View Full Version : National League United - NLU

A face
01/05/2005, 9:46 PM
N.L.U. were founded in 1996 initially to oppose the proposal to bring Wimbledon to Dublin. Since then we have broadened our horizons and are the first Supporters association in this country, with the intended aim of promoting the entire League are working towards being a Supporter's Association for the National League as a whole.

We have a broad spectrum of membership from supporters of the National League's 22 clubs, and basically are supporters who can see the bigger picture and are interested in what benefits the Eircom National League as a whole rather than merely our own narrow club's interests exclusively.
In February 1998 we had a meeting with our Northern Ireland counterpart the N.I.F.S.A. and issued a joint press statement. We will be seeking meetings with N.I.F.S.A on matters of mutual intertest again in the coming season. Members of our committee have been interviewed on Raidio na Gaeltachta, RTE Radio 1, Anna Livia Radio, Dublin's 98FM, WLR FM, and even BBC Radio 5.

The National League United (http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/NLU/index.html) website

A face
01/05/2005, 9:47 PM
What does the N.I.F.S.A stand for ??

01/05/2005, 9:54 PM
What does the N.I.F.S.A stand for ??
Just a guess but;
National Irish Football supporters assosiation!

01/05/2005, 10:46 PM
Did that group(NIFSA) not become ILSA?

Stevebradley-any progress with the ousting of Hunter/alternative fan moevment?

02/05/2005, 1:08 PM
NLU are not defunct though?

02/05/2005, 3:13 PM

They couldn't get anyone to be secretary of the organisation and that's what became of them.

A face
02/05/2005, 3:52 PM
Who is the chairman ?? .... it was Declan Hayes (or something, tha surname escapes me) the last i heard !!

02/05/2005, 10:27 PM
A face

That's me actually . I was the treasurer and only the PRO and I were carrying the whole organisation for it's last couple of years.

02/05/2005, 10:28 PM
Did that group(NIFSA) not become ILSA?

Stevebradley-any progress with the ousting of Hunter/alternative fan moevment?

Yes ILSA is the successor group to NIFSA or so my sources tell me

A face
02/05/2005, 10:32 PM
A face

That's me actually . I was the treasurer and only the PRO and I were carrying the whole organisation for it's last couple of years.

Jebus ... why didn't you say so !! :eek:

Seriously !!

Whats the story with it now ?? What are the plans ??

02/05/2005, 10:35 PM
A face

Well unless there is enough people to join the committee and actually do some work it will remain in mothballs so to speak.

03/05/2005, 10:37 AM
NLU should try be become the like the SIPTU of supporter groups. i.e. represent the local supporters groups who would send delegates.

03/05/2005, 11:46 AM
Did that group(NIFSA) not become ILSA?

Stevebradley-any progress with the ousting of Hunter/alternative fan moevment?

I've let this slip to be honest with you Kev. Need to pick it up again - I reckon the run-up to the Israel game would be a good time to do so, as the idea of being worried about what Hunter might say would work in the context of that game and expected protests etc. I'll ressurect it in the next week or two.

On the issue of the NLU etc, I've been chewing over the idea of how a representative fans body might work, and have been jotting down ideas. Will pull them all together and post them up. However - the big issue is going to be getting people to actually do the work/take-up posts. It seems that only when there's a crisis on do people feel motivated enough to do something.

03/05/2005, 11:59 AM
NLU should try be become the like the SIPTU of supporter groups. i.e. represent the local supporters groups who would send delegates.

Think that this might be the way to go. Most clubs have a fair few fans in Dublin so they could always step in if other locally based fans couldnt travel for meetings.

03/05/2005, 12:09 PM
Realistically NLU would need a common cause to get people interested. Now that Wimbledon dead what would the role of NLU be?

03/05/2005, 1:04 PM
To continually kick the FAI and eL managers up the @rse seems good to me. Maybe a national fanzene could be produced every month or so, we're always complaining about the lack of an eL magazine. Split the profits between the various Ultras

03/05/2005, 8:45 PM
I think that the case today with the Ireland ticket allocation being reduced despite being forced to go to meaningless friendlies like China is precisely the reason why we need a NLU now!

Who's on for being active in one?

1 Troy

A face
03/05/2005, 9:06 PM
To continually kick the FAI and eL managers up the @rse seems good to me.

Best me to it !!

Maybe a national fanzine could be produced every month or so, we're always complaining about the lack of an eL magazine. Split the profits between the various Ultras

Dont split the profits ... do something with it !!

Now that Wimbledon dead what would the role of NLU be?

What needs to be done ???

03/05/2005, 9:11 PM
1 Troy

On Your Own! On Your Own!


04/05/2005, 10:13 PM

I know you were joking but it's that precise attitude to doing something which is why the organisation became mothballed.

Thanks for the interest lads it is very encouraging. The ICTU might be a better analogy than a SIPTU but an organisation to which other supporters clubs could affiliate is a good idea and is something that was being explored at one stage . We had two EL supporters clubs based outside DUblin as affiliates at the peak of our membership numbers.

04/05/2005, 10:24 PM
an organisation like this is desperately needed, especially for issues that affect us all. fair enough, the most important issue is the ticket allocation a**e-f**k. but there are other issues that i think the fans should be heard on as a united organisation. at the end of the day its our league. ild be more than willing to do work for this after my finals (ha ha, three weeks to go!).