View Full Version : Dundalk 0:0 Dubs

05/04/2005, 11:01 PM
(This is a copy of a note on the Dubs site)
The weather was crap, the rain pelted down and the wind blew a gale. So it was no surprise that the football wasn't great but as I had said before "A point is a point is a point" and away from home I can readily except it. Both sides had some chances to steal the points but a draw was about the right result.

Know then, the support or should I say the lack of it was shocking. I'm not going to go into numbers but we could be counted on one hand. We need to try harder.

All that said, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to about half a dozen or so Drogs teenage fans who because of the shall we say lack of love for Dundalk FC helped us out magnificently. I played the big drum and because of my meagre efforts two of them ran home and got a couple snare drums and proceeded to lead the chants for the Dubs which I would have to say listening to them we could learn a lot about how to support a team. Anyway I have some new songs(new to us anyway) that I will share at the next game.

Thanks again Drogs young lads.

06/04/2005, 7:20 AM
We were a bit split up, between the two stands, we should have been together. A point is a point , but we looked terrible :eek: . Brendan kept us it the game. As one Dundalk supporter put it to me " favorites me hole!" :D ( must be said in a slow Dundalk accent)