View Full Version : Munster or City - no contest

Counting Crow
19/02/2005, 12:32 PM
Went to see Munster vs Leinster in the Celtic League over Christmas at Musgrave Park. More out curiosity and abject boredom than anything else (although I do enjoy rugby).

Was looking forward to seeing so many international stars and tasting the famous Munster atmosphere and comparing it to that generated down the road every second Friday night.

It started brilliantly as the teams came out on the pitch there were fantastic fireworks let off behind one side of the pitch ..... this is gonna be good I thought.

Boy, was it down hill after that.

I have never witnessed such a muted crowd. People were so conscious of those around one another that they were actually whispering. It was embarrasing to be honest. I let a few roars out of me in the first half only for a couple of "rugger" types to look back at me and throw their eyes to heaven (I was wearing my City wollen hat though).

The only saving grace were a couple of Dublin 4 Leinster fans near me who lambasted the ref as he gave a few dubious penalties to Munster.

Maybe it's better at Thomond but I certainly won't be rushing back to "Musser" in a hurry.

Gimme the Cross any day and the banter between us and the visiting fans.

By the way a pal told me they could hear us in Musgrave Park on the last night of the season when we were playing Bohs (there was a Munster game in "Musser" that night as well). Having tasted it this does not surprise me.

Come on City and the 18th of March!!!!!!! :cool:

1 9 8 4
19/02/2005, 1:35 PM
It started brilliantly as the teams came out on the pitch there were fantastic fireworks let off behind one side of the pitch ..... this is gonna be good I thought.

Went to the same game. Have to agree with the way the event kick off. Fireworks etc. Could be a good idea for City to try that. Would be great for the atmosphere.

19/02/2005, 7:30 PM
The fact is that only footbal really has a chanting & singing element in the crowd.

GAA & Rugby only cheer for scores & potential scores.