View Full Version : Mad Dreams

07/03/2005, 2:55 PM
Well Lads,

Im gone bit into inducing mental dreams when I go to bed. I'd recommend a Dubliner cheese and tomato sandwich just before bed to kick that mind into overdrive. Banana's also work wonders if your looking for some hot action with the ladies. (Its the zinc apparently in the bananas)

Last night I was hanging on to the outside of a brown 1920s train carraige with a load of me mates. I managed to open the doors to one of the carraiges and it turned out to be the control panel for a nuclear missile train but there was a toilet in there too. the train was going so fast i was being thrown around the place and i had a few near misses with the control panels. then i woke up.

07/03/2005, 3:16 PM
Have you been hanging around with Maradona? :D

07/03/2005, 3:25 PM
Try going 'cold-turkey' after a weekend of the drink

07/03/2005, 3:38 PM
Try going 'cold-turkey' after a weekend of the drink

Ah jesus man. The week of nightmares. Tisnt worth it.

ken foree
07/03/2005, 5:38 PM
taking ibuprofen always seems to give me mad vivid dreams.

07/03/2005, 8:54 PM
Feck - yee's must all be students :p

Make sure you get just slightly less sleep than you actually need every night. That way, you want have any dreams, or you'll be too fecked to remember them. Instant solution....

Best bit is, by the time Thursday comes round you're starting to hallucinate whilst wide-awake during the day. Now that is scary (particularly whilst driving...)


07/03/2005, 9:03 PM
Feck - yee's must all be students :p

Make sure you get just slightly less sleep than you actually need every night. That way, you want have any dreams, or you'll be too fecked to remember them. Instant solution....

Best bit is, by the time Thursday comes round you're starting to hallucinate whilst wide-awake during the day. Now that is scary (particularly whilst driving...)


Remind me never to get a lift with you to any of the exiles meet-ups :D

07/03/2005, 9:51 PM
Im gone bit into inducing mental dreams when I go to bed. up...

I;d say its more likely the wacky tobaccy & not the cheese thats doing that. Give it up fella...


07/03/2005, 10:50 PM
im trying a new combination of mild cheese , chicken and barbecue sauce tonight and will report in with my findings in the morning.

student days are well past me now...i can only dream

08/03/2005, 8:31 AM
Worked a treat. While on a tour of Irelands socially deprived hotspots I got the shute kicked out of me by a lad called Harrisssss and his mate(thats how it was spelt) who was on a mission to protect women from their boyfriends. I woke up then so i had the dilemma of whether I want to back and rescue the mot from Harrisssss or stay awake for a while and change dreams. I went for the latter.

Any more dreams last night?

the 12 th man
08/03/2005, 8:59 AM
Any more dreams last night?

i was dreaming last night that i was eating a giant marshmallow and when i woke up my pillow was gone :eek:

ken foree
08/03/2005, 1:37 PM
hey blobbyblob you should look up lucid dreaming. it involves thinking consistently about something you want to dream about before you go to bed and making that the LAST thought you have before you fall asleep.. you're supposedly able to control your dreams better then but takes practice. i've actually had it work once after about 3 goes..

never dream as vividly post-wack-tobacc intake.. :mad:

last night was crawling through the underbrush in an attempt to sniper hitler's head off at some villa, last frightentening vision that woke me was one of his aides ushering him toward the window where we were spotted by him in some foliage.. the furher looked furious in blue suit and dodgy tache

08/03/2005, 1:45 PM
never dream as vividly post-wack-tobacc intake.. :mad:

Try some wack-tobacc followed by a-big-cheez-post munchie-snack, then finally a whiskey-wine-pre- nap- dash.... Let the dreams commence...

ken foree
08/03/2005, 1:52 PM
i'll dream of... hyphenation!!? ;)

08/03/2005, 6:20 PM
Worked a treat. While on a tour of Irelands socially deprived hotspots I got the shute kicked out of me by a lad called Harrisssss and his mate(thats how it was spelt) who was on a mission to protect women from their boyfriends. I woke up then so i had the dilemma of whether I want to back and rescue the mot from Harrisssss or stay awake for a while and change dreams. I went for the latter.

Classic :D

Have you tried 'interpreting' these dreams? ;)

I have some mad 24-induced ones, involving lots of runnign and shooting in corporate buildings. Cheese on toast + warm milk+ marmite on toast=
serious dreams, plus some savage gases through the night

09/03/2005, 1:43 AM
Cheese on toast + warm milk+ marmite on toast=........

A trip to St James' Hoppo if you ask me!!


09/03/2005, 1:49 PM
Best dream I had was sometime last year. Was on an Ireland trip and met Jordan, and the two Scousers from Atomic Kitten (not McFadden's ex). Except they weren't them. They were just ordinary 2G Irish lady fans. Anyway, things are coming along and yes - I thought my luck was in with all three (it was a dream FFS :rolleyes: ) - when I referred to myself as a Paddy. Big mistake! :eek: It kick's off and the three turn into three ban-da-bomb banshees from hell banging on about my racism and mysoginy. :o

09/03/2005, 9:43 PM
My best one was just before I had ma knee operation but I don't know if i'll still be the innocent one if I tell it on here :D ;)

09/03/2005, 10:33 PM
My best one was just before I had ma knee operation but I don't know if i'll still be the innocent one if I tell it on here :D ;)

Not another plaster of paris fetish freak dreamers

woops :eek:

09/03/2005, 10:48 PM
Not another plaster of paris fetish freak dreamers

woops :eek:

nah it was the lass i fancied as the nurse...................darn let it slip :o :eek: ;)

09/03/2005, 10:53 PM
Going for a plain ham sambo tonight. Wish me luck...

05/04/2005, 10:57 AM
Check out this site (http://www.ivillage.co.uk/astrology/dreamdictionary) for help understanding your dreams.