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View Full Version : Championship Manager 5 vs. Football Manager 2005

Don Vito
19/04/2005, 4:02 PM
Anyone out there played both of these yet? I'm curious as to how Championship Manager 5 will turn out considering its virtually a new game. I'm pleased with Football Manager 2005 but it hasn't been that big of a leap form Championship Manager '03/04.

27/04/2005, 9:15 AM
Champ Manager 5 is crap.
I played 2 hours of it and gave it back to my mate.

Football Manager wins hands down :)

29/04/2005, 11:06 AM
as a complete SI fanboy im going to have to not help the discussion at all by saying that i've never played CM5 and never will. Boo And Hiss!