View Full Version : Credit where it’s due extratime.ie and offtheball

16/09/2018, 8:51 AM
For decades of following our league I often bemoaned the poor coverage on the media - usually a few paragraphs of a bland match report in a paper was all we would get.

But we currently never had it so good, extra time.ie and off the hall league podcasts ( both cover both divisions !) are brilliant. So to both teams - thank you , you’ve enriched our league by giving it more depth than just “weekend scores”.

17/09/2018, 8:12 AM
Have to agree about the Podcasts Seán, but I was only thinking about newspaper coverage, which I reckon is done best by the tabloids, like the Mirror on a Friday.However, reading the Saturday Indo and Times, it looks like we're now competing with womens soccer and Gaa. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for equality,but there was good reporting on the build up for the women's All Ireland Final, but the LoI match reports were pretty abysmal.

Mr A
17/09/2018, 8:31 AM
The podcast scene has become so crowded I find myself not listening to any of them a lot of the time. I might pick out a few that feature us but otherwise there just isn't the time.

There's a real gap in the market for a podcast that summarises and provides highlights of the rest of them.

17/09/2018, 8:42 AM
I've only listened to LOI Weekly and the Greatest league in the World podcast.
LOI weekly is streets ahead imo, even if they do sometimes have the inarticulate Johnny McDonnell as a guest.

17/09/2018, 10:42 AM
Soccer Republic Extra is the main one I listen to. It really is great at the moment.

17/09/2018, 10:54 AM
The latest issue of GLITW was interesting, They had Rued Dokter on and he was asked about a topic raised here in terms of somewhere for under 19 players to go after under 19's
When asked about an under 21 he was negative but suggested instead that the best few players might stay on and be allowed play as overage players (or indeed first teamers play down).
Also suggested then biggest teams might play a reserve team which could hoover up the best of the 19's that are being released......he did say his concern there would be that this would make the stronger teams potentially stronger.....
I'm not summarising it very well probably..........worth a listen

17/09/2018, 11:01 AM
Give Between the Stripes LOI podcast a listen lads you won’t be disappointed. Great guests every week and the only pod that lets fans on to have their say and you often find the fan interviews are actually the most insightful. No doubt the pod market has become over saturated though. I only listen to LOI weekly and GLITW. The 98fm one is awful.

17/09/2018, 11:03 AM
The podcast scene has become so crowded I find myself not listening to any of them a lot of the time. I might pick out a few that feature us but otherwise there just isn't the time.

There's a real gap in the market for a podcast that summarises and provides highlights of the rest of them.

I’ll give the lads at Between The Stripes a shout out, they don’t have the resources of a lot of their competitors but still put out a decent show most weeks. It’s been let down by the quality of Harps fans that they’ve had on but you can’t have everything.

Edit no need when outspoken is happy to give himself a shout out!

17/09/2018, 11:28 AM
I listen to:
Greatest League In The World,
Soccer Republic Extra,
LOI Weekly.

All three are superb and make my commute a lot easier.
Must get into Between The Stripes and ExtratTime's Podcast - anyone know what platforms they're on?

17/09/2018, 12:07 PM
Like them all, but certainly a shout out for Between the Stripes, which is available on Spotify.

Mr A
17/09/2018, 12:16 PM
Of all of them BTS is probably the one I listen to most regularly. LOI Weekly can be brilliant (the Brian Kerr episode was superb) but some of the 'banter' on it can be annoying.

In general I would love to see them talk to people who actually run clubs a bit more. Previous pieces with John O Sullivan for example were excellent. If I was involved in one now I would be knocking on John O Connor's door to do a few slots about finance in the league. Most fans and players haven't the first notion of what goes into keeping a club going so hearing from people that do from time to time adds a lot to coverage.

17/09/2018, 12:22 PM
Yeah Johnny Ward seems like a sound guy and he’s definitely passionate about the league, but he can be a bit cringey when he’s trying to be overly matey with the guests.

17/09/2018, 2:05 PM
BTS is the only one I've been listening to on any regular sort of basis. I think there's too many going around at the minute.

Martinho II
17/09/2018, 4:02 PM
BTS is the only one I've been listening to on any regular sort of basis. I think there's too many going around at the minute.

I listen to all the league of ireland podcasts except for the shamrock rovers one... but there will be a time when I go back to work and choose on which is the best one as wouldnt have the time any more. loi weekly can be great but cringey. 98 fms one is ok but Jamie Moore talks way too quick for me at times. TGLITW is superb with Con Murphy but my favourite has to be BTS considering the resources that the Section O lads have to manage on. Extratimes is average tbh,..

17/09/2018, 7:15 PM
Listen to Soccer Republic, LOI Weekly & GLITW. All really enjoyable. GLITW gets some really good guests in and Con and Conan work very well together.

LOI weekly is very enjoyable. I like the two hosts and have no issue with Johnny Ward's banter which I find usually to be funny. Only issue I find is they tend to use Whatsapp voice messages a fair bit which breaks up the flow of the show a bit.

First time I heard Soccer Republic extra Dave Barry was on it. Nearly put me off it tbh. Personally I think this is the weakest of the three that I listen to. Sometimes its excellent especially the episode with Pete Mahon a few weeks ago but other times its not nearly as good especially if Dave Barry is on it.

Would agree with others that there is probably too many. I don't have the time to listen to the others. I listened to the Extra Time one a few years ago and it was decent but with their links with Eir on the live TV coverage I'm surprised they haven't joined it and LOI weekly together.

17/09/2018, 7:32 PM
Of all of them BTS is probably the one I listen to most regularly. LOI Weekly can be brilliant (the Brian Kerr episode was superb) but some of the 'banter' on it can be annoying.

In general I would love to see them talk to people who actually run clubs a bit more. Previous pieces with John O Sullivan for example were excellent. If I was involved in one now I would be knocking on John O Connor's door to do a few slots about finance in the league. Most fans and players haven't the first notion of what goes into keeping a club going so hearing from people that do from time to time adds a lot to coverage.

Thanks for the support. We actually had John on last season I think it was, he was superb. LOI weekly is great but some weeks they definitely go ott with the banter, at the start I thought GLITW wouldn’t have much freedom given it’s ran by the league but Con and particularly Conan have been superb. Having been a guest on their show I just wish we had a studio like theirs 😂

17/09/2018, 7:42 PM
I love LOI Weekly for the characters and camaraderie just as much as the coverage! I think Johnny McDonnell was great on it last week and I love listening to him.

17/09/2018, 8:13 PM
Out of curiosity, do any of ye regard Peter Collins as an LOI man? Or is Soccer Republic something he got stuck with when they drew straws in the RTE canteen for which Presenter hosted any given programme?

17/09/2018, 8:46 PM
I was listening to LOI Weekly a lot and GLITW a bit but as OP said, there are so many it’s hard to keep up.

17/09/2018, 8:54 PM
Out of curiosity, do any of ye regard Peter Collins as an LOI man? Or is Soccer Republic something he got stuck with when they drew straws in the RTE canteen for which Presenter hosted any given programme?

The Collinsbot is incapable of human emotion, he merely follows his programming.

Martinho II
18/09/2018, 12:56 PM
Out of curiosity, do any of ye regard Peter Collins as an LOI man? Or is Soccer Republic something he got stuck with when they drew straws in the RTE canteen for which Presenter hosted any given programme?

any time I see Peter Collins on TV it reminds me of his radio show on 2fm in the 90s . mind you his choice of music was great though!

18/09/2018, 6:59 PM
Collins is like that type of ‘football fan’ everyone knows. Everything he knows about football he read or heard it somewhere rather than experienced it. To the casual eye it looks knowledgeable but delve a little deeper and you soon realise it’s all waffle. Con on the other hand, knew his **** coz he was a real LOI fan.

18/09/2018, 8:01 PM
Love Con Murphy.

18/09/2018, 8:01 PM
Collins is like that type of ‘football fan’ everyone knows. Everything he knows about football he read or heard it somewhere rather than experienced it. To the casual eye it looks knowledgeable but delve a little deeper and you soon realise it’s all waffle. Con on the other hand, knew his **** coz he was a real LOI fan.

Oh god this is so bang on the money! Well done, sir.

20/09/2018, 11:19 AM
Hope the admins don’t mind but seeing as a few of you seem to be unfamiliar with Between the Stripes LOI podcast I thought I’d throw up the links to last nights show. Maybe not as big of names as we’d usually have in terms of guests but Conor Davis from UCD in particular was a superb interview. Feedback welcome.

ITUNES: https://goo.gl/bisHo7
GOOGLE PODCASTS:* https://goo.gl/MEU1UG

20/09/2018, 5:18 PM
will give Between the Stripes a go based on the recommendations here.

Have a fairly packed podcast schedule so it'll have to be at the expense of another LOI podcast on my feed, and I must say I've had my fill of the presenter whose every question is twice as long as its answer....

20/09/2018, 5:25 PM
I cant listen to the podcast recently, it's too depressing! But I do enjoy them when we're not ****e.

While the market is very full, they are all fairly different.

LOI weekly is probably the most consistent good listen, even though as a city fan, ward does my head in at times. Around the league in general I enjoy it.

GLITW is great in focusing on other aspects of the league, not just results. They have great guests.

BTS is generally a good listen, and good overview of first division. Tend to have a good range of guests too.

I actually enjoy Tales from the East Stand, especially their monthly ones with ex players. Some fantastic insights from players on how the game was and how their lives were as players. Much more casual fan discussion but I like that.

Soccer Republic id listen to the odd time, good timing in the week as there's not much else out yet.

Don't listen to extratime or the off the all one. Can't stand the off the ball presenters style.

21/09/2018, 11:11 AM
I haven't ever listened to any of them.

Just thought I'd add that.

Martinho II
21/09/2018, 5:52 PM
I cant listen to the podcast recently, it's too depressing! But I do enjoy them when we're not ****e.

While the market is very full, they are all fairly different.

LOI weekly is probably the most consistent good listen, even though as a city fan, ward does my head in at times. Around the league in general I enjoy it.

GLITW is great in focusing on other aspects of the league, not just results. They have great guests.

BTS is generally a good listen, and good overview of first division. Tend to have a good range of guests too.

I actually enjoy Tales from the East Stand, especially their monthly ones with ex players. Some fantastic insights from players on how the game was and how their lives were as players. Much more casual fan discussion but I like that.

Soccer Republic id listen to the odd time, good timing in the week as there's not much else out yet.

Don't listen to extratime or the off the all one. Can't stand the off the ball presenters style.

yeah Jamie Moore is way too hyper for me on off the ball for me!

22/09/2018, 8:03 AM
Hope the admins don’t mind but seeing as a few of you seem to be unfamiliar with Between the Stripes LOI podcast I thought I’d throw up the links to last nights show. Maybe not as big of names as we’d usually have in terms of guests but Conor Davis from UCD in particular was a superb interview. Feedback welcome.

ITUNES: https://goo.gl/bisHo7
GOOGLE PODCASTS:* https://goo.gl/MEU1UG

Cheers for that, tbh I didn’t know about it but I’ve just listened to ep.25 and it is very good. Added to my podcast listening 👍👍👍👍

22/09/2018, 3:01 PM
Cheers for that, tbh I didn’t know about it but I’ve just listened to ep.25 and it is very good. Added to my podcast listening 👍👍👍👍

Ah thanks very much. No show next week as I’m off for a break in Scotland but back with some big names hopefully the week after. Thanks for the feedback

03/10/2018, 12:26 PM
Great interview with Alan o Neill on tales from the east stand podcast. Talks about his time at rovers dundalk ucd and Sligo. Really good insights comes across as incredibly sound guy

05/10/2018, 2:37 AM
A bit of the target here -

Bit of a Twitter head me :( lol

Right now i'm delighted with all these new LoI media wanting to grab some action in the ever growing market here but i'm finding it hard to differentiate between say @league_ireland (https://twitter.com/league_ireland) & https://twitter.com/DomesticIreland
https://twitter.com/LOIDOTIE etc.... hit me with the best one(s)(which may or may not have been mentioned above)

Same with Facebook(yeah,i'm a fan despite them robbing my fake a/c details) any good pages out there.(Jackie Jameson one is brill) Any genuine reccommendations?

05/10/2018, 3:05 AM
Hope the admins don’t mind but seeing as a few of you seem to be unfamiliar with Between the Stripes LOI podcast I thought I’d throw up the links to last nights show. Maybe not as big of names as we’d usually have in terms of guests but Conor Davis from UCD in particular was a superb interview. Feedback welcome.

ITUNES: https://goo.gl/bisHo7
GOOGLE PODCASTS:* https://goo.gl/MEU1UG

Possible to put it on Acast at all ?

08/10/2018, 7:34 AM
Possible to put it on Acast at all ?

Never heard of it so gave it a google. Will look into it for you

08/10/2018, 9:42 PM
Never heard of it so gave it a google. Will look into it for you

Sound. OTB & GLITW are on Acast so no harm in you being also, if its possible.