View Full Version : Rebel Army-What happens to the brand??

02/03/2005, 2:09 PM
As someone posted on the official website, what happens to The Rebel Army brand now?
Do we keep callin ourselves that?
Wat bout the chants?
I think we shud carry it on

02/03/2005, 2:13 PM
As someone posted on the official website, what happens to The Rebel Army brand now?
Do we keep callin ourselves that?
Wat bout the chants?
I think we shud carry it on

that would be me ;)

my fone still says it... i dont know what to do. we've become so identified with the brand that it'll be hard to shift it from ourselves, let alone everyone else

02/03/2005, 2:17 PM
Definitely keep it!

02/03/2005, 2:27 PM
Oh hell yes it stays!!!

02/03/2005, 2:30 PM
Even the suggestion that we drop the chant and the name is rubbish IMO. Dolan was the manager, not the whole club. Keep the chant and keep the name. WE, the fans, are the Rebel Army, not Pat Dolan, not Brian Lennox or anybody else.

02/03/2005, 2:35 PM
It'll be something for us to remember him by.

02/03/2005, 5:43 PM
retire the rebel army chant in honour of the great man

02/03/2005, 6:29 PM
retire the rebel army chant in honour of the great man


Great chant, in fairness to Pat, his brainchild, but as Éanna said, it is our chant, not his.

REBEL ARMY! :cool:

02/03/2005, 7:07 PM
retire the rebel army chant in honour of the great man
will you please get a grip

02/03/2005, 7:11 PM
do people follow Pat Dolan Or CCFC!!!!!!!!!

maybe people will support Limerick now so :rolleyes:

sad to see him go but thats football, its the team i'm worried about and a new manager(be it Rico) needs to be in place asap

02/03/2005, 7:48 PM
I've only been following the club for one season but, in my humble opinion, I think the Rebel Army chant should be kept as I feel it really gives us that extra man on match nights.

I'm a bit gobsmacked to read someone was suggesting retiring the damn thing!!

02/03/2005, 9:53 PM
Maybe in recognition of Pat's great service to the fans maybe we should give it one more "Pat Dolan's" version as our way of saying thanks at the next Cork match.

No disrepect to the next manager, just our way of saying thanks to Pat for the memories.

03/03/2005, 10:33 AM
We can swap around the names easily:

Pat-Dol-an's Rebel Army
changes to
Rich-ard-son's Rebel Army

03/03/2005, 11:01 AM
Rich-ard-son's Rebel Army

Damo Rico's Rebel Army? ;)

03/03/2005, 11:12 AM
Damo Rico's Rebel Army? ;)

"richardson's" or "we are rico's" fit better imho :)

03/03/2005, 11:13 AM
its our chant

based on what dolan wanted to brand the club, similar to how under him, pats became the Super Saints

03/03/2005, 12:56 PM
"Ricos Rebel Army" is nice 'n simple.

03/03/2005, 1:39 PM
You just can't change it to Rico's Rebel Army.
We can now sing it as just Rebel Army with no reference to anyone. It would just seem so wrong to use anyone other than Pat Dolan's name in it.

03/03/2005, 6:48 PM
You just can't change it to Rico's Rebel Army.
We can now sing it as just Rebel Army with no reference to anyone. It would just seem so wrong to use anyone other than Pat Dolan's name in it.

Agree-it would be like spitting on his memory ;)

Rebel Army alone is grand.

03/03/2005, 7:26 PM
Or how about always singing "Pat Dolans Rebel Army"? It would be fitting I think, seeing as he did so much for the club.

Or am I just living in the past? :confused:

03/03/2005, 7:28 PM
Or how about always singing "Pat Dolans Rebel Army"? It would be fitting I think, seeing as he did so much for the club.
I think that would be very unfair on the new manager. Football is like this, people move on. The only way to deal with it is to thank them for what they've done, and move on yourself. Hankering after the past does no-one any good.

03/03/2005, 7:53 PM

I might do some of that later :D

For those of you who didn't get an education, hanker means: crave, feel a longing, to long for.....

03/03/2005, 10:26 PM
What exactly is the Rebel Army brand ? can you buy it in the shops or something :rolleyes:

03/03/2005, 11:11 PM
What exactly is the Rebel Army brand ? can you buy it in the shops or something :rolleyes:
seeing as its an official label which is on the merchandise, yes you can :)

03/03/2005, 11:44 PM
its our chant and our team. dolan was only the manager, nobody is bigger than the club and that includes Lennox

yes Pat is gone
and yes Cork City FC will go on
and yes I hope to still (scream) Rebel Army
But to say he is only the manager :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What disappoints me is a lot of people seem to be not too upset that Pat is gone.
If this was some of our best players going there would be uproar, but because it's only the manager, it's not so bad as he doesn't play on the pitch.

Sorry, but good teams need good managers and bad teams need even better managers.

It's just a shame some fans don't realise that a good manager is as vital to the club as your best players if not more so...

so (non Pat) fans, at least let us people who thought Pat was good for the club mourne his absence for a little while anyway without telling us to f off and support limerick or something

04/03/2005, 11:29 AM
I DO feel upset that Pat is gone, but there's nothing we can do, just get on with it and stop lingering in the past.

05/03/2005, 12:08 AM
I DO feel upset that Pat is gone, but there's nothing we can do, just get on with it and stop lingering in the past.
spot on. my feelings exactly.