View Full Version : Dolan Dolan give us a break!

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20/03/2005, 10:23 PM
He travels all the way to Donegal for City game. Fair enough for him to be at game in City he lives in but travelling all the way to Donegal is too sad.

How long will he continue to cast a shadow over City?

:o :rolleyes:

20/03/2005, 10:26 PM
He travels all the way to Donegal for City game. Fair enough for him to be at game in City he lives in but travelling all the way to Donegal is too sad.

How long will he continue to cast a shadow over City?

:o :rolleyes:
He is a fan just like you and me Pete... He clearly loves the club just like all of us and he has the right to go to matches just like us all!

20/03/2005, 10:53 PM
He travels all the way to Donegal for City game. Fair enough for him to be at game in City he lives in but travelling all the way to Donegal is too sad.

How long will he continue to cast a shadow over City?

:o :rolleyes:

Agreed, fair enough a few months down the line but not right after he's been sacked.

Actually i wouldnt put it past him to stroll into the shed for the Bray game. In fact i'd nearly bet on it. Wonder will cashmans quote me.

20/03/2005, 11:01 PM
I am a big fan of Pat Dolan. But I must admit I am torn between feeling glad that he is showing interest in following the club, and feeling sad that he is stalking it.

20/03/2005, 11:23 PM
He travels all the way to Donegal for City game. Fair enough for him to be at game in City he lives in but travelling all the way to Donegal is too sad.

I'm sorry now Pete but how is it anymore sad than you or me or any other City fan travelling to Donegal for a match?

I think the reaction of the crowd showed that most people were very happy to see him there. I also reckon he'll go to the Shed for the Bray game.

Dolan loves the club and is a massive City fan, he has as much right to go to the away games as anyone else. In fact by travelling to Donegal he's shown more dedication that some other City fans have probably done in years.

21/03/2005, 7:56 AM
In fact by travelling to Donegal he's shown more dedication that some other City fans have probably done in years.
This is true, some of his most vociferous backers on the internet can NEVER be found at ANY City game.

However, you know Colm that his presence is causing hassle at games, and the atmosphere is not good. He must know this, and while I agree he is quite entitled to go to any game he wants too, no matter how you justify it, his presence is a reminder of all the hassles at the club and is the cause of division.
Is this going to continue for the whole season?:(

21/03/2005, 8:35 AM
if dolan really loved the club, he'd stay clear for the time-being. he must know that going to the games can be unsettling for richardson and the players. selfish, egotistical and attention-seeking in my opinion....

21/03/2005, 9:23 AM
There's a huge difference between foot.ie and corkcityfc.ie re:peoples opinions about this (http://corkcityfc.ie/forums/index.php?showtopic=1579) and all things Dolan.
As far as i'm concerned,its probably not ideal but its his business where he goes.
Fair play to him.
Its the supporters singing Dolan songs who are undermining Richardson.
Get over it.

21/03/2005, 9:35 AM
Pat Dolan said on signing for Cork City that his heart was always St Pats, so how can he be such a fan, so who will he love next.

Full of it he is, full of it always has always will..........

21/03/2005, 9:37 AM
Just look at this thread. He was there so people would still talk about him, so people would come up to him in the ground and tell him how sad it is that he's not at City anymore, he loves the attention. Sure he was still hanging around Richmond Park for last few years. Loves to hear people talking about him

21/03/2005, 9:40 AM
Just look at this thread. He was there so people would still talk about him, so people would come up to him in the ground and tell him how sad it is that he's not at City anymore, he loves the attention. Sure he was still hanging around Richmond Park for last few years. Loves to hear people talking about him

Spot on he does just want to be loved...........

Lets start off the Pat Dolan Care Bear..............

21/03/2005, 10:54 AM
Its nice to see him support the club but we shouldnt sing his songs anymore.

21/03/2005, 11:06 AM
I am a big fan of Pat Dolan. But I must admit I am torn between feeling glad that he is showing interest in following the club, and feeling sad that he is stalking it.
I'd agree with you there. Patsh is spot on when he says that Dolan's presence is causing hassle- we saw that clearly enough on saturday. I'd like to think everybody could move on, Pat included, but he's not helping matters at all IMO

21/03/2005, 11:59 AM
Lads, like someone pointed out on ccfc.ie, there were nothing but Dolan chants in the pub before the game on Saturday before anyone knew Dolan was going to be at the game. There were more Dolan chants at the game before anyone spotted him. Dolan did not instigate the chants. A lot of City fans were expressing their opinion which they are perfectly entitled to do imo.

Another thing, Dolan was asked by a lot of City fans at half time to come and join us for the second half. He declined because he said it might distract people from supporting the team and he didn't want that. He was there as a City fan and wanted everyone to support the team, anyone who suggests otherwise either wasn't aware of that or else is just plain anti-Dolan.

21/03/2005, 12:00 PM
Pat should leave well enough alone for the time being. What happened caused tension in the club and he is not helping by hanging around reminding everyone, wanting their attention and aduration.
And if he claims to be a huge supporter of the club then it is just as well he is not in charge anymore as supporters are blinded by their passion.

21/03/2005, 12:03 PM
Colm, Pat Dolan managed Cork City for a few years. He is NOT a Cork City fan

21/03/2005, 12:07 PM
Colm, Pat Dolan managed Cork City for a few years. He is NOT a Cork City fan

And you know that how?
I know people who only started supporting City within the last two years. I suppose they are not City fans either? :rolleyes:

21/03/2005, 12:11 PM
Lads, like someone pointed out on ccfc.ie, there were nothing but Dolan chants in the pub before the game on Saturday before anyone knew Dolan was going to be at the game. There were more Dolan chants at the game before anyone spotted him. Dolan did not instigate the chants. A lot of City fans were expressing their opinion which they are perfectly entitled to do imo.
I thought he had told people he'd be there. I was told by a number of people that he said he'd be there. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The people who sang Dolan songs are, as are the people who sang other songs over them.

Another thing, Dolan was asked by a lot of City fans at half time to come and join us for the second half. He declined because he said it might distract people from supporting the team and he didn't want that. Fair play to him for saying that.

21/03/2005, 12:21 PM
And you know that how?
I know people who only started supporting City within the last two years. I suppose they are not City fans either? :rolleyes:

And how do YOU know it???

Because HE told you :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

21/03/2005, 12:23 PM
There were a couple of Dolan chants in the pub pre match but just as many people attempting to drown out with other chants.

I only posted his presence here as only people who travelled would have known he was there.

This will be my last Dolan post as its true he loves the attention and as already said he doing exactly the same as he did when "left" Pats.

IMO it is the height of insult to CCFC club, players & current manager to do Dolan chants at a game. :(

21/03/2005, 1:04 PM
there were nothing but Dolan chants in the pub before the game on Saturday before anyone knew Dolan was going to be at the game..

Thats just not true about the pub + I think that most people suspected that he would be there. I dont think that anyone was supprised when he turned up.

There were more Dolan chants at the game before anyone spotted him. Dolan did not instigate the chants. A lot of City fans were expressing their opinion which they are perfectly entitled to do imo.

Thats fair enough, but I think that one group of them were starting them just to $hit stir which I thought was very, very disapointing (They tried to start 'Rico's Rebel Army' later on).

Another thing, Dolan was asked by a lot of City fans at half time to come and join us for the second half. .

Only about 5, maybe 10 went over from what I saw.

He declined because he said it might distract people from supporting the team and he didn't want that. He was there as a City fan and wanted everyone to support the team, anyone who suggests otherwise either wasn't aware of that or else is just plain anti-Dolan.

Hmm, fair enough, but you've always got to take a pinch of salt with PR Pat.

I think Pete & the Pats fans are right though, maybe we should stop giving Pat the attention and just focus on what we do best and get behind the players! :ball:

21/03/2005, 1:52 PM
Didnt he tell the Pats fans that Cork was just a job and St Pats was "his" club a few months ago? He's telling porkies to someone anyway.

21/03/2005, 2:06 PM
He did say this

21/03/2005, 2:51 PM
Didnt he tell the Pats fans that Cork was just a job and St Pats was "his" club a few months ago? He's telling porkies to someone anyway.

At last someone else who remembers the crap he came out with.

Soundbite man is all he is.

21/03/2005, 3:03 PM
Dolan is like the psycho ex girlfriend who keeps stalking you. I think he should stay away from the games. It undermines Richardson and Lennox. It may unsettle some of the players and ultimately it's a bit psychotic

21/03/2005, 4:27 PM
He travels all the way to Donegal for City game.
He was in Dublin the night before so it wasn't as much of a distance as City fans would have to travel.

Didnt he tell the Pats fans that Cork was just a job and St Pats was "his" club a few months ago? He's telling porkies to someone anyway.
If he did, then he can't be a fan in the true sense of the word, more an interested spectator.

I don't have any problems with him being there at all but I'm gald he didn't go over at half time

21/03/2005, 9:18 PM
I tried to tell you lot this would happen ages ago.The problem with Dolan is he never wants to leave anywhere - he has to be pushed.Yes its true that he said "Pats are MY club,Cork is just a job".This was in repsonse to Pats fan who wanted to know why a year and a half after he was "SACKED" from Pats (yes sacked lads,it was made out like he left by himself to save face - somthing I dont agree the club should have done) and he came out with this speel about how he wud be back ar Richmond- over my dead body and I know Im not alone in that.

Its no secret Dolan hates Rico,goes back to when he managed Shels.He will hang around for as long as the cork fans will let him,and if its like Pats there will always be the "howiya Pat,ur a great man"brigade as there was in Richmond but they wil soon get the message to button it if told.He will enjoy the fact that hes causing Rico grief by being there.My advice to you lads is blank him and maybe let him know he should do one and let Rico manage the team.To try state hes a fan of cork is crazy,Dolan is a fan of himself - nobody else.

harry crumb
21/03/2005, 9:26 PM
I knew you were lurking around waiting for an opportunity to have a go at Pat Dolan.

21/03/2005, 9:39 PM
I tried to tell you lot this would happen ages ago.The problem with Dolan is he never wants to leave anywhere - he has to be pushed.Yes its true that he said "Pats are MY club,Cork is just a job".This was in repsonse to Pats fan who wanted to know why a year and a half after he was "SACKED" from Pats (yes sacked lads,it was made out like he left by himself to save face - somthing I dont agree the club should have done) and he came out with this speel about how he wud be back ar Richmond- over my dead body and I know Im not alone in that.

Its no secret Dolan hates Rico,goes back to when he managed Shels.He will hang around for as long as the cork fans will let him,and if its like Pats there will always be the "howiya Pat,ur a great man"brigade as there was in Richmond but they wil soon get the message to button it if told.He will enjoy the fact that hes causing Rico grief by being there.My advice to you lads is blank him and maybe let him know he should do one and let Rico manage the team.To try state hes a fan of cork is crazy,Dolan is a fan of himself - nobody else.

Strange but i find that great advice.

21/03/2005, 10:01 PM
Like it or not he will be at the Shels game on Monday, he now works for Satanta tv .

21/03/2005, 10:04 PM
Well Dermo shels are playing on Tuesday but I see what your getting at :p

Dolan was also at the Shels UCD game too so I wouldnt read too much into it. Roddy was at the Shels game too. Managers in the league tend to go to many games and also when they have been sacked they are probably not used to all the free time on their hands!!

21/03/2005, 10:26 PM
I think it's about time we said, "enough is enough."

If I was sacked from where I work would you all be carrying on like this? I didn't think so. If I was sacked from where I work I wouldn't hang around outside all day, harassing my boss. So why is Dolan doing it?

We all need to just let go now.


City Hero
22/03/2005, 12:30 AM
I think it's about time we said, "enough is enough."

If I was sacked from where I work would you all be carrying on like this? I didn't think so. If I was sacked from where I work I wouldn't hang around outside all day, harassing my boss. So why is Dolan doing it?

We all need to just let go now.


Well said. If someone got the sack and waited around the car park for even half and hour the Gardai would probably be called, but then football is different from a normal job.

Dolan should be more than welcome anywhere including the Cross when he's there for Setanta or any other TV channel, but if he shows up on Friday night and decides to come into the Shed, then it will cause alot of trouble. This means 1. He know's exactly what he is doing, which leads me to think that he was definitely up to something before he got the sack, or 2. The "Pat can do no wrong" brigade are telling him he is more than welcome to come back, and all City fans want him back etc.

Alot of anger on the official forum is being directed at members of the club management committee because they are "ruining the club", yet nobody seems to be able to say exactly what they are doing to ruin it. Seems to me that there is a smeer campaign going on.

I hope that Friday night passes off without any incidents or trouble. It will certainly be an eye opener for a few people when they realize they don't have quite the support they think they have.

22/03/2005, 8:59 AM
It kinda reminds me of the Office after David Brent got the sack and he was still hanging around, very very sad.

22/03/2005, 9:01 AM
It kinda reminds me of the Office after David Brent got the sack and he was still hanging around, very very sad.

that's very mean Razor :eek: :D :D :D

22/03/2005, 10:41 AM
Dolan was also at the Shels UCD game too so I wouldnt read too much into it. Roddy was at the Shels game too. Managers in the league tend to go to many games
Doolin was there too, can we get a clean sweep?!

22/03/2005, 11:58 AM
I tried to tell you lot this would happen ages ago.The problem with Dolan is he never wants to leave anywhere - he has to be pushed.Yes its true that he said "Pats are MY club,Cork is just a job".This was in repsonse to Pats fan who wanted to know why a year and a half after he was "SACKED" from Pats (yes sacked lads,it was made out like he left by himself to save face - somthing I dont agree the club should have done) and he came out with this speel about how he wud be back ar Richmond- over my dead body and I know Im not alone in that.

Its no secret Dolan hates Rico,goes back to when he managed Shels.He will hang around for as long as the cork fans will let him,and if its like Pats there will always be the "howiya Pat,ur a great man"brigade as there was in Richmond but they wil soon get the message to button it if told.He will enjoy the fact that hes causing Rico grief by being there.My advice to you lads is blank him and maybe let him know he should do one and let Rico manage the team.To try state hes a fan of cork is crazy,Dolan is a fan of himself - nobody else.

Not even your fellow Pats fans take what you say seriously so why should any of us?

You've always been obsessed with hating Dolan. Off you go now, nobody here wants to hear your pathetic ramblings.

22/03/2005, 12:02 PM
Not even your fellow Pats fans take what you say seriously so why should any of us?

You've always been obsessed with hating Dolan. Off you go now, nobody here wants to hear your pathetic ramblings.

I think eurosaint is spot on with that last post by the way.....he's not renowned for subtley buy he's hit the nail firmly on the head here. Does Ranieri stand behind Murinho's dugout at Stamford Bridge? Keep a discreet distance would be teh class thing to do - but class and dolan dont go together

I look forward to his next PR firm job of "lets meet the fans again....just to say thanks for turning up to the last meet the fans do......"

talk about hanging about like a bad smell :rolleyes:

22/03/2005, 12:07 PM
Agree totally with everything eurosaint posted.
wws, i am indeed honoured

22/03/2005, 12:09 PM
Off you go now, nobody here wants to hear your pathetic ramblings.

I think there's more than a grain of truth there to be honest.

22/03/2005, 12:11 PM
I thought the office analogy was spot on as for some time Dolans rambling interviews recorded for prosterity on corkcityfc.ie audios have more than a touch of the David Brents about them......

its that dont know whether to laugh at him or cringe in embarressement quality which sets dolan and brent apart from their comedy peers....

dinner with Ronan O Gara anyone???

22/03/2005, 12:31 PM
Funny how quick people are to forget that Pat Dolan used to show up at the Cross for matches while he was still manager at Pats purely because he enjoyed the banter, the atmosphere, and the fact that he'd rather be at a live, Irish, soccer match than be stuck in a pub watching La Liga or the FA Prem. I remember slagging him one weekend just before an FAI Cup game because Pats had played the night before (or the Friday night, don't rem exactly which) and been knocked out.
So now he is no longer manager and he still goes to Cork City matches. So what. The more attention that Dolan-bashers everywhere pay to what Pat Dolan does, or where he goes, the longer it will take for all the palaver to die down. And if some other people want to chant his name - ditto. Instead of letting it get to you just let it lie for Gods sake. It will go on for a while and then fizzle out naturally.
There were a lot more highs than lows last season, if some people still want to chant the name of the guy who was boss at the time then fair play to them, they are entitled to do so. why not just leave them off instead of going ON AND ON about it. I'll say one more thing, if winning 2-0 is how Rico and the players respond to the situation then we should all be doing it every week :D Only joking obviously but lads, in fairness, just let it go and eventually it will go, and we can all just get on with supporting City and Irish football. Whatever else you say about Pat Dolan anyone who tries to cast doubt on his passion for Irish football would be telling an untruth and his critics should at least be willing to credit him for that.

22/03/2005, 12:41 PM
Funny how quick people are to forget that Pat Dolan used to show up at the Cross for matches while he was still manager at Pats purely because he enjoyed the banter, the atmosphere, and the fact that he'd rather be at a live, Irish, soccer match than be stuck in a pub watching La Liga or the FA Prem. I remember slagging him one weekend just before an FAI Cup game because Pats had played the night before (or the Friday night, don't rem exactly which) and been knocked out.
So now he is no longer manager and he still goes to Cork City matches. So what. The more attention that Dolan-bashers everywhere pay to what Pat Dolan does, or where he goes, the longer it will take for all the palaver to die down. And if some other people want to chant his name - ditto. Instead of letting it get to you just let it lie for Gods sake. It will go on for a while and then fizzle out naturally.
There were a lot more highs than lows last season, if some people still want to chant the name of the guy who was boss at the time then fair play to them, they are entitled to do so. why not just leave them off instead of going ON AND ON about it. I'll say one more thing, if winning 2-0 is how Rico and the players respond to the situation then we should all be doing it every week :D Only joking obviously but lads, in fairness, just let it go and eventually it will go, and we can all just get on with supporting City and Irish football. Whatever else you say about Pat Dolan anyone who tries to cast doubt on his passion for Irish football would be telling an untruth and his critics should at least be willing to credit him for that.

Excellent post.
Finally someone talking sense.

City Hero
22/03/2005, 1:00 PM
Funny how quick people are to forget that Pat Dolan used to show up at the Cross for matches while he was still manager at Pats purely because he enjoyed the banter, the atmosphere, and the fact that he'd rather be at a live, Irish, soccer match than be stuck in a pub watching La Liga or the FA Prem. I remember slagging him one weekend just before an FAI Cup game because Pats had played the night before (or the Friday night, don't rem exactly which) and been knocked out.
So now he is no longer manager and he still goes to Cork City matches. So what. The more attention that Dolan-bashers everywhere pay to what Pat Dolan does, or where he goes, the longer it will take for all the palaver to die down. And if some other people want to chant his name - ditto. Instead of letting it get to you just let it lie for Gods sake. It will go on for a while and then fizzle out naturally.
There were a lot more highs than lows last season, if some people still want to chant the name of the guy who was boss at the time then fair play to them, they are entitled to do so. why not just leave them off instead of going ON AND ON about it. I'll say one more thing, if winning 2-0 is how Rico and the players respond to the situation then we should all be doing it every week :D Only joking obviously but lads, in fairness, just let it go and eventually it will go, and we can all just get on with supporting City and Irish football. Whatever else you say about Pat Dolan anyone who tries to cast doubt on his passion for Irish football would be telling an untruth and his critics should at least be willing to credit him for that.

Excellent post Gandhi (can you share the secret of your common sense approach with everyone else). The only problem I can see is that if the people who want to get on with things and leave the past where it is say nothing in response to the pro Dolan side, it will be taken as a silent support rather than just silence, and that will just prolong things. I hope it all fizzles out over the next week or so and we can get on with the season, and supporting the club.

22/03/2005, 1:19 PM
yep, he's definitely passionate about irish football, and great that he used go to city games in the past. but if he had an ounce of cop-on or respect for the club/manager/players he'd give city games a skip, at least just for a few months. if he wasn't so self-obsessed (and that's what it seems like) he'd realise that none of us would be having this conversation if he stayed clear for a while.

i used to like him for his keegan-like enthusiasm and benign oafishness. now i just think he's an eejit.

22/03/2005, 1:57 PM
i used to like him for his keegan-like enthusiasm and benign oafishness. now i just think he's an eejit.

Ha ha so basically you've always thought him an eejit :D

22/03/2005, 4:11 PM
Lads, to quote the Budweiser Lizard "Let it go Louie, just let it go" :D

22/03/2005, 4:32 PM
[QUOTE=higgins]Well Dermo shels are playing on Tuesday but I see what your getting at :

According to our web site the game is on Monday, are ye going to stay over for a second trashing or what !!!!!!!!!!

Which is it .

22/03/2005, 4:38 PM
I THINK he means they're playing TODAY (this Tuesday) against Portadown

22/03/2005, 5:27 PM
Lads, to quote the Budweiser Lizard "Let it go Louie, just let it go" :D

Let it go Dolan (http://store1.yimg.com/I/wooden-horse_1836_20159330) , just let it go :p