View Full Version : Post of the Month Nominations for March

18/03/2005, 9:27 AM
Ok we're well into March now so there will have been some good posts! Get posting your nominations with the name of the poster URL to the original thread!
Enteries close at midnight on the 29th and the winner will be announced shortly afterwards!
So get psoting and don't forget the URL!!!

If we get a few enteries this month I'll make it a regular thing :)

18/03/2005, 11:18 AM
patsh's post (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=237334&postcount=4) from Bin Laden a Popstar? (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=23033)

"OSAMA Bin Laden’s niece strolls near the scene of the twin towers outrage — after shocking New Yorkers by trying to launch a POP career in the city. "
Of course she "strolled" near the scene of the attack, that way the Sun can makes it out like she was being disrespectful and couldn't care less about the deaths. And of course it was only that part of New York that she could be found....:rolleyes:

"Arrogant Wafah Bin Ladin, 29, has set her sights on becoming an Arab version of Madonna."
She is "arrogant" because she wants to be a popstar? Well most of the yopung people of this country are arrogant sods so!

"The wannabe spells the family name slightly differently to her uncle but that has not fooled her new neighbours in the Big Apple — scene of the horrific terror attacks masterminded by evil Bin Laden less than four years ago."
There, she wanted to fool you all be spelling her name differently, but thank God for the Sun! they figured out her masterly disguise!

"Furious Richard Gonzalez, 28, who lives near Wafah’s flat off swanky Park Avenue, declared: “It’s weird.” "
This man was SO FURIOUS that he went to the Sun to tell them he thought id was "weird". God Help us if this man ever gets really angry.....

"Wafah’s mega-rich Saudi dad Yeslam is the older brother of Bin Laden."
And just to make sure that we know this girl is EVIL there is the reminder of who here father and uncle are.

"Pals describe her as a spoilt brat.
One said: “She wants to be a pop star but no record company will have her.” The Sun fearlessly went in search of her "pals" and found out just what kind of friends they are......

"Wafah insists: “I love Madonna. And I love Jennifer Lopez — she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.”
She INSISTS on it, even though many,many people would agree with her...Shocking!

"Wafah used to live in New York but fled to London after 9/11.
While in Britain she collaborated with Madonna’s producer Nellee Hooper. But her pop ambitions flopped — which came as no surprise to her divorced mum Carmen, who lives in Switzerland. She said: “When people see my daughter, will they believe that she didn’t have contact with the terrorists?” "
And for those Sun readers who may be a bit slow, (and there wouldn't be to many of those, would there?...:rolleyes: ), they make sure we see the connection between "9/11", "fled", "contact with terrorists"...by now, most Sun readers realise that this girl is ther devil incarnate and DO NOT BUY her records, not because they are probably rubbish, but because SHE WANTS TO KILL US ALL.....:eek:

"Pop Idol judge Simon Cowell said: “There’s only one worse surname you could have to launch a pop career — and that’s Hitler.”"
And finally, for the total moron who still hasn't got it, the clincher to show just how bad, evil and degenerate this young girl is......

And so another vitally important piece of news is brought to you by the Sun, the paper that keeps YOU safe from dark-skinned, nasty people.......:rolleyes:


18/03/2005, 12:54 PM
patsh's post (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=237334&postcount=4) from Bin Laden a Popstar? (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=23033)

seconded, i was going to nominate this too :)

18/03/2005, 12:55 PM
yeah agree with that one too
excellent post :)

18/03/2005, 12:59 PM
I have to third it:) Class post. Winner. Stop the competition.

18/03/2005, 1:13 PM
For variety I nominate this one (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22650&page=1&pp=20) from Dr. Nightdub on what the EL means to him

Pat O' Banton
18/03/2005, 2:00 PM
Last time I went on holiday, I flew with BA.

It was terrible.

He kept shouting "You crazy fool, I ain't getting on no plane!"

Its got to either patsh or this classic from the Bad flight thread.http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22604

18/03/2005, 2:00 PM
I nominate SligoRoversfan for his question about if we are Galway's biggest rivals. It sparked a lot of Galway fans to give out and Rovers fans responding to it.

Are we your biggest rivals? from what i heard we are,Why though? we dont give a flying FUUck about ye,is it coz were closest to ye? Harps and Derry are our main rivals,although i must say there is a bit of dislike for ye boys!


Although I think Dr.Nitedub will win for his great post!

18/03/2005, 2:51 PM
For variety I nominate this one (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22650&page=1&pp=20) from Dr. Nightdub on what the EL means to him

I'm going with that one to

21/03/2005, 8:57 AM
The Jamacian PM for his Robbie Keane (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22745) Thread....

Excellently written :D ..

Like all the Robbie love going about

21/03/2005, 10:32 AM
Enteries close at midnight on the 29th

What's wrong with the 30th & 31st?

21/03/2005, 11:28 AM
patsh's post (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=237334&postcount=4) from Bin Laden a Popstar? (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=23033)

I think that was post of the month. ;)

22/03/2005, 8:36 AM
I want to nominate Dr.Nightdub's, Old Nightdub's Almanac


Aberdonian Stu
22/03/2005, 8:42 AM
I'll back the post by patsh on Bin Laden.

22/03/2005, 10:19 AM
I'm going with the Doctor's Almanac post


22/03/2005, 12:05 PM
has to be Razor for this little gem which aptly sums up the position of sacked Pat Dolan:

"It kinda reminds me of the Office after David Brent got the sack and he was still hanging around, very very sad."

22/03/2005, 12:47 PM
The Doc's Almanac has to get it (or Dolin will be sacked!)

Aberdonian Stu
22/03/2005, 1:32 PM
Razor's is quality too and I don't even like the office.

22/03/2005, 1:52 PM
i like this one from bluemovie, commenting on the Eircom League coverage by TV3

It was funny watching them discuss whether or not the Cork penalty decision was right. You'd see it more clearly from the Mir Space Station

nice one :D

25/03/2005, 11:57 AM
has to be Razor for this little gem which aptly sums up the position of sacked Pat Dolan:

"It kinda reminds me of the Office after David Brent got the sack and he was still hanging around, very very sad."
:D This one for me! :p