View Full Version : Spike Milligan RIP

27/02/2002, 3:36 PM
just heard it over the wires..great man great comedian .. RIP Spike.

brief biog on the great man (http://www.catharton.com/authors/812.htm)

always remember him from the goon show and also the many interviews he did with gay byrne on the late late.. very funny man..and his humour wil be sadly missed

27/02/2002, 3:38 PM
just thought i'd post one example of the mans humour..

when being knighted last year....

"Spike was knighted in the 2000/2001 New Year Honours list, and although technically his foreign citizenship forbids him from using the title, everyone now calls him Sir Spike Milligan. At the ceremony, Prince Charles tried to convince him to take the oath of loyalty and become a British subject again, pointing out even he had to do it as Prince of Wales. Spike quipped that it was different for Charles because he had to pledge allegiance to his mum as she provides him bed and board"

28/02/2002, 9:22 AM
Great one-liners from Spike. (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2002091286,00.html)

28/02/2002, 2:36 PM
the man was a legend. RIP