View Full Version : Dolan, John and George

03/03/2005, 8:07 AM
Dolan, George and John O'Flynn were in Maryborough House Hotel last night for hours in deep conversation.
The 2 lads are not a bit pleased bout wat has happened

03/03/2005, 9:50 AM
John Paul George and Ringo.....

03/03/2005, 11:15 AM
John Paul George and Ringo.....
less beatles, more trying to wind us up. we need some semblance of normality around here.

03/03/2005, 11:36 AM
and guess what player may be leaving the club.. ;)

Ya, there off to Ramblers I suppose! :D

03/03/2005, 11:53 AM
Ya, there off to Ramblers I suppose! :D

johnno's going home ;)

03/03/2005, 12:06 PM
Dolan, George and John O'Flynn were in Maryborough House Hotel last night for hours in deep conversation.
The 2 lads are not a bit pleased bout wat has happened
This is whats brilliant about Cork, its so small you can't scratch without someone knowing it.
Brother in Law tells me he saw Dolan going into a Solicitors office on the Mall yesterday afternoon, and why wouldn't he says you ?

03/03/2005, 2:20 PM
Players are often disappointed with changes at their club same as supporters but memories are very short in football.

Those players are contracted to Cork City, unless club decides to sell them they will go nowhere. When their contracts are finished they can do what they choose but thats at least a season away.

03/03/2005, 2:57 PM
True Pete, but we all know players in this league who've been under contract but desparate to get away and left the club no option but to sell/release them. Not saying it'll happen in this case as both O'Flynn and I'Callaghan would have stronger ties to Cork than Dolan. Hopefully Doyle too will have grown a brain/backbone since the last Dolan exit (hopefully for Cork anywya, myself I'd love him back here...)

03/03/2005, 4:57 PM
dolan said thank you to the rebel army and to all the support that we were amazing and he loved

george said he is bitterly dissapointed at dolans departure and that their is 2 sides to every story

john o flynn siad dolan was the only reason he signed is contract and he is very upset at whats happened :eek:

03/03/2005, 6:09 PM
They are all brilliant players, and heroes to City fans. But they play for CCFC and not for Pat Dolan. I just hope they remember that.

03/03/2005, 8:27 PM
john o flynn siad dolan was the only reason he signed is contract and he is very upset at whats happened :eek:

Doesnt say much for Lennox who gave him one of the biggest contracts on our history, the fans who supported him through a year and a half of injury and mediocricy, not to mention his teammates. :eek:

Prob just emphasising how much he liked Dolan though.

Counting Crow
03/03/2005, 9:39 PM
Have to agree with Troy.McClure. I would be very disapointed if Flynny or George started stirring it for Rico now.

Mourn, but get over it.

If they turn their backs or start any messing it is a slight on us the fans more than any member of the Club Board. We stood by the 2 players when they were injuired or off form - we deserve some repayment now.

Funny thing though. Did you notice that Flynny did not play today vs Limerick - not even on the bench!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Not ideal preparation me thinks.

Watch the teams against W'ford and Cobh next week. They will tell a lot about who's staying or who's going. The team that started today looked like the team who will start the season.

So, no Flynny, no Danny Murphy. Just a thought. ;)

03/03/2005, 9:47 PM
Flynny was at the match though. And he was wearing a City tracksuit. Perhaps he is a bit injured.

It was a bit strange that he wasn't standing with the other players at the sideline!

04/03/2005, 6:13 PM
John and george are great players but they not the team they think that they are superstars and that they can do what they want its us fans who cheer shout and support them and if they start to play games i will not look at any of them again.I know dolan was good but sometimes change can be good and lets see whats happens