View Full Version : Robbie keane is the root of the problem

29/03/2005, 10:17 AM
Why? Why is Robbie Keane coming back into midfield constantly, who does he think he is ?? Robbiedinho??? He should be up on the shoulder of the last defender all the time and trying to get it into his tricky feet and turn where he can hurt defences, also where he has the option of a thru ball. Robbie comes back bumping into Roy and zinedine and clinton wanders around on his own, it is awful dis-jointed. Kerr would want to have a serious chat with him.

Seeing him pick the ball up in the centre circle is driving me nuts.

29/03/2005, 10:56 AM
Why? Why is Robbie Keane coming back into midfield constantly, who does he think he is ?? Robbiedinho??? He should be up on the shoulder of the last defender all the time and trying to get it into his tricky feet and turn where he can hurt defences, also where he has the option of a thru ball. Robbie comes back bumping into Roy and zinedine and clinton wanders around on his own, it is awful dis-jointed. Kerr would want to have a serious chat with him.

Seeing him pick the ball up in the centre circle is driving me nuts.
Robbie links up great with Duffer but when he is marked out of the game, Robbie has no supply. It used to be knock downs from Quinn. Its the old continental style of defending. You dont mark the striker, you cut off his supply. Look at Terry Henry.

29/03/2005, 11:07 AM
Why? Why is Robbie Keane coming back into midfield constantly, who does he think he is ?? Robbiedinho??? He should be up on the shoulder of the last defender all the time and trying to get it into his tricky feet and turn where he can hurt defences, also where he has the option of a thru ball. Robbie comes back bumping into Roy and zinedine and clinton wanders around on his own, it is awful dis-jointed. Kerr would want to have a serious chat with him.

Seeing him pick the ball up in the centre circle is driving me nuts.

I would just like to reiterate what Tuff Paddy said. Robbie Keane is a God. :D Lets give thanks that he's ours.
He had no other choice but to drift into deep positions the other night. It wasn't like he was getting any service. In any case, he played 2 or 3 excellent balls in behind the Israeli defence. He linked up very well with Duff and was one of Ireland's better players. In fact, I recall saying in the opening 10 minutes of the game that Robbie was really up for it. He was very enthusiastic to get on the ball and possibly the only Irish player who had a sense of urgency about him on Saturday night.

29/03/2005, 12:04 PM
You are talking through your AH. What do you base this assessment on 'Saturdays Game". He got no ball so went looking for it so dont blame him.Robbie wears his heart on his sleeve and will run all day looking for the ball so as either he or one of the boys pop it in the net.

29/03/2005, 12:20 PM
"Robbie keane is the root of the problem"

:D :D :D

29/03/2005, 12:24 PM
Agree re defence of Robbie. Also if you don't like him collecting the ball in the centre circle I assume you didn't enjoy the goal he scored against the Dutch in the recent friendly where he collected it inside the Irish half and ran all the way with it to score!

Sometime you have to forage for the ball as a forward. Mourinho has Duff playing on his full back's shoulder most of the time!

29/03/2005, 12:38 PM
Saturday was one of Robbie's best games in an Irish shirt in an age.
He had little choice but to come deep, it's not like anyone else on the piotch seemed too concerned with going forward

29/03/2005, 12:43 PM
Saturday was one of Robbie's best games in an Irish shirt in an age.
He had little choice but to come deep, it's not like anyone else on the piotch seemed too concerned with going forward

Good man tiktok. Without dwelling on the performance of his team-mates, I thought Robbie played very well. Indeed, there were shades of Amsterdam 2000 in his performance.

Littlest Hobo
29/03/2005, 12:59 PM
Praise be the lord for Robbie is the mighty one.
Hail Glorious Saint Robbie, Hail Glorious Robbie.
Bow down to him, for he is the giver and taker of goals. :ball:

29/03/2005, 1:09 PM
How far, do we reckon, this Stokes lads is from A) getting a club game and eventually B) making our senior squad?????
Well it is Arsenal so I wouldn't count on him ever breaking into their team. :) Nah, he should play in next seasons Carling Cup.

29/03/2005, 2:19 PM
Stokes scored in both games for the U17's over the weekend. Probably has to wait a few years until he'll make the step up though.

Robbie was far from the root of the problem on Saturday. As much as it usually annoys me to see him dropping into midfield so often he had no choice in Tel Aviv but to come deep for the ball when he was getting zero service up front.

29/03/2005, 2:28 PM
How far, do we reckon, this Stokes lads is from A) getting a club game and eventually B) making our senior squad?????
He can play U-16s in DDSL til the end of this season. Thats how old he is. So he will be probably just gone 17. You wont see him in an Ireland shirt for at least two years.