View Full Version : Steven Reid quote from Icons

12/02/2005, 8:52 AM
"To make matter worse I wasn’t picked for the Republic of Ireland squad that faced Portugal on Wednesday night either. I’ve actually not been selected once by Brian Kerr this season – even when I was a regular starter for Blackburn – so that’s not been very good! I’m not sure why I’m being left out because I’ve felt my form has been quite good and most of my caps have been won under Brian Kerr’s leadership. It’s a bit of a mystery."

I dunno lads. It's hard to nit pick given the relative success lately, but I'd prefer a bit of transparency regarding the selection policy, amongst the players at the very least. Obviously Kerr shouldn't have to justify his selections to the likes of us 'Armchair managers' but surely players on the fringe, who could potentially be assets down the line should be shown a tad more respect.

I thought up to this point that Kerr was over looking the likes of Delap because he maybe questioned the validity of their withdrawals from previous panels. It's hard to say really.

Or maybe his stance is that he's not bothered if he upsets anybody regarding selection because if and when they're called upon the desire to represent their county will over shadow any previous grumblings with management. I’ve already said this but I do believe that if a player on the fringes is excluded from a squad he should be fully aware of the reasoning behind it, if only to keep him in the loop and at the very least give him an aspect of his game that he needs to work on to oust the man in possession.

12/02/2005, 10:22 AM
I think his selection policy is spot on. What has Stephen Reid done this season to deserve an international callup? Ok, he's probably a better option than Barrett for the right wing but he's hardly going to strengthen our squad and Kerr has shown his policy has meant very few withdrawals (I doubt Stephen Carr would have came over to train under McCarthy). Kerr said when he announced his last squad that he just wanted to get the players involved in the last few friendlies together.

I just don't think Stephen Reid would strengthen our squad at the moment so there's no point in calling him up just because he played a few consecutive matches for Blackburn and has now found himself on the bench for the last month.

In regards to Delap, as I've said in other threads, the Soton fans don't rate him at all.

The way Kerr see's it, the hard work is getting into the squad (the same with England, etc.). How on earth the likes of Stephen Reid and Harte expect to walk into the 8th best team in Europe is madness.

12/02/2005, 10:43 AM
I see your point eirebhoy, but like i said it should be about transparency. I don't think any player should expect to walk into the Ireland squad, regardless of stature. And I'm well aware that the players in question are at best squad members. But they should be aware of what's expected of them to make the sqaud, more so if they've the potential to be a real assett to the first eleven at some stage which I beleive Steven Reid and Ian Harte could well be, subject to the obvious injuries etc

Kerr has said himself that he's keeping any eye on 5 or 6 players outside the current squad. So what price then a twenty minute phonecall to said players to keep them in the loop.

Behind the moaning and the disapointment it seems to me that these players are, in a roundabout way, asking 'Why him and not me?' in the cases of players like Barrett and Maybury. I'm f*****d if I can answer it.

It's nice to see though that they want to be involved and they're not treating their omision with indifference.

12/02/2005, 2:32 PM
I haven't really seen Reid play this season, but he hasn't exactly been making headlines in what is a struggling team. That and the fact that his last game for Ireland that I remember (Russia at home) he was absolutely dreadful.

12/02/2005, 3:21 PM
Yeah! He was poison in that game allright. Fact is though that Reid has had a better career at both club and International level than Graham Barrat. All of which doesn't seem to count for much.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a huge Steven Reid fan, or Ian Harte for that matter. And by the same token I'm not anti Graham Barrat or Maybury. My point's not really about the merrits or vices of each individual player. It just seems that some players are bemused by their ommisions from the squad. Baring in mind that it wasn't too long ago that Richie Dunne was making the exact same noises. Now he's currently being touted on web sites as the Premierships most improved player this season, and its fair to say that you can't expect that kind of turnaround from every player to warrant selection in the squad ahead of what are distinclty average players.

That's three players now that have gone public over being left in the dark regarding their ommisions. It's not something I've ever seen as an ireland fan and it's something that I think could be easily dealt with is all I'm saying.

If I were in their shoes i'd feel exactly the same.

12/02/2005, 3:49 PM
Kerr has had a miles better start than any other Ireland manager so I'll leave it up to him. :) His way seems to be working.

12/02/2005, 6:05 PM
There is definitely a place for Reid in an Ireland squad, he has shown this enough times. What I don't get here is why they don't just keep their mouths shut, work hard, get better and get noticed. We are the 8th best team in Europe but we're always on the lookout for good players, we're not spoiled for choice in any position so if he gets better and gets himself noticed that way, he'll get selected. How hard is that to understand? Stephen and Ian: there are only so many places in a squad. The manager has decided that there isn't room for you at the moment. The fact that you've played before doesn't entitle you to an automatic place in this squad. You are grown men and professional footballers. Get over it, essentially, and get better.

12/02/2005, 11:45 PM
Reid used to be handy for Ireland but his last few appearances in the last qualifying campaign were shockingly bad. As mentioned above he was pathetic against Russia at home where i think he came on as sub but did feck all.

Competition for the squad is strong now, just getting a 1st team place in the Premiership doesn't guarantee a place anymore.

13/02/2005, 2:42 PM
Stephen Reid is sh!te. Can't make a 5 yard pass and is nothing more than a workhorse with a bullet of a shot. Andy Reid, Steve Finnan, Stephen Carr and McGeady are streets ahead of him at right midfield.

13/02/2005, 3:56 PM
Jesus Carnstein. I don't feel Reid should be in the squad but do you have to slag off every one of our players that aren't in the starting 11.

13/02/2005, 5:08 PM
Jesus Carnstein. I don't feel Reid should be in the squad but do you have to slag off every one of our players that aren't in the starting 11.
No I just think Reid is a crap player, who clearly thinks he is a hell of a lot better than he is. He needs to be brought down to earth and realise that he is no where near good enough to get in our starting 11, a point with which I'm sure he would disagree.