View Full Version : Worst Performance EVER ???????

05/04/2005, 9:51 PM
Utd 0 - Sligo 2 if Sligo were a good side they would have scored 6 at least.
Gutless at least three players on the pitch to- night should never wear the jersey again, another three deserve the benifit of the doubt just about. We have no mid-field and no strikers. The same problems for the last two seasons and what has been done abut it? Our great leader Tony, ops I mean Stephen seems to pick exactly the same players as Tony, a big surprise that.
The were not good enough last year wat makes him think they are good enough this year? Another waste of 100 yoyo. Roll on 2006 !!!! so I can chuck another 100 down the drain

05/04/2005, 11:13 PM
sligo played great stuff to be fair but our tactics were shocking..
we kept pumpin in the same ball all night from the halfway lobbing it diagonaly to moran and odowd they never will score that way there backs are to the goal for starters...sligo played down the flanks towards the endline and pulled back the ball for their forwards and midfielders to charge onto and facing the goals......its a simple game and in slippy conditions it was refreshing watching sligo. the only thing is Athlone looked superior to us last week and they have been walloped by cobh tonight so it must be us making sides look good. Derek Lally is not and never was up to this standard. there was no game plan at all it was like going back 25 years in time. re election looks likely

Conor H
06/04/2005, 8:50 PM
we may beat ye 6-0 so..
Were not that bad!

06/04/2005, 11:05 PM
i dont mind losing that happens, it was the way we took part last night that is the most worrying thing.

football has moved on, the ball is quicker for starters, set pieces should be worked through diligently at training, you rarely see goalkeepers catching crosses anymore its too dangerous. when balls are being put in to the goalmouth they should be delivered at speed and at head height or along the floor. there is no thought in our play, players are not moving enough at all for any worthwhile attacking to be succesfull. the team doesnt move together or work in cells together. there is a serious lack of a game plan and it shows.
stickin posters on the dressing room wall saying "i believe" is not enough

thats why i believe we dont stand a chance even at this early stage
sad and it kills me but true