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View Full Version : This is the Bohs casuals version of events in Oriel...

01/03/2002, 11:18 PM
March 1 2002 at 4:08 PM Anonymous (no login)
from IP address
------------------------------------------------------------------------Unexpected fun+games last nite,we left dublin at 4.30,arrived there about 6.30,went to the hotel for some pre match sherbets,inside the ground we made our way to the shed as we always do,dundalk had a load of youths out,and some older lads,scruffy tracksuit wearing pikeys started giving it the big one dublin *******s,etc,the usual tripe,we thought nothing of it,after a few minutes and we as ever were in full voice,the pikeys started throwing coins,bottles,a few of our lads ran at them but as ever they backed off,the local plod dumb as ever still werent wide to what was goin on,when one of our lads got hit on the forehead with a can and blood came out of his head that was enough,we ran at them again and they were on their toes,a bottle nearly hit me i fronted the pikeys myself but not one of the cretins would even front me,by now some local old bill had arrived,laughable,"leave it out now lads stop the messing" dumb ****s or what,they and the stewards managed to push us back,the pikeys were lashing bottles,full cans,coins at us,chicken **** ****s afraid to fight with their hands,one of our lads got arrested for smacking one of the pikeys and got brought down the local garda station but couldnt be charged cos there was something wrong with the computer,ha ha what a scream,as well as being pikeys they havent a clue about IT,one of the fyc was going for a **** and was hiot from behind by 2 pikeys who looked to be older,he smacked one of them back only to be hit by some garda ****,suprise suprise the dundalk **** got let off with it whereas one of of our lads already got nicked,dunno how i didnt get done myself,i was told twice by a garda "one more time and your gone" inbred pikey ****,still the coins continued to come at us we charged at them again but they were on their toes again,by now there was a good few garda and stewards and they forced almost down the other end,the pikeys legged it with 3 mins to go,they knew better there would have been large scale disorder if they didnt,they took upo the customary position at the end of the road to brick the coach out of it,unconfirmed reports is that the players windscreen got it,the bvsc coach didnt,we were driving so we were ok,also the inbreds are racist ****s,anytime avery or rutherford got the ball they made monkey noises and its digusting and something should be done about it,i said it to a copper who said "dont worry about it" dont worry about it,what sort of ****ing attitude is that from someone who is supposed to uphold the law,dundalk fc should be fined over last nites scenes,there is no room for racism in irish football,as far as i know there will be segregation next week when rovers play there,there will be a bigger ob presence,can rovers emulate us last nite?we were relatively small in numbers last nite with it being a thursday nite,not really much at stake for us being it a league game and that,if we would have had our full crew out there would have large scale disorder,BSC small in numbers last nite but big on pride,Irelands no 1,i nearly hope that rovers punish these pikeys next week cos they deserve it,they are mostly youths but there is about 7 or 8 geezers who are older,it remains to be seen if the scum can emulate us,another result for the BSC Irelands undisputed no 1...

As posted on the Bohs Casuals site

The Good Son
02/03/2002, 9:55 AM
But what were the Casuals wearing? Surely that is the most important thing.

02/03/2002, 2:44 PM
Well if the casuals think you're scum..................................... bad news for dundalk fans!

15/03/2002, 4:38 PM
This is the Bohs casuals version of events in Oriel...
Wanna change the "the" to "a"? :D