View Full Version : Cork Soccer Best Eleven

A face
13/02/2005, 2:56 PM
So whats the deal, who made the team and who put it together ??

Anyone any ideas ??

Counting Crow
13/02/2005, 3:20 PM
People voted through the Echo ......I believe.

I can't believe Liam O'Brien, Trevor Brooking and at least one of the Bulgarians didn't make it.........!!!! :rolleyes:

13/02/2005, 3:31 PM
Yeah it was echo readers who voted for it.. there'll be interviews on the big red bench tonight with Dave Barry, Deccie Daly, Noel O'Mahony and Donie Leahy of cork celtic..

*cough* shameless plug *cough*

A face
13/02/2005, 4:06 PM
*cough* shameless plug *cough*

But what time is that on Roar ????? ...... the usual 6.00-7.00 ?? :p

13/02/2005, 4:17 PM
if it was any other time it just wouldnt be the big red bench! :)

13/02/2005, 7:56 PM
Well done, some nice interviews Ruairi....especially for a young fella...;)

14/02/2005, 10:37 AM
So what was the team then lads?

14/02/2005, 10:41 AM
----------------------alec ludzik (cork celtic) RIP-------------

Deccie Daly (city) Noel O'Mahony (hibs) Jackie Morley (hibs) Davey Noonan (Athletic) RIP

Donie Wallace (hibs) Dave Barry (city) Carl Humphries (celtic) John Lawson (hibs)

-----------------Donie Leahy (celtic) Seanie Mccarthy (celtic)------------

manager Dave Bacuzzi (hibs) Referee Derry Barrett RIP

14/02/2005, 10:44 AM
Well done, some nice interviews Ruairi....especially for a young fella...;)

LOL... Donie Leahy was an absolute legend.. one of the soundest fellas i've ever talked to...

A face
14/02/2005, 12:38 PM
There is one major problem though ..... All the people that voted are the ones that say "I used to support Hibs/Celtic" but then lost their way around the city and never quite made it to Turners Cross.

Some call them bitter old foggies .... i dont know what to call them !! :eek:

14/02/2005, 1:04 PM
There is one major problem though ..... All the people that voted are the ones that say "I used to support Hibs/Celtic" but then lost their way around the city and never quite made it to Turners Cross.

Some call them bitter old foggies .... i dont know what to call them !! :eek:

Yeah! it was much better in the "old days" when some of those guys on that so called great eleven would kick you over the stand ..................if there was a stand!

14/02/2005, 1:14 PM
All the people that voted are the ones that say "I used to support Hibs/Celtic" but then lost their way around the city and never quite made it to Turners Cross.

It's not their fault that they outvoted those too young to remember Hibs/Celtic, who think that O'Flynn is already the greatest player ever to ply his trade in Ireland ;) :D

14/02/2005, 1:15 PM
There is one major problem though ..... All the people that voted are the ones that say "I used to support Hibs/Celtic" but then lost their way around the city and never quite made it to Turners Cross.

Some call them bitter old foggies .... i dont know what to call them !! :eek:
Face, it might be hard to understand, but as a Hibs fan, I well remember the dis-illusionment, and pain of seeing your club go out of existence. It's not like you can then just go to another team the following week and say I'll follow you now. On top of that, there was such a long period of uncertainty about the clubs that followed and it was really only when City had established itself that people had a club to follow again. Unfortunately, Uk soccer and apathy had overtaken too many by then......:(

14/02/2005, 1:28 PM
as the Hibs fan
only one of ye? :D

14/02/2005, 2:07 PM
only one of ye? :D
edited my post.....

A face
14/02/2005, 7:39 PM
I well remember the dis-illusionment

Thats fair enough, i hear what you're saying but what gets me are these guys incessant whinging and bitchin' ..... "i wouldn't go out there if you game me £1000" ... and they say it with conviction too !! ..... What the fúck do they want like ... closure !! We dont want you out there so. I think it is time they got over themselves .... i am not saying they should go to City games, they can make up their own minds on that one, i am saying they dont have to rain on the parade all the fúckin' time .... it is sooo predictable at this stage, its like they just wanna get it in there, just to have had said it .... "i used to support Hibs" .... as if they are getting one up over us. I dont give a toss, ya bitter twisted fool .... if all Hibs supporters attitudes are like that, we dont know how lucky we are without them.
Some people serious like to whinge and go on about stuff, its like a crutch for half them i think.

A face
16/02/2005, 6:52 PM
This is unreal !! (http://www.fai.ie/article.asp?hlid=256408&Title=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&lid=Main+News&sub=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&navlid=&sublid=)

It would turn your stomach ..... i would put money on it that 95% of the people who voted, never went near the Cross in that last 20 years.

Bitter and twisted !! :mad:

16/02/2005, 11:32 PM
Thats fair enough, i hear what you're saying but what gets me are these guys incessant whinging and bitchin' ..... "i wouldn't go out there if you game me £1000" ... and they say it with conviction too !! ..... What the fúck do they want like ... closure !! We dont want you out there so. I think it is time they got over themselves .... i am not saying they should go to City games, they can make up their own minds on that one, i am saying they dont have to rain on the parade all the fúckin' time .... it is sooo predictable at this stage, its like they just wanna get it in there, just to have had said it .... "i used to support Hibs" .... as if they are getting one up over us. I dont give a toss, ya bitter twisted fool .... if all Hibs supporters attitudes are like that, we dont know how lucky we are without them.
Some people serious like to whinge and go on about stuff, its like a crutch for half them i think.

Thats grand to a point A face but there are people out there who just assume that Lennox is a cowboy like everyother person before him was. Can you imagne supporting and loving 3-4 teams only to see them all go to the wall because of poor management, you would become bitter and twisted!

Even upto the time before Lennox took over the whingers and moaner were correct, we were still a cowboy outfit

I took my old fella along to see City about 5-6 times this season. He was well impressed and couldnt believe how much the Cross has come on and how professional the behind the scenes set up was. He'll be back again next season but he had to be brought there to see the evidence for himself. You know fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

17/02/2005, 7:48 AM
This is unreal !! (http://www.fai.ie/article.asp?hlid=256408&Title=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&lid=Main+News&sub=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&navlid=&sublid=)

It would turn your stomach ..... i would put money on it that 95% of the people who voted, never went near the Cross in that last 20 years.

Bitter and twisted !! :mad:

Well there are 2 City players on the team and if you consider there's been senior soccer in Cork since the 1920's that isn't too bad a ratio, especially when City have only won 1 league and 1 FAI Cup.

Used2BHibs Fan
17/02/2005, 8:22 AM
Amazing how people can get their knickers in a knot over any thing these days - maybe its due to the fact that we cannot watch City but some of the comments are just plain stupid.

From my name you can see I've been around a while and have seen Cork soccer since the early 70's when my dad brought me to watch hibs every second week down the lodge even though we lived closer to the Box (the X).

Seen a number of teams from cork fade away and when City went to Bishopstown with Pat Da Plonk - I think that its a miracle that they are still going and all credit to everyone involved.

Why do Hibs/Celtic fans not go to watch City - its not because they are bitter and twisted but lets have a think back as to what was around back when the Lodge and the Box were almost full every week and when the travelling support would need 3 trains to bring them to the Pale to watch one of the Reble teams...... Times change - there are a million and 1 other things to do now - before one of the soccer highlights of the week was going to the Supporters Club Building in the Lodge on Sunday morning to watch a video tape of Match of the Day which was sent over from Saturday night from the BBC.......

Every single sport has to offer the fans something , every single sport needs to have a hardcore of people working for them and like every single sport success brings more fans but don't forget that if a team starts to loose then some of the support will stop. Its the way of things these days unfortunatly. City are lucky to have the people that they have involved in the Club, the fans etc but it's hard work to keep it going and slagging people off will not encourage people to come......

Enough for now and can't wait for the new season

17/02/2005, 9:50 AM
Thats fair enough, i hear what you're saying but what gets me are these guys incessant whinging and bitchin' ..... "i wouldn't go out there if you game me £1000" ... and they say it with conviction too !! ..... What the fúck do they want like ... closure !! We dont want you out there so. I think it is time they got over themselves .... i am not saying they should go to City games, they can make up their own minds on that one, i am saying they dont have to rain on the parade all the fúckin' time .... it is sooo predictable at this stage, its like they just wanna get it in there, just to have had said it .... "i used to support Hibs" .... as if they are getting one up over us. I dont give a toss, ya bitter twisted fool .... if all Hibs supporters attitudes are like that, we dont know how lucky we are without them.
Some people serious like to whinge and go on about stuff, its like a crutch for half them i think.

One question. If City hit the wall and went bust, would you automatically become a regulr at St Colmans Park?

Other than that I see you point, my Dad was one of them for a few years, until I eventually told him get off his high horse, and get back for one game. He has barely missed a home game in 7 years at this point

its like a crutch for half them i think.

Thats just the Irish probelm of begrudgery.

This is unreal !! (http://www.fai.ie/article.asp?hlid=256408&Title=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&lid=Main+News&sub=Best+of+Cork+side+includes+no+modern+heroes&navlid=&sublid=)

It would turn your stomach ..... i would put money on it that 95% of the people who voted, never went near the Cross in that last 20 years.

Bitter and twisted !! :mad:

I wouldnt quite think its bitter and twisted. Look at what the Echos readership is, mostly 30+, while look at Citys support. I would hazard that the average age is no more than 30. Besides, its a poll in the paper. Jesus, like Ronnie O Brien won a TIMES poll as the most important person of the 20 century. It means nothing.

The Donie Forde
17/02/2005, 12:55 PM
Why do Hibs/Celtic fans not go to watch City - its not because they are bitter and twisted but lets have a think back as to what was around back when the Lodge and the Box were almost full every week and when the travelling support would need 3 trains to bring them to the Pale to watch one of the Reble teams...... Times change - there are a million and 1 other things to do now - before one of the soccer highlights of the week was going to the Supporters Club Building in the Lodge on Sunday morning to watch a video tape of Match of the Day which was sent over from Saturday night from the BBC.......

A little perspective here...

(1) ManyHibs/Celtic fans don't watch CCFC, many certainly do.
(2) Hibs had a few good seasons, 1970-73 basically. From 1957-1969 they struggled BIG TIME to put it politely.
(3) Celtic's good seasons were more intermittent - 1962-64, 1969, 1973-74. Celtic were in the league longer than any other Cork club (1951-1979) yet it would be fair to say that, just like Hibs, they experienced a lot more poor seasons than good, a lot more struggle than joy.
(4) The idea that the Lodge was packed every second week is a myth. Ask Dave Bacuzzi who has gone on record several times to blow this theory out of the water. Ditto the Box. People remember what they choose to remember, but facts are facts...
(5) That said, there were countless occasions when Hibs and Celtic attracted much bigger crowds than CCFC now manage.
(6) I NEVER EVER heard either Hibs or Celtic referred to as a Rebel team.
(7) If Hibs/Celtic fans are still staying away from the Box, it's their loss.

Former Celt and proud of it, now CCFC fan and equally proud of that

Used2BHibs Fan
17/02/2005, 1:06 PM
Just to clarify some of the points.

(4) The idea that the Lodge was packed every second week is a myth. - Agree but both grounds held a lot more than the X can now... Was in the Lodge for the Cobh cup run - dno't know the exact number but more than 6.5K
(6) I NEVER EVER heard either Hibs or Celtic referred to as a Rebel team. - Reason I put in the comment of Rebel team is I was not just referring to Hibs/Celtic but all of the Soccer team from Cork over the years and I don't know all of them but maybe lazyness made me say Rebel Team - the correct term would be Teams from Cork that were in the League of Ireland. No offence ment and was not trying to create a new phrase for the old teams.

The Donie Forde
17/02/2005, 4:45 PM
Just to clarify some of the points.

(4) The idea that the Lodge was packed every second week is a myth. - Agree but both grounds held a lot more than the X can now... Was in the Lodge for the Cobh cup run - dno't know the exact number but more than 6.5K
(6) I NEVER EVER heard either Hibs or Celtic referred to as a Rebel team. - Reason I put in the comment of Rebel team is I was not just referring to Hibs/Celtic but all of the Soccer team from Cork over the years and I don't know all of them but maybe lazyness made me say Rebel Team - the correct term would be Teams from Cork that were in the League of Ireland. No offence ment and was not trying to create a new phrase for the old teams.

Hey, was not really intending to take you to task there, Used2BHibs Fan! ;)

Those Cobh games were great, those semis at the Lodge had (I think) recorded crowds of 18-20k. But they came in a season when there was NO league football in Cork whatsoever, so I think that puts another perspective on them also. Hibs and Celtic were both capable of pulling in huge crowds and did so frequently but the 'Good old days' weren't always so great, not EVERY week...

As for the Rebel thing, I just hate the term myself in relation to CCFC so I was just being a bit touchy there...! Sorry!


A face
17/02/2005, 6:30 PM
Why do Hibs/Celtic fans not go to watch City ..... Times change - there are a million and 1 other things to do now

A million other games on in the pub that just have to be watched .... West Brom V another lower end of the table team is A MUST WATCH tv viewing.
Come off the stage ... Half these guys have not interest in the sport, they watch the "Main Event" of the day. It was the same when they supported Hibs. Sky Sports is just so easy to watch ... rammed down their throats week in week out, and they lap it up. And that is fine ... fair play to them i say.

But dont get all high and mighty about it .... some of they guys are still waiting on their medals for attending those games. To them i say f**k you mate. Get back into the pub ... its your round, hurry up and eat those chicken wings, they're rank !!

it's hard work to keep it going and slagging people off will not encourage people to come

I hate to say it but ....... "They started it !!" :eek: :D :p

Enough for now and can't wait for the new season

Used2BHibs Fan ..... i cant wait for it either !!

17/02/2005, 10:10 PM
But dont get all high and mighty about it .... some of they guys are still waiting on their medals for attending those games. To them i say f**k you mate.
and some of them probably had their hearts broken by their teams going bust and have never gone back. Think how you feel when City lose- thats bad. Now try imagine waking up and they've just vanished. You probably can't even imagine that feeling. I certainly can't. It must have really hurt like hell, and if it were me, I wouldn't want to go near another football ground again for a long, long time. Particularly not if
f**k you mate. was the welcome I thought I was gonna get :rolleyes:

I remember talking to a guy who used to support Hibs, who is now a very active City fan and has been for several years. I remember him telling me how hard Hibs going bust had hit him. And how he hadn't gone near City until his son started going and dragged him along. Not all these guys have kids who'll drag them along.

17/02/2005, 10:11 PM
some of they guys are still waiting on their medals for attending those games.
They're not the only ones with that kind of attitude. :rolleyes:

A face
17/02/2005, 10:23 PM
They're not the only ones with that kind of attitude. :rolleyes:

I know i know .... but sure what can you do !! :rolleyes:

17/02/2005, 11:02 PM
When I was young I used to listen to soccer on the radio of a Sunday and heard commentary on great games involving Hibs and Celtic and another 12-14 teams in the League of Ireland. I seem to remember a game in the Lodge between Hibs and Waterford when both were going for the League title. The Blues won 3-2 , and won the League title and there were well over 20,000 at the game. The two sides met a week later in the FAI Cup Final and Miah Dennehy's hat-trick saw the Cup go to Flower Lodge.

Less than four years later however Hibs went out of football. This was in spite of a top 5 finish in their final season 1975-76. Celtic followed them into oblivion in 1979 . And In 1982 when Cork United went belly up there followed a 2 year period when there were Zero teams from Cork in the League of Ireland.

Those days of huge crowds are gone. For one thing there isn't a ground in the entire jurisdiction capable of holding 20,000 used by EL clubs at the present time.

And Hibs did not draw 20,000 plus every second week. If they had they would still be in business probably dominating the League and sickening everybody including Cork City fans as City would only be the 2nd team in Cork.

18/02/2005, 12:18 AM
And Hibs did not draw 20,000 plus every second week. If they had they would still be in business probably dominating the League and sickening everybody including Cork City fans as City would only be the 2nd team in Cork.

there'd be no city

A face
18/02/2005, 12:18 AM
Those days of huge crowds are gone. For one thing there isn't a ground in the entire jurisdiction capable of holding 20,000 used by EL clubs at the present time.

There wasn't back then either !!

It was a terraced back then, fairly easy to get 20,000+ in to most grounds when all are standing. The bar has been raised now ... and you cant compare.

18/02/2005, 7:28 AM
And Hibs did not draw 20,000 plus every second week. If they had they would still be in business probably dominating the League and sickening everybody including Cork City fans as City would only be the 2nd team in Cork.
They didn't get those crowds every second week, but they got attendances that most clubs today can only dream of.
BTW, the size of the crowds had very little to do with Hibs going out of existence. Incompetence, ineptitude, greed and moronic stupidity is what destroyed Hibs.

18/02/2005, 8:08 AM
A little perspective here...

(1) ManyHibs/Celtic fans don't watch CCFC, many certainly do.
(2) Hibs had a few good seasons, 1970-73 basically. From 1957-1969 they struggled BIG TIME to put it politely.
(3) Celtic's good seasons were more intermittent - 1962-64, 1969, 1973-74. Celtic were in the league longer than any other Cork club (1951-1979) yet it would be fair to say that, just like Hibs, they experienced a lot more poor seasons than good, a lot more struggle than joy.
(4) The idea that the Lodge was packed every second week is a myth. Ask Dave Bacuzzi who has gone on record several times to blow this theory out of the water. Ditto the Box. People remember what they choose to remember, but facts are facts...
(5) That said, there were countless occasions when Hibs and Celtic attracted much bigger crowds than CCFC now manage.
(6) I NEVER EVER heard either Hibs or Celtic referred to as a Rebel team.
(7) If Hibs/Celtic fans are still staying away from the Box, it's their loss.

Former Celt and proud of it, now CCFC fan and equally proud of that

Excellent post!

I'm sick of listening to the "old days" nonesense and this mythology about the Flower Lodge crowds.

My first ever game there was 1975 vs Bohs when a late gerry Ryan winner won an abysmal game which finished in darkness. If there were 300 there it was a lot.

The only full house I witnessed there was for a cup-tie vs Derry - and Cork City (not Hibs/Celtic) were the home team.

Ditto the box. Celtic only filled the place for the last few games of their league winning season and when George best attracted the fair weather and the gullible.