View Full Version : McGeady must start tonight

29/03/2005, 9:38 AM
What better match to give a young lad his debut in :confused:

29/03/2005, 9:46 AM
never heard of him

come back to me when he makes it in a big league

celtic muppets

29/03/2005, 9:49 AM
Saw on Sky Sports News that Kerr has said he wont start but will feature in the second half.

29/03/2005, 10:11 AM
I say give him a run. Let's see if he justifies all the hype. He could be the next David Connolly . . . :D
More like Colin Healy and Liam Miller - great players when playing against Livingston and Dundee. Should swell the attendance if McGeady plays.

29/03/2005, 11:22 AM
More like Colin Healy and Liam Miller - great players when playing against Livingston and Dundee. Should swell the attendance if McGeady plays.
Well, Miller didn't make a name for himself against the likes of Dundee. He rarely stood out in league games. It was the CL games, particularly the game against Anderlecht, that caught everyone's eye.
Colin Healy? He was let go by Celtic and never really impressed in Scotland. :confused:
McGeady ran amok against Milan and not only did Nesta give him an applause during the actual match, he also singled him out after the match to congratulate him. So many players have made names for themselves in Scotland and gone on to be top class (Larsson, Viduka, di Canio, van Hooijdonk, Niemi, Gattuso all come to mind).

I think its pretty easy to spot a talent like McGeady and if anyone that doesn't see that really aught to lose their bias.

29/03/2005, 11:27 AM
yep . . . I can see the Celtic skangers dusting off the shirts now, surgically removing them even . . .

May prepare ourselves for a rough night at the Dublin 4 venue. :D
Not a fan of the Celtic skangers myself, but it will still beat the ManUre lovers who went to the Portugal game to see Ronaldo play. Remember that story about the Irish ManUre fans who thought it would be nice to see Ronaldo get an equalising goal. :rolleyes:

29/03/2005, 11:47 AM
Jesus lads, don't be getting mixed up with an Irish person that wears a Celtic shirt and an actualy Celtic supporter. This is where too many people are getting mixed up and everyone allows them to give the actual supporters a bad name.

A high percentage of Irish people make up the travelling Celtic support for european away games. Not only did they get awards from both UEFA and FIFA but there has been Celtic supporter clubs set up in little towns like Villa Real and Seville to name just 2. They never cause trouble and are not only representing Celtic and Scotland but also representing Ireland and representing them extremely well. Ignore the knackers who wear the tops and don't even know who's top of the SPL.


29/03/2005, 11:52 AM
They're a disgrace. Even the Portuguese woman in the chipper in our village doesn't like Ronaldo. She loves Mourinho though . . . ask her about him and just watch them chips pile up when she loses concentration!!!

Are you talking about the Porta Via in Rathmines? Myself and theGreenHen have extracted the p!ss there in the past. :D I must have a lot in common with this woman in the chipper. I love Mourinho too, but I don't eat chips.

29/03/2005, 12:15 PM
Well, Miller didn't make a name for himself against the likes of Dundee. He rarely stood out in league games. It was the CL games, particularly the game against Anderlecht, that caught everyone's eye.
Colin Healy? He was let go by Celtic and never really impressed in Scotland. :confused:
McGeady ran amok against Milan and not only did Nesta give him an applause during the actual match, he also singled him out after the match to congratulate him. So many players have made names for themselves in Scotland and gone on to be top class (Larsson, Viduka, di Canio, van Hooijdonk, Niemi, Gattuso all come to mind).
Top side Anderlecht.
Top class - van Hooijdonk, Viduka, Niemi :)
Fair enough - Larsson and Gattuso and maybe di Canio.

I think its pretty easy to spot a talent like McGeady and if anyone that doesn't see that really aught to lose their bias.
Trouble is we aint seen enough.
He's played a handful of games in a sh1te league with one good game against Milan - jaysus Alan Smith done that.
I really hope he becomes a class player and I'm not biased. YOU Celtic fans are the ones who are biased. If my granny played for Celtic you'd be calling for her to play up front for Ireland - like Healy, like Miller and now McGeady.
I hope McGeady does not go the same way as Miller and Healy.
I cheer all players who play for Ireland regardless of which club they play for. As a Liverpool fan I would have Roy Keane's babies. Biased ?

29/03/2005, 12:28 PM
Oh believe me I am not biased. Read over my posts and you'll see that while most people thought McGeady should have been in the squad for the Israel match I was more than happy to see him in the U-21 squad. My support for anything Irish completely overrides my support for Celtic.

I never said Anderlecht were a top side. It was his performance against them that caught Ferguson's attention and after the game O'Neill said he wants Miller to sign a 35 year contract. He wasn't really known by most until he came off the bench against Lyon and scored.

Well, IMO the players I named were top class.

29/03/2005, 12:35 PM
If Kerr wasn't going to play reid against Israel then McGready obviously wasn't going to get a chance. His time will come if he is good enough, Kerr did good job of guiding Reid from u-21s.

btw if McGready is so good surely he'd be running riot in the u-21s?

Poor Student
29/03/2005, 12:54 PM
As far as I know McGeady has been putting in some good shifts for the U-21s. He's a good patient lad who seems to have his head screwed on. He's been playing regularly and well for Celtic. Just because it isn't Serie A doesn't mean he should not be considered. For example the way he bends the ball at corners could be done in my back garden or in the San Siro.

29/03/2005, 1:10 PM
btw if McGready is so good surely he'd be running riot in the u-21s?
he is. :)

29/03/2005, 1:44 PM
I think Niemi is top class alright.

I was bemoaning Miller's move to MUFC on Sunday. If he could have played with the swagger he played with against Anderlecht he'd have been an inspiration to us on Saturday. I think he has the ability, not the confidence.

I hope for his sake that he gets a good move away from OT this summer. Personally I'd like to see him back at Celtic, speaking 100% as an Irish fan.

It was actually Healy's performances for Ireland that initially caught the eye, not his Celtic performances (2001 Scottish League Cup Final excepted).

Changing the emphasis of this thread but when Kerr bemoaned that he was really playing with McCarthy's players in the last campaign, wasn't he doing the same on Saturday? Given, Carr, Finnan, Cunningham, Keane, Kilbane, Robbie, Duff were all McCarthy regulars. Of the 12 that played only O'Brien & O'Shea were given his competitive debut by Kerr.

I'd like to see Kerr introducing his stamp on the team - though obviously it'll take a bit more time. I know he deserves credit for Robbie & Duff but I'd also love to see the likes of Reid, Miller, McGeady, Elliott, Dunne, O'Shea etc. being the core of this side.

29/03/2005, 2:30 PM
Absolutely, I'm not saying this is the team we should be putting out from now on - far from it - just that it'd be great if our most promising young players fullfil their potential and not take giant strides backwards like Miller has seemingly done.

29/03/2005, 3:01 PM
It was actually Healy's performances for Ireland that initially caught the eye, not his Celtic performances (2001 Scottish League Cup Final excepted).

It was his performances on loan to Coventry that got him into the Ireland side. Mick went to watch someone else, Healy played out of his skin and he got called up to the Russia game before the 2002 World Cup. Think the same thing happened to Houghton - Jack went to watch someone else and ended up picking him.

29/03/2005, 3:03 PM
Trouble is we aint seen enough.

Thats the problem alright.
There are people on here who havnt seen much of McGeady yet they have already judged him because of how they feel about Celtic fans.
Dont see to many giving out about Roy Keane pulling on the Irish jersey even though hes a regular at Parkhead, or Damien Duff for that matter.

Typical attitude of the LOI and Man U ******* who cant look beyond the length their own nose.

29/03/2005, 6:00 PM
Well said ...AmenToThat....Of course many people that are anti Maceadys are judging him simply because he plays for Celtic. They have never seen him play.Who gives a fcuk who he plays for and who also gives a Fcuk what team we support accross the water.We are entitled to cheer for who we like.If Maceady plays tonight after he comes on,lets see what the reaction is tomorrow on this board.Maybe we will have more Celtic haters wanting to watch a wee bit of Scotish footie on the sly.