View Full Version : Government Warning on Israel Game

11/03/2005, 1:24 PM
The Department of Foreign affairs seem to be saying "I wouldnt be going there if I was you". If this is their viewpoint surely they should just come out and say it. Our supporters and teams welfare is paramount here.

March 10, 2005

The Department’s statement reads:

“Irish citizens travelling to the World Cup qualifier should bear in mind that there remains a real risk of terrorist attacks as evidenced by the 25 February suicide-bomb attack outside of a Tel Aviv beach-front nightclub, in which five civilians were killed and over 20 injured.

“It is therefore important to exercise great caution when travelling within Israel and East Jerusalem.

“In particular, extra vigilance is required if using public transport and in public areas such as bars, clubs, restaurants and cafes, especially where crowded or where there are no security guards.

“Visitors should avoid any political gatherings or demonstrations.

“We recommend that supporters follow the news and make sure that they are fully informed of any change in the security situation.

“The Department recommends against travel to the West Bank and to the Gaza Strip, and also advises against travel to Israel ’s northern border with Lebanon.

“The Department strongly recommends that supporters coming to Tel Aviv for the match obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling.”

Colbert Report
11/03/2005, 8:02 PM
I hope nothing happens but it's Easter weekend and Israels biggest match in years.

How do they qualify as part of Europe anyway?

11/03/2005, 8:15 PM
I like the way you started this thread " goverment warning on israel game" Get your facts right its travel advise regarding travel to this country which the government is only right in advising published on a govt website. They are not warning anybody not to travel. Are u two going??? Well i am and will be vigilent about whats going on around me but no more vigilent then i would be walking the streets of our not so safe capital.

Closed Account 2
12/03/2005, 2:36 AM
I wouldnt worry about the game itself, the Israelis have very tight security at sporting events, especially high profile ones. If your just going to the game then you'll be safe. In terms of going drinking, clubbing etc while then I guess your taking more of a risk. But, the situation has cooled off over there in these past few weeks, so its safer than say it would have been last year.

12/03/2005, 9:55 AM
I like the way you started this thread " goverment warning on israel game" Get your facts right its travel advise regarding travel to this country which the government is only right in advising published on a govt website. They are not warning anybody not to travel. Are u two going??? Well i am and will be vigilent about whats going on around me but no more vigilent then i would be walking the streets of our not so safe capital.

The Facts Dub...
- The Statement is publish by the Government.
- It is a warning to travellers.
- It relates to the Israel v Ireland game.
- It is most definitely not a joint statement between the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli tourist board.

Please dont try to compare any City or town in Ireland with Tel Aviv.

12/03/2005, 2:40 PM
The Facts Dub...
- The Statement is publish by the Government.
- It is a warning to travellers.
- It relates to the Israel v Ireland game.
- It is most definitely not a joint statement between the Irish Dept of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli tourist board.

Please dont try to compare any City or town in Ireland with Tel Aviv.

Yes as you say yourself its a statement on travel advise just like we got when travelling to many other Countries about do's and don't "not a warning not to travel" We did'nt get any advise travelling to moscow a few years ago and many irish fans were mugged/attacked etc.

Sorry but simple facts are dublin city is not the safest place in the world we only have to look at the stats regarding muggings assaults etc that happen around our country at the weekend when many people just go out for a good time.

Anyway this time 2 weeks we'll be all heading to the stadium.

13/03/2005, 8:41 AM
Anyway this time 2 weeks we'll be all heading to the stadium.

And all the very best a luck to ya.

Saint Tom
13/03/2005, 4:49 PM
I'm travelling and am sure the Israeli security services will have done everything in their power to make sure that no harm comes too any irish supporters

13/03/2005, 7:42 PM
edmundo, you any good at gaelic? i play for barnabas in nottingham and we're always lookin for new lads willin to play or learn to play??

14/03/2005, 12:40 AM
I split the thread because it was getting into a debate about Israel- I know, I started it and maybe I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't help myself. The debate is now here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22939) So anyone who wants to continue it- and I'm enjoying it so far- can post there. Keep this thread for the match related stuff


Closed Account 2
18/03/2005, 3:41 PM
edmundo, you any good at gaelic? i play for barnabas in nottingham and we're always lookin for new lads willin to play or learn to play??

Im afraid im back down south for the next few months at least. There used to be an Irish society at the Uni, I'll see if I can find the contact details of that if you like?