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13/02/2005, 5:11 PM

Feb 13 2005

Soccer star cons girl into downing his urine cocktail.. then she & pals trash his £50K BMW X5

By Simon Wright

PREMIERSHIP soccer star Andy Reid thought it was hilarious when he tricked a pretty waitress into drinking a cocktail of his own urine.

But the vile winger failed to see the funny side when disgusted Laura Truscott, 26, took revenge by heaping eggs, cooking oil, flour, tomato ketchup and cigarette butts on to his £50,000 BMW X5. He angrily tried to get her bosses to sack her.

Reid had chatted to Laura and her pals Sam Sterry,20, Marie Lightwood, 23, and 22-year-old Kate Dewey last month when they bumped into him in the trendy Market Bar, Nottingham, on the eve of his £4million transfer from Nottingham Forest to Premiership club Tottenham Hotspur.

Reid, 22, and Forest team-mates Wes Morgan, John Thompson and Greg Robertson, bought drinks for the girls, who waitressed at a nearby restaurant.

A friend of the girls said that Reid thought it would be funny to urinate into a glass and get someone to drink it.

A source at the Market Bar said last night: "Reid and his mates were pretty drunk. They were with a group of girls and they were all having a great time. Reid was getting quite loud.

"He suddenly produced this tall glass and said it was a cocktail of spirits, put a straw in it and asked Sam to try some. She pretended to but gave it back without touching it.

"He then passed it to Laura. She had no idea he had secretly undone his flies and urinated into it.

"Reid said it was vodka-based and she'd love it. She put the straw to her mouth and sucked it. She took a mouthful, immediately spat it out and started screaming. Reid and his mates thought it was really funny and admitted it was pee.

"Laura went ballistic. She started screaming and shouting at him. She picked up a glass of beer and threw it over him.

"He exploded. He screamed names back at her and told her she was out of order. He tried to get bouncers to throw Laura out. They knew what had gone on and refused. Laura and her mates left on their own a little later and Reid tried to laugh the whole thing off."

The following night, Laura and her three friends decided to take revenge. They emptied their kitchen cupboards and went to Irish international Reid's £500,000 city centre flat.

They were caught on CCTV wearing scarves and balaclavas smearing his car with cooking oil, eggs, flour, tomato ketchup and cigarette butts.

But instead of calling the police, Reid complained to Laura's boss and she and Marie and Sam were suspended pending an internal disciplinary hearing due to take place this week.

A friend said last night: "He's the big-shot famous footballer and the restaurant doesn't want to lose him as a customer.

"She knows she shouldn't have taken revenge by trashing his car but you can hardly blame her after what she went through.

"She feels degraded. To be tricked into drinking someone's wee in public is about as low as it gets."

13/02/2005, 5:40 PM
Probably more to this story than reported but if it is true, it is poor judgement on Andy Reid's part.

13/02/2005, 6:13 PM
ah he was only takin the p.i.s.s! :D

13/02/2005, 6:20 PM
That was a bit below the belt in my opinion.

13/02/2005, 8:33 PM
The story is from the Suday Mirror, assuming it is true it was a pretty
disgusting thing to do.
Worse still he tried to get her sacked for trashing his car which quite frankly
was no more than he deserved.

If the girls are sacked I hope the resturant loses all its other customers, mind you Reid probably eats more than the rest of the customers combined.

Reid should be staying away from resturants anyway, considering the size of his belly.

Fergie's Son
13/02/2005, 9:03 PM
I hope it isn't true but that just seems like an awful thing to do. Most Irish players have a good reputation so this sort of nonsense certainly isn't needed.

13/02/2005, 9:08 PM
Im not sure how true that story is. However, it is the sort of behaviour that epitomises modern-day footballers and their ugly antics. I was one of those who always felt that Irish players didnt behave like this and that such behaviour was reserved for smart-arse English players. Unfortunately, there would seem to be a level of arrogance emerging in some of our own Irish players in recent years which is sad.
There's a lot to be said for great pros like Shay Given, Kenny Cunningham, Matt Holland and Kevin Kilbane. Lets just hope that our younger players can learn something from these role-models.

Closed Account 2
13/02/2005, 9:23 PM
...bumped into him in the trendy Market Bar, Nottingham, on the eve of his £4million transfer from Nottingham Forest to Premiership club Tottenham Hotspur.

Been there a few times, trendy's one word for it, shíte is another. Never saw any footballers there, mainly students, do a great line in off, eggy pints so imagine their champagne could well taste like fizzy ****. Doubt the story's true, there were a lot of AR-bashers coming out of the woodwork over the past year of so. Bascially when it looked like he would leave, a sizeable number of people turned against him, called him a traitor etc.

13/02/2005, 10:03 PM
You know in some parts of Asia and Africa drinking urine ( though typically one's own ) is a bit of a health fad, kinda like fruit juice here I suppose, not surprisingly the Asians see it as an aphrodisiac - what the eff is it with Asians and sex anyway. But if this is actually true and it's not hard to believe it is [ let me here insert the word 'alleged' to keep lawyers happy] , then maybe Reidy should knock back a pint of Laura's best bitter and call it quits.

13/02/2005, 10:09 PM
I read in another forum that a spokeman for Reid denied he peed in the glass.

13/02/2005, 10:14 PM
I read in another forum that a spokeman for Reid denied he peed in the glass.

It is probably immaterial whether he did or didn't, Reid or his mates allegedly told her that he allegedly did thereby inflicting emotional distress. No physical harm was actually done.