View Full Version : Brainteaser

20/02/2002, 12:47 PM
Here is the link to the new game of Plastelina:

20/02/2002, 6:15 PM
Sweet mother of Jesus IT'S WRECKING MY HEAD!!!!!! I just have to finish it though. And I will. Oh yes. OH YES!!!! See what you've done Peadar you've turned me into a raving lunatic!

20/02/2002, 6:21 PM
Fcuk it. It's too hard. I got four out of five though. Ain't bad!

20/02/2002, 7:40 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi
I got four out of five though. Ain't bad!

They're all very simple when you think about it.
I thought the maneaters and the missionaries was the tricky one but I got it soon enough.

21/02/2002, 2:16 PM
Easy enough to get 4 out of 5 in the elevators but last one hard.

I know theres a simple solution to the lamp & bridge but esacpes me


21/02/2002, 7:37 PM
Originally posted by pete
I know theres a simple solution to the lamp & bridge but esacpes me


Basically you send the 1 sec guy over with the 3 sec and then the girl, each time sending the 1 sec guy back. Then you send the two slowest guys over together and send the 3 sec guy back.
Then the 1 sec and 3 sec guys can go back in 3 secs.

I think that worked for me anyway.

21/02/2002, 8:28 PM
i did the lift yoke in 29 moves , god it is headwrecking

22/02/2002, 4:59 PM
Originally posted by ollie
i did the lift yoke in 29 moves , god it is headwrecking

I did it in eight or nine. I thought that was the second easiest.
The Sheep and cabbage and wolf one being easiest.