View Full Version : New Episode III trailer

15/03/2005, 12:08 PM
It looks....interesting...
Takes a while, keep clicking download and you'll get it eventually, it's big though, about 38 megs
trailer (http://movies.monstersandcritics.com/archive/moviearchive.php/Star_Wars%3A_Episode_III_Revenge_of_the_Sith/180/download/12204)

15/03/2005, 12:19 PM
thanks for the link..

have to say it looks pretty darn good, although the trailers for the last 2 did too... certainly looks a lot darker as the great bearded one promised.. looks like mace windu's gonna get his ass handed to him by palpatine as well.. cool!.. no sign of the 3PO and R2, which is good.. hopefully jar jar meets an unfortunate end by getting his head trapped in a pot of jam and suffocating slowloy for the duration of the movie... that'd be class... a big mad space battle, then cut to a shot of jar with his head inside a jar saying "mee-sa in very big poo-doo".. ha ha make the bastid suffer...

anto eile
15/03/2005, 12:21 PM
star wars is crap:)

15/03/2005, 1:30 PM
How do you access the trailer ? Do you go under 'videos' and then click on the format you want ? I keep trying to do it that way, but it keeps pushing me round in circles back to the start again.....

I fear the Force is not strong in this one..... :p

15/03/2005, 1:37 PM
The most recent two were awful (as is Return of the Jedi for that matter).

I long ago lost interest as to how a miserable eight year old brat who grows into a whiny adolescent seemingly based on Harry Enfield's 'Kevin the teenager' makes the transformation to the 'dark side'. Half the kids I grew up with could have been Darth Vader if those are the criteria, :rolleyes:

Lucas should have stayed away from writing them, and stuck to the special effects.

15/03/2005, 1:48 PM
Final movie poster - here (http://members.boards.ie/tetsujin1979/Star%20Wars%20-%20Episode%20III%20-%20Revenge%20Of%20The%20Sith%20-%20Final%20One%20Sheet.jpg)

I just hope Lucas gets this last one right. Think a part of me will die after seeing the last EVER star wars film in may :(

green goblin
15/03/2005, 3:09 PM
Final movie poster - here (http://members.boards.ie/tetsujin1979/Star%20Wars%20-%20Episode%20III%20-%20Revenge%20Of%20The%20Sith%20-%20Final%20One%20Sheet.jpg)

I just hope Lucas gets this last one right. Think a part of me will die after seeing the last EVER star wars film in may :(

I know what you mean. It's one of those things that I thought would never happen, and so when it does I'll feel somehow empty...