mates or something but seriously-two sixteen year old girls getting in a car with six men?? Got to stress again that I'm not saying this is in anway the poor girls fault or anything but mabye can serve as a warning to teenagers to stop this ever happening again?
The b&b bloke didn't get the blokes to fill in a booking form and then gave them rooms near the back door.......considering the police havn't arressted him it's probably safe to say he was just an eejit?
The "bad crowd" she has fallen in with may point to some underlying social problems both in Reading and across the country. Have heard of the area being a red light districtinvolving a crack den.....obviosuly it doesn't take an area like this for someone to get murdered but certainly increases dangers-heard the 'men' may have been under the influence of drugs.
Finally the national front men who can't tel the difference between black and Asian are the sole reason for PC gone mad in this country. Their prejudice means that strong PC laws are in place-preventing issues like the racial tensions in Woking being properly adressed......at the end of the day this is about one girl whos lost her life in the worst way and her friend dangerously ill but it also gives rise to a lot of things wrong with this country.

On a bit of a tagent i wonder what our vetrans are thinking this VE day....they fought against Hitlers Nazi thugs and now in the country they saved people are raped and murdered

10/05/2005, 5:19 PM
liam couple of facts wrong there, they didnt go in of their own accord, ive read reports on six different papers all reporting the same. also she was 16 the other girl was 18. they arent sure how many but at least 6 they said.

10/05/2005, 6:03 PM
liam couple of facts wrong there, they didnt go in of their own accord, ive read reports on six different papers all reporting the same. also she was 16 the other girl was 18. they arent sure how many but at least 6 they said.
Thanks for that...sorry I just read something and heard some people talking-I obviously got the wrong end of the stick.

As I said it doesn't change anything. Still a horrendous and evil act whatever the circumstances-very sad day :(

10/05/2005, 7:29 PM
i knew the numptys would be onto it

but it appears they are right... :mad:

That is a sickening site, Jesus i can't believe that. I detest that kind of thing with my entire being-repulsive, the way they just tar evryone with the same brush. I am truly shaking with anger here, i need to calm down.

This was awful, and i just read in the Indo about some sort of torture they were subjected to. This is terrible, God help the family and residents nearby. As Paul said earlier (and fair play for your action on the bus Paul, twas brave and entirely justified),and Liam also, there are serious underlying socail problems that need to be addressed. Until that is done, tragedies like this will continue to occur.


10/05/2005, 8:12 PM
I don't know if hoever posted this on the national fr*nt site is off this bored but whoever did is a legend-fair play to ya!

Name: Irish Man
From: Cork, Ireland
Sent: 19:16 GMT on 10 May
Topic: Reading Murder

That girl had Irish family, so why are you all concerned about her welfare and this cas
e in particular. Why dont you now show your dislike for the Irish like you normally do. Why is it just the group of boys you are showing a dislike for. Fact is .... you'll support what ever suits you at the time, and that is all there is too it.

Don't get me wrong-whoever did this murder were animals-I couldn't give a flying pear if they were black, white or all the colours of the rainbow they are scum !

But to exploit the poor girl in a campaign of race hate is disgraceful. I am proud that my great grandad fought the Nazis witht he British! I went to a VE day service this week and spoke to all the vetrans and I could not be more proud. These national frontists represnt the exact thing my great-grandad and all those other Irish and British men fought against (and died fighting against!) The national fr*nt are a disgrace to their own country and to humanity.....just like the people who commited this awful crime!

10/05/2005, 10:29 PM
can you post that link?? was it from the site i got it from? i.e. did you see the post i posted there. i was thinking the same thing, but because we are white some of them beleive that we are alright.

i wanted to post after reading that. it could well be peadar from what i reckon.

11/05/2005, 7:14 AM
It is on the same thread, can see the anti Irish crap stating on their now :mad:

11/05/2005, 7:45 AM
God help the poor Girls family and the poor girl who is going to have to rebuild her life after this shocking experience.
I would love to see the b*****s that done this suffer the same torture that they done to these two girls.

As for the National Front, this sums them up, how sick and almost prdictable that they should try and make something out of Mary Ann's shocking death.

Anyone my age or over that grew up in more so the south east of England will know a fair bit and maybe had the odd run in with these bunch of w*****s, all of a sudden because it suits them on their race hate campaign their jumping to the defence of this poor family, when we all know that the would love to see us all sent back after the black community and Asian.

Fair play to the guy that posted on their website from Cork.

11/05/2005, 8:41 AM
I would love to see the b*****s that done this suffer the same torture that they done to these two girls.

thats exactly what i beleive to sylv, get the bastids, cut them up and shove the biggest stick you can find sso far up there holes and nail it in through either side of their cheeks. i honestly beleive that is the only way these fookers will suffer properly.

16/05/2005, 1:44 PM
Indrit Krasniqi, 18, a Kosovan living in Chiswick, west London, appeared at Reading Magistrates Court charged with killing the 16-year-old on the night of May 6.

how the fook was that lad let in the country? surely there is a vetting system of some sort? i mean it couldnt be the case that a hard-working decent 18 yr old can all of a sudden fall in with the wrong crowd and commit this evil crime. :mad:

16/05/2005, 2:34 PM
how the fook was that lad let in the country? surely there is a vetting system of some sort? i mean it couldnt be the case that a hard-working decent 18 yr old can all of a sudden fall in with the wrong crowd and commit this evil crime. :mad:
Maybe he hadn't done anything before, or he couldn't off because he's an immigrant? Not that he's been found guilty of owt yet anyway...

I suppose it blows your assumptions about the colour of the skin of those that committed the crime though... :rolleyes:

16/05/2005, 2:40 PM
i never said what race did i???

macy but if you are infereing that i meant they were of a certain origin, then yes 4 out of the 5 suspects charged are of the same ethnic background/origin.

or he couldn't off because he's an immigrant?

im not sure what you mean there?

finally i think its pretty obvious he is guilty if he has been charged and brought to court so quickly.

16/05/2005, 2:43 PM
finally i think its pretty obvious he is guilty if he has been charged and brought to court so quickly.
He's innocent until he's found guilty by the courts, just the same as everyone else is. He's only in court so quickly to be remanded in custody - nothing to do with possible guilt (could be as much for his own protection if "the mob" are so quick to pronounce him guilty).

16/05/2005, 2:44 PM
they don't need to question them anymore so the police must be pretty sure. they have enough evidence to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt, or so they think, otherwise they wouldnt have been so rushed.its obvious.

16/05/2005, 2:46 PM
He's only in caught so quickly to be remanded in custody

or that the police are thinking, we have him, we are sure its him, either he could be a danger to do it again or he could leave the country, nothing to do with "the mob", whoever they are.

16/05/2005, 2:50 PM
or that the police are thinking, we have him, we are sure its him, either he could be a danger to do it again or he could leave the country, nothing to do with "the mob", whoever they are.
Probably do have enough evidence to bring him to court, but that doesn't make him guilty until a court proves him as such. "the mob" would be those that would jump to the conclusion that because he's charged he must be guilty.

16/05/2005, 2:54 PM
but that doesn't make him guilty until a court proves him as such

courts have often found innocent people guilty and guilty people innocent.

Green Tribe
16/05/2005, 3:02 PM
Maybe he hadn't done anything before, or he couldn't off because he's an immigrant? Not that he's been found guilty of owt yet anyway...
I suppose it blows your assumptions about the colour of the skin of those that committed the crime though... :rolleyes:

Are you an actor on Coronation Street?? !! ;) :D

16/05/2005, 3:03 PM
courts have often found innocent people guilty and guilty people innocent.
Normally on fabricated police evidence - only a few miles from Guildford you're willing to decide someones guilt even before they've had their day in court...

16/05/2005, 3:04 PM
Are you an actor on Coronation Street?? !! ;) :D
No, from warburtons bread ads - the bread with nowt taken out... :D

16/05/2005, 3:10 PM
macy it doesnt matter how many miles they are from amarillo, if a person has committed a crime they have committed a crime, the law in england has changed a hell of a lot since then because of that case and the Brummie 6.

it brought about the PACE law. Police and Criminal Evidenece act,
introduced the Code C policy which says all that
i.e. every person being interviewed is assigned a custody officer who ensures everything is adhered to
e.g. interviews taped
offered legal advice / solicitor

17/05/2005, 7:53 AM
macy it doesnt matter how many miles they are from amarillo, if a person has committed a crime they have committed a crime, the law in england has changed a hell of a lot since then because of that case and the Brummie 6.
But none of them have been proven guilty - so as things stand they have only been charged with committing a crime, i.e. they are still innocent.