View Full Version : there is just no pleasing some of ye

12/04/2005, 10:38 PM
havent we got the best traning faciliteis in the country?
to quote the gods aren't we "in a unique position to develop a soccer Club along the lines of the best development Clubs in Europe??
we also have "enhanced structure both in operational and infrastructural resources"
ye want all this and a team that can be at least competitive in the dizzy heights of eircom league div1. Greedy buggers! next ye will be looking for entertainment as well.
This is their great plan to attract major new sponsors and millions of Galways great sporting pubic to Terryland. They had their chance to achieve all this before the transfer deadline and did nothing about it.
GUFC RIP and they are just standing by watching it happen. I wonder why???

Patrick Dunne
13/04/2005, 11:49 AM
Millions of Galway pubic in Terryland ?

Not my kind of thing at all.
Who is going to go around collecting it ?

This wont go down well (no pun intended) with certain sections of our support.

13/04/2005, 11:52 AM
you have a PHD fine sir doesnt mean you can slag off the Galway Sporting Pubic!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

13/04/2005, 11:52 AM
Millions of Galway pubic in Terryland ?

Not my kind of thing at all.
Who is going to go around collecting it ?

This wont go down well (no pun intended) with certain sections of our support.

:D :D :D :D