View Full Version : LOI Newspaper pull outs for the new season.

14/02/2019, 9:29 AM
Has anyone come across any pull outs or magazines in the national newspapers, there usually out by now unless I missed them, for the last few years the Mirror used to do a magazine and a fixture booklet I think and the rest at least had some kind of pull out on the new season.

14/02/2019, 9:47 AM
Has anyone come across any pull outs or magazines in the national newspapers, there usually out by now unless I missed them, for the last few years the Mirror used to do a magazine and a fixture booklet I think and the rest at least had some kind of pull out on the new season.

most likely this Friday ? usually coincide with the first round of matches

14/02/2019, 9:51 AM
Irish Daily Mail tomorrow anyway.

14/02/2019, 10:30 AM
The Irish Daily Mail has carried the official league brochure for the last few years, I think. No idea about this year.

Martinho II
14/02/2019, 5:14 PM
yeah its extremely quiet this year with loi preview pullouts.. expect normal service to be resumed tmw!

14/02/2019, 8:26 PM
I think it's always a friday for that stuff, even for the opening night of the season.

Martinho II
15/02/2019, 12:00 PM
I think it's always a friday for that stuff, even for the opening night of the season.

Star,mirror,mail and herald all have preview pullouts for season. Mail by far the best

15/02/2019, 1:08 PM
Star,mirror,mail and herald all have preview pullouts for season. Mail by far the best

spot on. Mail has a separate 32 page magazine on LOI. Familiar format and best I've seen today.

15/02/2019, 2:56 PM
I got the Daily Mail today. Has anyone else seen to LoI supplement, it seems to me that the introduction from the Chairman of the league is from last year; Cork didn't win the double last year did they?

15/02/2019, 4:58 PM
I got the Daily Mail today. Has anyone else seen to LoI supplement, it seems to me that the introduction from the Chairman of the league is from last year; Cork didn't win the double last year did they?

Sweet Jesus - you're right ! Epic, epic fail.

It also talks about how "Stephen Kenny has made some noteworthy additions to his squad and they will be hungry for success following their exploits in recent seasons", and then talk about the introduction of the new 10 team leagues :eek:

It could, of course, be the Daily Mail's error to publish last year's one - but my money would be on the FAI Chairman forwarding the wrong version. Especially as it has the right year in the first line (the Daily Mail probably changed that bit thinking it was a typo. Without having the knowledge to realise the whole thing was a giant error)

An error so striking that it says it all about how little the FAI care about the league. Abbotstown should be marched on for less.

Unless, of course, he was referring to Cork's epic win over Crusaders in the first north-south champions play-off final in November ? Played behind closed doors and on the hush hush, of course, as the FAI didn't bother to mention it to the IFA or NIFL.

15/02/2019, 8:46 PM
Daily Mail one is littered with inaccuracies right throughout the booklet.

15/02/2019, 11:56 PM
Daily Mail one is littered with inaccuracies right throughout the booklet.

They've given Harps quite the impressive Honours list.

I'd frame it, if I were you :D

18/02/2019, 10:06 AM
spot on. Mail has a separate 32 page magazine on LOI. Familiar format and best I've seen today.

Best format (however familiar) in the Mail but a veritable 'spot the error' throughout.Really disappointing that having gone to the trouble to put together a decent magazine that the contents are so shoddy. would love to know who supplied the 'info' contained.