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21/04/2005, 9:38 PM
I think its time Jim Hanley opened his eyes and saw that its time to give matthews the boot.
Its so obvious that his EXTREMELY :mad: frustrating long ball tactics dont work, even a 10 year old girl that was sitting beside me at the game tonight could realise that.
These tactics are driving the fans away. There were 900 at the Bray game and id say not much more tonight. Whos going to pay the players wages if theres nobody coming through the turnstiles? :confused:
At least from a financial point of view, Hanley should give him the sack........

21/04/2005, 9:41 PM
I've been wondering myself why longford persist with the long ball game- there are some quality players in the side, but its always hoof hoof hoof with longford.

21/04/2005, 9:42 PM
I think its time Jim Hanley opened his eyes and saw that its time to give matthews the boot.
Its so obvious that his EXTREMELY :mad: frustrating long ball tactics dont work, even a 10 year old girl that was sitting beside me at the game tonight could realise that.
These tactics are driving the fans away. There were 900 at the Bray game and id say not much more tonight. Whos going to pay the players wages if theres nobody coming through the turnstiles? :confused:
At least from a financial point of view, Hanley should give him the sack........
You must be annoyed that he signe a two year contract a few weeks back so?!! :p

21/04/2005, 9:54 PM
I heard on the grapevine that he has agreed to the contract alright but has yet to actually put pen to paper.
I tell you, i dont know how the other town fans are feeling but to say that i am frustrated would be an understatement.
I dont think you will ever come up against 2 bigger centre halves than Dave Rogers and Jamie Harris, but yet Matthews persists with playing it long up from the back..to make matters worse, its dessie baker that he is playing it long to!!
Every player on the longford town team is suited to a short passing game, not hoof hoof hoof

21/04/2005, 10:18 PM
I often get the impression that Longford don't have many creative players in midfield when doesn't play Baker wide so just Kirby in midfield alongside Martin, Fitzgerald & whoever else...

Used to be a time when ye passed the ball but not seen much in last 2 years.

21/04/2005, 11:12 PM
Its so obvious that his EXTREMELY :mad: frustrating long ball tactics dont work, even a 10 year old girl that was sitting beside me at the game tonight could realise that.

Met Lavine at the match in the Brandy and he went on a five minute rant about Matthews, long ball tactics, not being picked because he wasn't a "Matthews man" etc etc

22/04/2005, 7:27 AM
Met Lavine at the match in the Brandy and he went on a five minute rant about Matthews, long ball tactics, not being picked because he wasn't a "Matthews man" etc etc
Avril isn't being picked because he's a untc who's more interested in his social life than training.

I agree, Matthews out - I mean it's not like we'll ever win anything with him. We need someone who'll bring trophies in, someone to bring us to our most successful period in our history. Matthews is clearly a spoofer and not the man to do this.

22/04/2005, 7:37 AM
I wouldn't sack him but his tactics were bizzare to say the least. Shels were, frankly, awful last night and were there for the taking but pinging long balls at Jamie Harris, probably the tallest centre half in the league, is not exactly a good way to break us down. When you did pass the ball, very briefly, you got some joy and created a good first half chance by doing just that and it took an excellent Williams save to keep you out.

22/04/2005, 8:37 AM
Rock of Gibraltar - are you for real? Were you watching the game last night? At every opportunity to play the ball out from the back we tried to take it, but as they should Shels were making sure we couldn't do it too often.

So you think the Town should get a new manager? - What would his brief be- "well the last guy got sacked cause he only won 2 out of the 3 trophies available last season, so the new manager would have to win all three trophies just to keep his job" - get real, we lost, we played some good football and some bad football, and we played a very good team, the league champions who'll be there or thereabouts at the end of the year again.

22/04/2005, 8:47 AM
Matthews out is a load of bullsh1t.We didn't play well last night and it was a great chance to take shels but what shels did do was get men behind the ball and made it difficult.One or 2 changes on the pitch is what's needed not sacking the manager.Last night we would have beaten a lot of teams but not Shels.They got 2 chances and took them.Jason Byrne's goal was special but was preventable because 1) it was no free kick and 2) he got between 2 defenders.Richie Baker only scored because Sean Dillon slipped.It wasn't a great performance but the heart was in it.

22/04/2005, 8:48 AM
Rockoff I hope you are joking.

22/04/2005, 8:57 AM
Did anyone else notide that after we beat Bray there was no thread about it - Whats the story, do we only get on here and moan when we lose?

22/04/2005, 9:00 AM
Did anyone else notide that after we beat Bray there was no thread about it - Whats the story, do we only get on here and moan when we lose?
Certain people just wait for the excuse, afterall he's not the "great" Stephen Kenny... :rolleyes:

Pauro 76
22/04/2005, 9:10 AM
Ok ive been in London since Christmas, so ive no real right to comment, but this Mathews out lark is really getting on my tits. People were getting on his back last season as well around this stage, and oh we ended up winning two trophies. Fair enough, we're off to a bad start, but calling for Mathew's head at this stage of the season is outrageous.

Pauro 76
22/04/2005, 9:15 AM
OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT ........ NoW, NOW, NOW .

The Section O lads have the banners ready for the game on Monday night. Matthews will need a Garda escort.

Words fail me.

22/04/2005, 9:20 AM
Words fail me.
Is this turning into the most sarcastic thread ever, or is it just to early for you Pauro? :D

22/04/2005, 9:25 AM
Ah yes Macy the great Stephen Kenny, the legendary figure who walked out on us....

Pauro 76
22/04/2005, 9:36 AM
Is this turning into the most sarcastic thread ever, or is it just to early for you Pauro? :D

Far too early man.... :) rumours of my demise have been exaggerated..... completely off topic but the times we have won this season, ive been wearing my Town kit over here at the time they are playing, so maybe theres a theory. Pauro Out!

22/04/2005, 9:43 AM
It dosn't matter how good your midfield is if every ball is kicked over their heads. While I do not agree with the Matthews out extreme, I do believe that Jim Hanley should tell management (Alan and Arron) that he wants football played. I do not accept that we are the only team in the premiership that every other team can totally close down to such an extent that the ball must be hoofed in the air. The reason we are closed down is because the ball is not released quick enough. Diggers first instinct should be to release the ball to a defender or midfielder however as he has not done so for the past three years it does not happen automatically.
I firmly believe we have the players who can play football if given the encouragement to do so.

22/04/2005, 9:48 AM
completely off topic but the times we have won this season, ive been wearing my Town kit over here at the time they are playing, so maybe theres a theory. Pauro Out!

The same used to happen when I was in Oz back in the 2000/01 season. Didn't wear it for the Cup Final . . . .

Martinho II
22/04/2005, 11:33 AM
tbh lads this malarkey of matthews out is a bit extreme. All that needs changing is the tactics and get back to basicsin coaching. The amount of times the ball was kicked out of play or the ball was miscontrolled was unbeleiveable. And as for that waster Baker he makes my blood boil sometimes! :mad:

why did matthews take off andy myler first instead of baker? the only difference between the two sides last night was the two goals. We should not have allowed the ball to pass over our heads to allow Jason Byrne to score. As for Dillo, i believe that is the second time this season that we have let a goal from a a slip by the defender. Please god they wont show the game on tv3 :eek:

22/04/2005, 11:39 AM
Alan Mathews went absolutely ballistic after and during the game because they wouldn't do as they were told which was try and keep it on the ground. To say his tactics were send them out and knock long balls into the strikers is ridiculous, the problem is we have players who when under pressure tend to resort to knocking it way too long, particularly Digger and Barry, both of whom he was furious with post game.

The Bray game particularly second half and the games against Rovers and Linfield in parts is how Alan Mathews wants our team to play. As for Eric his mouth will get him into big trouble, does he seriously think his mouthing isn't going straight back to Alan Mathews, even from other players. He's incredibly childish and would want to sort himself out. Maybe if he wasn't twenty yards behind everyone else in training and turned up on time for matches he may have more of a chance.

He was at the same craic last year and was lucky he wasn't sacked for playing in five a side competitions in Galway when he was supposed to be training with us. Alan Mathews specifically requested he not be sacked. I like Eric as a person but his attitude when he doesn't get his own way is a major problem. His best days are over and he'd want to realise that and try and get himself into proper shape or come the end of this season he's going to be an unemployed ex-footballer. Gates have never come close to covering players' wages and it says a lot for those on the committee that we've never missed a week's wages in seven years.

22/04/2005, 12:07 PM
Avril's Gaelic skills are getting better. A nice long ball was sent down the middle of the park last night and out from the crowd of blue jumps avril higher than the shells monster and catches the ball and nearly solo's the ball. If she gets her marching orders there are some small Gaelic clubs around longford looking for full forwards with a good scoring record. Who need to be fit when a man can fly.... blood... :D :D :D :D :D

22/04/2005, 1:20 PM
Alan Mathews went absolutely ballistic after and during the game because they wouldn't do as they were told which was try and keep it on the ground. To say his tactics were send them out and knock long balls into the strikers is ridiculous, the problem is we have players who when under pressure tend to resort to knocking it way too long, particularly Digger and Barry, both of whom he was furious with post game.

The Bray game particularly second half and the games against Rovers and Linfield in parts is how Alan Mathews wants our team to play. As for Eric his mouth will get him into big trouble, does he seriously think his mouthing isn't going straight back to Alan Mathews, even from other players. He's incredibly childish and would want to sort himself out. Maybe if he wasn't twenty yards behind everyone else in training and turned up on time for matches he may have more of a chance.

He was at the same craic last year and was lucky he wasn't sacked for playing in five a side competitions in Galway when he was supposed to be training with us. Alan Mathews specifically requested he not be sacked. I like Eric as a person but his attitude when he doesn't get his own way is a major problem. His best days are over and he'd want to realise that and try and get himself into proper shape or come the end of this season he's going to be an unemployed ex-footballer. Gates have never come close to covering players' wages and it says a lot for those on the committee that we've never missed a week's wages in seven years.

i believe you are talking shi*t tbh. if that is the case why not tell them during the game instead of leaning against the railings/dugouts etc.

22/04/2005, 1:28 PM
Avril's Gaelic skills are getting better. A nice long ball was sent down the middle of the park last night and out from the crowd of blue jumps avril higher than the shells monster and catches the ball and nearly solo's the ball. If she gets her marching orders there are some small Gaelic clubs around longford looking for full forwards with a good scoring record. Who need to be fit when a man can fly.... blood...

you guys really dont have a clue about football.andy myler and dessie bakers performances collectively last night were an absolute disgrace yet wheneric lavine comes on and actually looks like a threatyou come here and talk about one mistake he made.Lads lets face you are brain deadpeople who just cant admit matthews might actually be wrong.god forbid lavine might try to adjust his his body position to control th ball franz......... :rolleyes:

last niote he was one out of only 2 to come out with any credit(Fitzgerald and kirby(although not a fan of his tried).

22/04/2005, 1:29 PM
Believe what you like I honestly don't care.

22/04/2005, 1:35 PM
Sonic, how is Matthews wrong? Wrong about what?

22/04/2005, 2:28 PM
There are a lot of people on this forum who talk incredible crap and i believe that Longfordian is not one of them.He is spot on about what Matthews says to the players.I have spent enough time close to the dug out to hear what instructions he shouts out to the players and the one he persists with most is " keep the ball on the ground and pass it ".The problem is that it's the same old culprits who persist in humping it whenever there is a bit of pressure coming on.The thing is that if one of these guys tries to play it out and gets caught resulting in a goal they are gonna get abuse from all quaters and the first thing that will be said is "why didn't you get rid of it?"I still don't think that our balance is right in midfield.Davy Byrne deserves a run in the middle and Barrett is lost on the left so he needs to move up front with Myler and prunty needs to go left side with dessie hitting the bench.
As for Eric Lavine,i am a fan of his but it would suit him better to pull up his socks and put the effort in to his game than whinging about Matthews.Alan has given him lots of chances and with Myler not firing on all cylinders maybe a chance will arise for him.

De Town
22/04/2005, 2:38 PM
Lads, I wasnt at the game so cant talk about the performance etc. I have spoken to a few people who were there and said that we made 2 silly mistakes which caused 2 goals and that Shels werent that much better than us.

But, look at it this way, we have lost 4 games in the league this season, 3 of which were to 3 of the early season title contenders, Cork, Derry and Shels, and by all accounts we were unlucky not to have got something out of all of those games. The other 1 we lost, Waterford,who I would consider to be in "our" group of teams in the league with the likes of Pats, we were crap on the night and let Reynolds bully the ref. We have beaten the 2 teams you would expect to beat. We have had a very tough start, with 3 possible title contenders, 2 teams who got off to great starts (Waterford and Bray) and a crap Rovers side.

I personally think its a bit early to be calling for Matthews head.

22/04/2005, 2:55 PM
what was the first thing avril did when she came on the pitch?........................................gave away a free
and then she spent the rest of the night prancing and dancing
Watch out for myler he's going to be good for that team. He's just setteling in and he has a football brain

22/04/2005, 4:49 PM
Well goals win games. We made two awful mistakes. Paisley must have figured the ball was dead. A top rate strike from Jason Byrne.

Dan O'Connor beaten for pace by Jason Byrne and Richie Baker slips past Dillo and Barry Slips at the near post for Baker to beat Digger from 6 yards.

We had a decent half chance when Baker played a ball across the Shels defence to Barrett, who could either have taken a first time shot or had a better touch to leave himself with a better chance. Fluffed oppertunity.

John Martin was played in for a similar opportunity and Williams got down and helped it out. No conviction in the shot.

Kirby had a glancing header saved by Willaims. Second half flurry of corners all decent chances and Williams did the job.

Williams had to be man of the match. We played poor. Shels sat back and we couldn't unopen them. I thought our wingers weren't wide enough and both full-backs lacked pace. Some awful touches. Hard to be over critical at the same time I don't really think we had much choice at times with the hoofing we were really closed down.

Avrils appearance wasn't up to much. Really felt Davy Byrne could have had a run. John Martin wasn't great his touch was poor. Bring on the enlargement of this pitch.

22/04/2005, 6:37 PM
These crap threads are a bloody ritual at the start of each season. If its not "Section O to the Stand NOW" its "Matthews out NOW" ffs yet most people who spend their time giving out are the ones that dont let go of cups when won and are so far up players/management rears telling everyone how great they are.

Its been a bad start and infairness cant get much worse, the most sickening aspect is, we play bad and win games people are praising them saying how great they are, we play decent against others and are beaten, then the team is crap.

the 12 th man
22/04/2005, 7:18 PM
you guys really dont have a clue about football.andy myler and dessie bakers performances collectively last night were an absolute disgrace yet wheneric lavine comes on and actually looks like a threatyou come here and talk about one mistake he made.Lads lets face you are brain deadpeople who just cant admit matthews might actually be wrong.god forbid lavine might try to adjust his his body position to control th ball franz......... :rolleyes:

last niote he was one out of only 2 to come out with any credit(Fitzgerald and kirby(although not a fan of his tried).

this post is whats known as "standing outside the tent and pi**ing in".

look,alan matthews is not going to instruct his players to punt the ball when he knows that by keeping it on the deck we can compete with anybody out there.

the real world is different from the clipboard in the dressing room where the manager points out where he would like the game to be played.obviously things did'nt go to plan against shels but i think alans input has only been positive.to think that he would advocate the long ball after all thats transpired in the last couple of years is really naive of anyone.

we're all frustrated by the lack of consistency but hey its still early days yet.

22/04/2005, 8:10 PM
what was the first thing avril did when she came on the pitch?........................................gave away a free
and then she spent the rest of the night prancing and dancing
Watch out for myler he's going to be good for that team. He's just setteling in and he has a football brain

if that is going to be your ludicrous arguement wat the hell did myler do all nite.sod all is what.i had my reservations about myler when we origionally signed him,i did say id give him a chance but what i have seen so far does not auger confidence.

to answer your earlier question what has matthews done wrong(answers below)

1 persist with the long-ball tactics even though its cleary not working and its driving people away from the turnstiles rather than encourage people to come along.

2 leave a GREAT player like lavine on the bench

3 I dont mean to be unfair but he has signed some donkeys this close season.cronin looks no better than perth or keogh or even darragh :( .myler is crap.danny o connor is doing ok and is way better than alan murphy although that wouldnt be hard(good defender but once he gets forward he is very wasteful)

4 putting possibly the biggest talent we have on the left wing instead of his best position up front(barrett of course)

5 the man persists on playing dessie baker who has about as much commitment to longfiord town as gerry adams has on the peace process :ball:

i could go on but ill leave it there

22/04/2005, 9:38 PM
i could go on but ill leave it there[/QUOTE]

Don't bother going on Sonic! Quit the nonsense about Mattthews out. Who do you want to replace him so?!

A couple of good points there... for a change. Andy Myler has a good footballing brain though and given time he will prove a good addition to the squad. When Dessie was substituted he kicked the bench in frustration. Why did he do this? Is he just the headcase many claim he is, was he disappointed with his own/team performance or does he lack commitment to the LTFC cause?? I don't know, but Dessie Baker is quality and when in the right frame of mind he can do wonderful things on the pitch. Shane Barrett is being played out of position, I agree. I would also like to see more of Lavine but we can only pot eleven on the pitch. Cronin looks a poor signing while question marks still hang over Danny O' Connor in my view. Watching the hoofing/hit and hope tactic is depressing and it's not how football should be played. When we keep the ball on the deck as we did for long periods against Linfield we are a match for any LOI side.
Lets pray to God we beat Glentoran on monday night. It's crucial we do so. This, I feel will be our only chance of reaching a cup final this year. I hope I'm wrong however!

23/04/2005, 2:58 PM
Who do you want to replace him so?

Pat dolan is the obvious candidate.loves longford longford loves him big man,big character and a big heart.none of this "oh a point will do" s*it with him.He is straight talking and to the point.More importantly he is a good manager who plays an attractive attacking game that we all crave.

Enda M
23/04/2005, 3:00 PM
Have to agree with ya sonic some of matthews tactics and team selection have been bizarre to say the least :mad:

De Town
23/04/2005, 4:19 PM
Pat dolan is the obvious candidate.loves longford longford loves him big man,big character and a big heart.none of this "oh a point will do" s*it with him.He is straight talking and to the point.More importantly he is a good manager who plays an attractive attacking game that we all crave.
Pat Dolan is the man ya want if ya want to bankrupt the fcuking club :mad: :rolleyes:

23/04/2005, 4:31 PM
He is straight talking and to the point.

:D :D :D :D

23/04/2005, 7:52 PM
Pat dolan is the obvious candidate

You obviously don't know why Cork got rid of him.

23/04/2005, 8:19 PM
Pat Dolan..Christ almighty..If Cork couldn't afford to keep him and he nearly bankrupted Pats I don't think he'd be the man for our club somehow. Loves Longford..just like he loved Cork but told Pats fans it was just a job and it was Pats he really loved. By the way on his type of football, St.Pat's weren't known as Set Piece Athletic for nothing when he was in charge.

24/04/2005, 10:33 AM
Pat Dolan..Christ almighty..If Cork couldn't afford to keep him and he nearly bankrupted Pats I don't think he'd be the man for our club somehow. Loves Longford..just like he loved Cork but told Pats fans it was just a job and it was Pats he really loved. By the way on his type of football, St.Pat's weren't known as Set Piece Athletic for nothing when he was in charge.

come on longfordian a matthewsite like yourself surely cant be slagging someone elses style of play. :rolleyes:

24/04/2005, 3:18 PM
Apart from Shels Ive seen Longford more then any other team this season and its been the same every game... Matthews is useless!! The type of football Longford are playing is losing fans of the Eircom League.

For the first 20 mins down there Shels were much better tried to play decent football and were worth the 2-0 lead. Then for whatever reason Shels decided to go into long ball mode and for the remaining 70 mins we got superb hoofing :mad: One of the worst games Ive seen in the EL and the few fans who did turn up cant have been impressed. Longford started that way but shels quickly joined in!! It was awful stuff and both managers should take the blame. Ive seen shels pass it about against Waterford and Pats so its not always the longball game with us but for the 4 times Ive seen Longford they are at it the whole time...

Its turning fans awy..

Quicker you get that clown out the better

De Town
24/04/2005, 4:07 PM
In fairness higgins, I doubt you saw the game against Bray. We played some brilliant stuff which led to Pat Devlin and Pip Keogh saying that we were the best team that they had played so far, even though they had played 2 of the "title contenders" in Cork and Drogs.

We are a good match for anyone in this league on our day, we are just too inconsistent.

24/04/2005, 5:45 PM
Apart from Shels Ive seen Longford more then any other team this season and its been the same every game... Matthews is useless!! The type of football Longford are playing is losing fans of the Eircom League.

For the first 20 mins down there Shels were much better tried to play decent football and were worth the 2-0 lead. Then for whatever reason Shels decided to go into long ball mode and for the remaining 70 mins we got superb hoofing :mad: One of the worst games Ive seen in the EL and the few fans who did turn up cant have been impressed. Longford started that way but shels quickly joined in!! It was awful stuff and both managers should take the blame. Ive seen shels pass it about against Waterford and Pats so its not always the longball game with us but for the 4 times Ive seen Longford they are at it the whole time...

Its turning fans awy..

Quicker you get that clown out the better

why do you always have to justify for the man just cause we won a couple of cups.even shels and cork fans can see how uselexs he is why cant yee

24/04/2005, 5:47 PM
why do you always have to justify for the man just cause we won a couple of cups.even shels and cork fans can see how uselexs he is why cant yee
I wouldn't say he's useless, Longford are a very effective team, i just think he could be a little more adventurous with his tactics

max power
24/04/2005, 6:01 PM
I wouldn't say he's useless, Longford are a very effective team, i just think he could be a little more adventurous with his tactics

enough adventure to win 3 cups, come back when you've done that with all ur money and support...... :rolleyes:

24/04/2005, 7:17 PM
I wouldn't say he's useless, Longford are a very effective team, i just think he could be a little more adventurous with his tactics

My thoughts exactly. He's not useless, he's achieved alot with Longford, but the type of football on show v Shels and when I've seen Longford on the TV will drive people away from the ground very quickly, which ultimately is very very bad.

24/04/2005, 7:53 PM
enough adventure to win 3 cups, come back when you've done that with all ur money and support...... :rolleyes:
sorry max. I won't ever say anything positive about Longford Town ever again :rolleyes:

24/04/2005, 9:49 PM
Well I've heard them all now. Longford are to blame for the poor attendances at Eircom league matches !!!
As for your closing remark, it just doesn't deserve a response.
I don't think he was blaming Longford for poor attendances, just pointing out that the "style" of football longford play at the moment wouldn't exactly attract people to matches- and he is dead right there.