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View Full Version : History of Junior Leagues or Junior Clubs

11/12/2017, 7:13 PM
Just wondering if any Junior Leagues or junior clubs have released books on their history in last year or two.

11/12/2017, 7:40 PM
Just last week I bought 'Fifty Years of Crusaders: A History of Soccer in Hospital' for €10. The club is Kilfrush Crusaders of the Limerick District League, it's about 78 pages long. I could pass info onto you regarding the seller if you want?

11/12/2017, 9:49 PM
if you pm me info will be very gratefull

12/12/2017, 1:27 PM
PM sent.

01/01/2018, 9:14 PM
Limericklife.com has free download of 100 years of Limerick junior soccer, type junior soccer in search

02/01/2018, 2:15 PM
Donegal League released a 40th anniversary book a few years ago detailing all the clubs that have been in the league during that time. No idea where you'd get your hands on one now though.

29/08/2021, 5:33 PM
Looking for anything on Mick Kennedy's time managing Kilmaley or Lifford.

21/09/2021, 3:04 PM
Does anyone have any details on Kilmaley's Premier League Cup success back in the Nineties?

29/09/2021, 1:52 PM
https://www.echolive.ie/corksport/arid-40708778.html Article about the CBL.

01/03/2022, 12:04 AM
Any autobiography by an educated local referee would be a great read ��

C E Mc
24/06/2022, 4:03 PM
Pat Sheehan of Limerick has released an online book detailing 20 years of Limerick Junior Soccer (2000-2020). It's a digital book.

C E Mc
25/06/2022, 9:36 AM
Cheers for that! Great reading, just like his more recent one.