View Full Version : SC Forum with Lennox

11/03/2005, 11:42 PM
Somebody else (i.e. someone who's memory works) can maybe post a more detailed account of the nights proceedings than this.

Lennox said he can't go into the reasons for the sacking until the legal stuff is sorted, but he will issue a statement then. Things are looking up re training facilities as well.

Rico- said his aim is to finish ahead of shels and continue the progress the club has made. Wants his team to play good football and wants the players to "express themselves" (I think was the phrase he used). Said he hopes to announce asst manager early next week.

Overall very positive IMO, can't wait for the start of the season, I'm a lot more confident after listening to what both had to say.

12/03/2005, 9:13 AM
Somebody else (i.e. someone who's memory works) can maybe post a more detailed account of the nights proceedings than this.

Good job I took notes then. :D

Disappointed the 'keyboard warriors' weren't there, I was looking forward to hearing their comments.....

Anyway, I'll just say a bit as I have other plans for my notes.

Brian Lennox (BL) started by saying how he couldn't go into the sacking as there are legal issues about that. Pat Dolans (PD) solicitors are dragging their feet, he said he wants it over ASAP. BL did say, though, that there was a complete communication breakdown between himself and PD by the end.

BL, when asked about training facilities, said the club are looking to lease Bishopstown for two years by which time he hopes to have bought 'acreage' and built on it. One or two investors are, he hopes, going to be coming on board. The CCOSC are going to be having a 'do up Bishopstown day' where members of the CCOSC clean the facilities, perhaps throw a bit of paint here, and there so it's more usable for the team.

Every season BL puts €300,000 into the club :eek: , out of his own pocket I might add, to make sure it can survive. BL said he was looking at another three to four years of that and then he would consider his position!

The news of the Capital of Culture cup was very interesting. The club is in talks with Celtic, Liverpool, Ajax, NEC, Malmo and one or two other clubs which I didn't put down coz I cant do shorthand! The club is very confident that a four team tournament will take place.

Damien Richardson (DR) then joined the forum and said he was very excited about his appointment.

DR is looking to sign two players then he thinks City will be a force to be reckoned with.

When asked about player morale he said all the players were very positive about his appointment and they're looking forward to the season ahead. Morale is high.

Dan Murray is still Captain, DR said he does a good job so why change it if it ain't broke?!

If you want to know any more, you'll have to buy the first issue of FourFiveOne of the season which is on sale at the Bray game. :D (I knew I'd get the plug in somewhere!)

12/03/2005, 9:36 AM
Lennox said he can't go into the reasons for the sacking until the legal stuff is sorted, but he will issue a statement then.

if you read between the lines it is quiet obvious why he got the sack.
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€₠¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â ‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬ €€€€€€€

12/03/2005, 10:11 AM
if you read between the lines it is quiet obvious why he got the sack.
€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€₠¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â ‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬â‚¬ €€€€€€€
I have to say thats not the impression I got.
I got the feeling that someone, who is not directly involved in the club, had far too much to do with the running of the club, and it wasn't in a positive way.
As time goes by, I think we will see that Pat Dolan was not the saint that some are trying to make him out to be.
For instance,
very few friendlies had been organised;
DR told a story of being approached with an offer of training facilities, even though the use of the same training facilities had been abused under the previous management;
the whole UL thing was not the fault of the club, and I completely believe that now, no matter what some sh*t-stirrers want us to believe.
Unsurprisingly, there wasn't sight, sound nor smell of any of the w*ankers who are spreading lies, dis-information and innuendo about Brian Lennox andCCFC.
It's fairly clear that their entire agenda is to cause suspicion and confusion amongst City fans and de-stabilise the whole club, so that they, and those pulling their strings, can gain an advantage. These people are only looking out for their own gain, and don't care if they wreck the club in the process......:mad:

12/03/2005, 11:32 AM
Unsurprisingly, there wasn't sight, sound nor smell of any of the w*ankers who are spreading lies, dis-information and innuendo about Brian Lennox andCCFC.
It's fairly clear that their entire agenda is to cause suspicion and confusion amongst City fans and de-stabilise the whole club, so that they, and those pulling their strings, can gain an advantage. These people are only looking out for their own gain, and don't care if they wreck the club in the process......:mad:
well said patsh. there are some real trouble-makers out there who have it in for Brian Lennox and obviously think they can turn the fans against him and force him out- not gonna happen

12/03/2005, 1:46 PM
DR told a story of being approached with an offer of training facilities, even though the use of the same training facilities had been abused under the previous management

I'm nearly certain that he was talking about it being abused by the club longer ago than that i.e. before Lennox was chairman and cetainly not during Dolan's time as manager.

I was fairly sure that none of the sh!t stirrers would turn up but had a niggling feeling that they might and it would descend into a farce. Thankfully they didn't and as a result it went very well. It's a pity he couldn't talk about the situation with Dolan but in fairness he answered every other question very honestly and openly.
I was very impressed with Rico, he came accross as a very intelligent and ambitious man.
Overall, I think it was a very worthwhile event.

12/03/2005, 1:56 PM
Thought last night went really well and well done to the supporters club for organising it. It is clear that there was serious problems with Pat Dolan and I think that Lennox was dead right to sack him. Even though we don't know the ins and outs just yet, if someone outside of the club was having too much say on what was going on then Dolan had to go. I think we all probably have a fair idea who this other person was.

Good to hear that the club have secured the lease on Bishopstown. I think that this will make the lads secure in knowing they now have a training base and of course they've got the gym in the rph as well.
Lennox was saying that he is gonna get specialists in to look at the condition of the pitch and sort it out (I'm open to correction here if i got this wrong).

I definitely think that Damien Richardson was a good choice in manager. On Kevin Doyle he said that Doyler is good enough to play in the first division across the water and that with a bit more development he believes he can play in the premiership. To me it seemed that he wants to do his best to hold on to SuperKev but he's also realistic in knowing that there is a chance we could lose him to an English team. he said that he hopes that Cork City can become such a big club that Doyler will not feel the need to leave to progress in his career.

I liked the way Richardson actually answered the questions he was asked (ok he waffled a bit on the captaincy one but answered it in the end). There was no bull**** from him and I liked that. I think we're gonna do well under him. Welcome back Rico!

12/03/2005, 2:33 PM
I'm nearly certain that he was talking about it being abused by the club longer ago than that i.e. before Lennox was chairman and cetainly not during Dolan's time as manager.
Well my apologies to the previous management.
I mis-understood what he was saying.

A face
12/03/2005, 3:43 PM
Good to hear that the club have secured the lease on Bishopstown.

This was not confirmed yet .... it was as good as and it was only pending on the third party being able to make a statement so while it looks mre than likely, it aint set in stone yet.

13/03/2005, 12:10 PM
All sounds v positive. Having heard Rico a few times at this stage - he speaks a lot of sense.

13/03/2005, 12:11 PM
Having heard Rico a few times at this stage - he speaks a lot of sense.
sense is a nice change from soundbites alright :)

A face
13/03/2005, 12:13 PM
All sounds v positive. Having heard Rico a few times at this stage - he speaks a lot of sense.

Definitely all bodes well for the future alright. It aint looking so bleak afterall.

13/03/2005, 12:23 PM
Sounds like Rico came across well then.

Impression ilve got from Rico is that he is realistic about football & that when good times end then you move on & don't need to hang on til bitter end.

The fact he commented on Super Kev being key player in the team shows he knows the team too.

13/03/2005, 12:33 PM
Hmmm...it'll be interesting to see how JOF reacts to not being the main man anymore. If he does it could be very good for City.

13/03/2005, 1:05 PM
Yeah, I think Flynny was pretty much guaranteed his place last season and there wasn;t enough pressure on him to perform, or even to get fit. A spell on the bench might help him

13/03/2005, 2:34 PM
He could have done with it last season anyway! The amount of games that we were effectively playing with only 10 men was unreal! I wonder will Behan get a chance now (ie more than the last 4 min of the game).