View Full Version : Foot.ie v2 Beta Site

20/03/2017, 12:38 PM
I think I set something like this up before for moderators to review, but didn't follow through on it. vBulletin 4 is getting pretty long in the tooth now, and several features don't seem to work on this new server, so it's really time for an upgrade.

I didn't upgrade to v5 of vBulletin when it was released because I've never been a huge fan of the platform, and I'm still not keen on it now. I'd like to switch to Vanilla, but I don't want to **** you all off with something too different either, so I set up a copy of the site in Vanilla to see hot it takes ye.

Please don't get too caught up in the design, I've fired an ok theme at it and I haven't bothered with logos or colours or any of that stuff yet. And some images are missing, and it doesn't have ads yet, and I've haven't reviewed the settings in any detail yet. I'm just looking for general impressions on functionality -- do you find it faster, is it easier to find stuff, easier to post, etc.

Your existing login details should work. Go mad, but please bear in mind that the whole thing will be deleted in a week, if we go with it I'll re-import when we're ready to go. Please report back once you've had a go, let me know what you think, I'm not really into that surveys business.



20/03/2017, 12:58 PM
I wanted to post from the new site, but this thread doesn't appear in the Off-topic section there.

Anyway, the list of Categories down the right side is really really long - it might be good to tidy that up somehow. Most of the 'categories' are sub-forums anyway.

Posting seems fine, but I can't see how to quote any posts. There doesn't seem to be a delete function either.

When you select a new discussion, you get a dropdown list which has the categories organised a bit more clearly.

There's lots of stuff missing like 'go to first unread post' and things like that, but if they just haven't been added yet, that's fine.

But it's a bit hard to comment on its usability when the functionality is still limited.

20/03/2017, 1:32 PM
This is the best place to post feedback. I did the import over the weekend, it's a couple days old.

Categories are forums, that's where we are today. :) This theme just doesn't lay them out very well.

I just noticed that all of the plugins are disabled by default, so I've enabled some now, including post quoting.

Most functionality can be added with plugins, or will come with use. You'll be taken the the newest posts by default, for example, it just needs posts. :)

Let me know what other features you'd like, I'll see if I can find plugins for it.

21/03/2017, 4:53 PM
Had a quick glance there. I think it's good. Obviously there's a lot of features missing and you have to look past graphics and such to be added, but it's a grand job.

The 'thanks' button I think would be missed, although I'm sure it's optional to add that in.

It seems easy worked and there's a lot of nice features to it as it is.

Of course, it would take getting used to, but I think it may be worth the gamble.

21/03/2017, 4:53 PM
What's the mobile version like?

22/03/2017, 8:29 AM

Mobile version

22/03/2017, 2:25 PM
Thanks @nigel-harps1954.

@BonnieShels, just visit on your mobile device and you'll see.

@backstothewall, that won't affect functionality, but thanks.

the 12 th man
23/03/2017, 9:12 AM
Looks bright,clean and new.If it has the same functionality (when ready to go) as the old one I'd say why not?

23/03/2017, 5:35 PM
Seems fine on mobile anyway.

25/03/2017, 11:48 AM
Thank you all, keep it coming. If more people don't reply I'll just foist it on ye and be damned. :)

27/03/2017, 3:49 PM
When you go into Categories you haven't the option to select an individual page in a thread (usually the last page). Instead now you have to go into the thread and then select.

Also when clicking into a thread from the thread title, it should default to the last page of the thread.
