View Full Version : Debate: For the use of video refereeing in football

17/02/2005, 7:44 PM
Please post in this thread if you think that Video refs are an essential part of how the game goes forward in the future.

Please note the strict rules on this.

As you can see, there is another thread (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=22166) for the against option.
Please use this thread only for PRO Video Ref opinion.
If you disagree with a post in the ANTI Video Ref, please quote and rebutt it here.
Any blatant winding up will be deleted immediately. No exceptions.
This will run for a weeks trial. If it works, we will try and run a weekly/monthly debate on other aspects of football. If it fails, well, at least we tried to spruce things up a bit.
So away we go..............

17/02/2005, 11:56 PM
I'd be all for it, in fact I'm surprised it wasn't introduced a long time ago. Sure, the "judge's" decision is final, but surely we should be taking advantage of the fact that we now have an opportunity to put that "judge" in the position of being able to implement the rules he decides on more fairly and squarely? Or, to flip that on it's head, where would we be today if the real judicial system hadn't embraced technology and allowed, for example, CCTV evidence?

And sure, it'll interfere with the game a little, possibly more than a little at the start when every TD&H uses it abusively, but when that settles down, really, how often is it actually going to be used?
