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View Full Version : Belfast Celtic FC

25/03/2005, 11:08 AM
I think now is the time to be re-forming this once great club, as i feel the Irish League would be a better league with them back in it.

I know a lot of people think that this is a no go area, but i really do believe that it can happen , sure their will be loads of problems to start with.

People will ask where will they play as Celtic Park is a shopping centre, but their is plenty of land near to where they use to play and their is a community crying out for its own club..sadly Cliftonville don't quite fit that bill.

Belfast Celtic would be a great crowd puller and would bring a much needed boast to the Irish League, all supporters be they from Linfield would am sure welcome this and once Belfast Celtic have worked their way back upto the Irish Premier then things would really begin to hot up.

09/04/2005, 9:50 PM
I don't know... Belfast Celtic, the name alone could cause problems. And the catholic community of Belfast has Cliftonville to support, which seems to be accepted by fans of e.g. Linfield and Glentoran. If Cliftonville doesn't attract huge amounts of fans, maybe they should promote Cliftonville more rather than re-found a team that's long gone ?

By the way, when and why did Belfast Celtic disappear ?

09/04/2005, 10:24 PM
it just won't happen. i hear no one up here crying out for it or prepared to invest in starting them up. football is struggling enough to survive without another team tbh. in fact, i'm not even sure the name can be used again (copyright etc?). all their original fans must be very old by now and younger fans have their own team, i'd assume. remember, it's 60 odd years since they last played competitive football.
anyway, donegal celtic are playing over in the west of the city these days.
its a nice idea but maybe best leaving a good legacy and not end up ruining it?

i posted a belfast celtic link (with some history) in the links thread if you need to know. i think it raises money for charity these days.
no political raking of embers please.

10/04/2005, 10:10 AM
I know that Elisha Scott was a famous Belfast Celtic goalkeeper that went on to play for Liverpool; can you name any more famous Belfast Celtic players?

anto eile
10/04/2005, 4:35 PM
didnt charlie tully go to glasgow celtic and mae a great name for himself?

11/04/2005, 9:55 AM
I know that Elisha Scott was a famous Belfast Celtic goalkeeper that went on to play for Liverpool; can you name any more famous Belfast Celtic players?

I know I'll leav eout a couple of really obvious ones but here goes

charlie Tully as mentioned
Mickey Hamill - George Best of the early part of the last century.
Sammy Curran - Blind Sammy scored for fun 99 goals one yera I believe
Bud Aherne - got quite a few caps for Ireland.
Jimmy Jones - victim of the infamous Boxing Day game but became a real star with Glenavon later
Jimmy McAlinden
Peter O'Connor 11 goals v Glenavon in one game
johnny Campbell -scored the goals that beat Scotland
Davy boy Martin

Just a few names - there are many I've forgotten.

18/02/2006, 10:22 PM
I think the IL league really needs the likes of Belfast Celtic & Derry City back to bring life into the league, for too long the dominance of Glentoran & Linfield has left the league uninteresting.

A face
18/02/2006, 11:57 PM
I think the IL league really needs the likes of Belfast Celtic & Derry City back to bring life into the league, for too long the dominance of Glentoran & Linfield has left the league uninteresting.

Alot of people think the Irish League and the eircom League should merge.

19/02/2006, 12:47 AM
There is no chance of Derry City EVER re-joining the iL. All-Ireland league is an exciting prospect but it won't do anything to attract more people to domestic football.

A face
19/02/2006, 2:19 PM
it won't do anything to attract more people to domestic football.

It might go to ensure a decent TV deals is got which would mean more exposure and media coverage, more of the general football veiwing public attend live games, which would lead to more sponsorship and more money, allowing clubs to invest in better players or development of players, which would mean better football which would more or better quality TV viewing which would mean more exposure and media coverage, more of the general football veiwing public attend live games, which would lead to more sponsorship and more money, allowing clubs to invest in better players or development of players, which would mean better football which would more or better quality TV viewing which would mean more exposure and media coverage, more of the general football veiwing public attend live games, which would lead to more sponsorship and more money, allowing clubs to invest in better players or development of players, which would mean better football which would more or better quality TV viewing which would mean more exposure and media coverage, more of the general football veiwing public attend live games, which would lead to more sponsorship and more money, allowing clubs to invest in better players or development of players, which would mean better football which would more or better quality TV viewing .... and an overall better league ..... everyone wins !! ;)

19/02/2006, 8:12 PM
it won't do anything to attract more people to domestic football.

That's a bit rash Speranza. It would rejuvenate both leagues and make the overall package much more appealing to TV Stations. Which would in-turn bring in more punters.

It'd almost be impossible to NOT attract more to the games, given the low base we're starting from.

A face
19/02/2006, 9:01 PM
It'd almost be impossible to NOT attract more to the games, given the low base we're starting from.

Exactly .... it cant get much worse.

21/02/2006, 7:40 AM
I think the IL league really needs the likes of Belfast Celtic & Derry City back to bring life into the league, for too long the dominance of Glentoran & Linfield has left the league uninteresting.

Aye since the end of the 90s where the crues and ports dominated. Donegal Celtic and Cliftonville have overtaken Belfast Celtic and I can't see it happening nor getting that much support

27/02/2006, 4:37 PM
Cliftonville and Donegal Celtic have absorbed most of the nationalist/republican support now to be really honest, so I don't believe there would be the demand for another team.

Also, what makes you think a new Belfast Celtic would be anymore successful than Cliftonville. Cliftonville are not a bad mid-table outfit, infact, they have some good players and stop time wasting, may go up a place or two.

Secondly, where would this team by financed from? Who would want to invest in a new team that would take ages to build up in a failing Irish League ran by the moronic and embarrassing football association?

It would be very much better if somebody pumped a few bob into Cliftonville.

*BTW, although Crusaders were probably the team certainly of the 1990s, big deal! That was a few years of history from the Irish League running since 1890. Glentoran have won the league 22 times and the scum, sorry, have to be unbaised, Linfield have won it 45, comming on 46 times. I think that goes to show the strangle-hold the two have on the league.

01/03/2006, 1:52 PM
I think the only way that Belfast Celtic could ever exist as a football team again is if a new all Ireland league was set up.

Can you imagine the following a team with 'Celtic' in it's name would get in Ireland, as long as it was in a proper league.
Their honeymoon period could be better than that experienced by Derry City on our return to Senior footy. Massive crowds and media interest.

Pipe-dream maybe but who knows.

A face
01/03/2006, 11:16 PM
Can you imagine the following a team with 'Celtic' in it's name would get in Ireland, as long as it was in a proper league.

Would you really want half of the 'out for the day and i have the jersey' type Celtic fans though, you dont want sunshiners ... you want fans that'll stay with you when your four nil down away on a Stupic Tuesday in the rain, to be honest there are not many of them in the Celtic support over here.

02/03/2006, 2:33 PM
Would you really want half of the 'out for the day and i have the jersey' type Celtic fans though, you dont want sunshiners ... you want fans that'll stay with you when your four nil down away on a Stupic Tuesday in the rain, to be honest there are not many of them in the Celtic support over here.

Whether I would want it or not is irrelevant.
The reality is, if an All-Ireland League was created and entry was by way of Franchise, then a team carrying the name of Belfast Celtic would undoubtably be a big draw. As would games involving them and Linfield,Glentoran,Derry City,Shamrock Rovers,Bohemians....blaady dee blaah.

The fact that the name of the club is still alive a half century after they last played football, gives it a chance however remote, to play again.

02/03/2006, 8:04 PM
Solitude... what a great name for a stadium.

03/03/2006, 11:14 AM
Can you imagine the following a team with 'Celtic' in it's name would get in Ireland, as long as it was in a proper league.


There is they are called Donegal Celtic from suffolk area of West Belfast.. They play in IL 1st division and are second in their league with a good chance of maknig the playoff spot.

Also Lurgan Celtic Currently in IL 2nd Division.

03/03/2006, 12:54 PM
Making the play off spot will do them no good, their ground is nowhere near up to standard.

03/03/2006, 1:18 PM
Making the play off spot will do them no good, their ground is nowhere near up to standard.

Yeah I know but officially they will have to be given till a certain date to upgrade their ground like we were two years ago. Altough we were much further ahead at this time of year than they are.

03/03/2006, 1:40 PM
Can you imagine the following a team with 'Celtic' in it's name would get in Ireland, as long as it was in a proper league.
Their honeymoon period could be better than that experienced by Derry City on our return to Senior footy. Massive crowds and media interest.

Pipe-dream maybe but who knows.

Well we had Cork Celtic - big crowds for a while in the 70's when they won the league but about 60 people crammed into Flower Lodge for their game v Limerick in 1979 and they went bust a couple of months later. Never were as big as Hibs either who never reached the heights of United.

There was a Derry Celtic way back too.

Belfast Celtic were a huge team in the 40's far bigger in Belfast than any mediocre glasgow team. They were a fulltime team as were a few tema sin the LoI then too. they actually beat the Scottish national team 2-0 in 1949.

Not Brazil
09/11/2010, 11:03 AM
Times are moving on in Northern Ireland.

I had the pleasure of attending this event on 28th October 2010 at Windsor Park.


It was packed to the rafters with a very diverse audience.

It was great to see - an event that possibly couldn't have happened 10 short years ago.

09/11/2010, 12:54 PM
Times are moving on in Northern Ireland.
I had the pleasure of attending this event on 28th October 2010 at Windsor Park.


It was packed to the rafters with a very diverse audience.

It was great to see - an event that possibly couldn't have happened 10 short years ago.You say "Things are moving on", NB, but in a sense, things may be moving back (i.e. to where they once were).

For when I read about a Belfast Celtic event being hosted at the "sectarian cesspit" that is Windsor Park, I was reminded that the man who was possibly Belfast Celtic's greatest ever player, Charlie "The Clown Prince" Tully, was first scouted by the club when playing at Windsor - and at an RUC Sports Day, at that!

Click here for more details of the Falls Road's finest:

Not Brazil
09/11/2010, 1:54 PM
You say "Things are moving on", NB, but in a sense, things may be moving back (i.e. to where they once were).

For when I read about a Belfast Celtic event being hosted at the "sectarian cesspit" that is Windsor Park, I was reminded that the man who was possibly Belfast Celtic's greatest ever player, Charlie "The Clown Prince" Tully, was first scouted by the club when playing at Windsor - and at an RUC Sports Day, at that!

Click here for more details of the Falls Road's finest:

A few amusing yarns were told about "The Clown Prince" at the event - one of his nephews was in attendance.

One particular story invloved some rarther, er, colourful language used by "The Clown Prince" in a Swiss Hospital which included a liberal amount of "f and "c" words - not sure how well the story went down with the former Presbyterian Moderator and his wife who were sat behind me.:D

09/11/2010, 10:18 PM
Isn't there a BC museum just opened and some talk of a commemorative re-match against, er, Linfield??

11/11/2010, 8:51 AM
Isn't there a BC museum just opened and some talk of a commemorative re-match against, er, Linfield??

Didn't hear about the re-match.

There is a museum in the Park Shopping Centre just off the M1. Well worth a visit. I was up there a few weeks ago however check for opening times as it is staffed by volunteers - normally open last saturday of the month. The shopping centre is built on the site of Celtic Park.



11/11/2010, 2:39 PM
Belfast Celtic should never have gone. It's a club that had a great history. It's a pity the foresight was not there for them to have joined the league of Ireland.
When Lurgan Celtic and Donegal Celtic had problems joining the league, they should have looked south at that time.

11/11/2010, 4:05 PM
Don't think there was the, er, political, let alone sporting, er, will to accommodate anything like that from Beal-feirste back in those dark days.

11/11/2010, 10:09 PM
I suppose and clearly it never happened. When you look at the FAI today and taking players from Northern Ireland on board, the question has to be asked, what has the FAI ever done for the Nationalist community in the North. No olive branch was offered to Belfast Celtic.
In the recent enough distant past, when Lurgan Celtic and Donegal seemed to have been prevented in joining the Irish League, they weren't exactly being offered a place in the LoI. To now contradict myself though!!!!... The FAI did only take control of the LoI recently but still they could have looked to helped.