View Full Version : Cork TD calls for 9pm teen curfew

09/02/2005, 2:45 PM
From the Echo (http://www.eecho.ie)

Cork TD calls for 9pm teen curfew

Teenagers could be banned from congregating at designated areas around Cork city under plans proposed by Fianna Fáil TD Billy Kelleher.

Deputy Kelleher is in discussions with the Department of Justice to see how arrangements could be made for a system of curfews for under-16s between 9pm and 6am.

Under Deputy Kelleher’s proposals, anyone under-16 could not congregate in designated areas of the city.

“Residents, particularly those in housing estates, have complained to me that they are intimidated by groups of teenagers when they step outside their doors. The increase in anti-social behaviour in these areas is in large part due to the scope afforded to unruly teenagers to congregate in built-up areas,” Deputy Kelleher told the Evening Echo.

Within the proposed curfew zones, gardaí would have the power to break up groups of teenagers, ban those not from the area, and escort home those under-16.

It’s not yet clear if the curfew system could be introduced by Cork City Council, or if the Department of Justice would have to introduce a legal change to make it possible.

The Department is currently undertaking a review of youth justice, and the curfew proposal may be considered as part of this review.

Deputy Kelleher said that Cork City Council would be involved in designating the curfew areas, in consultation with the Department of Justice and the Garda Síochána.

“This would be targeted at areas where anti-social behaviour is a problem. It wouldn’t apply to areas where there isn’t a problem. It’s not an infringement of civil liberties. I think it’s more of an infringement of civil liberties to have people terrified in their own homes by gangs,” Deputy Kelleher said.

:rolleyes:Talk about having your head in the sand! Fair enough about some people feeling intimidated about groups of teenagers, but really, doesnt he think that the Gardaí dont have anything better to do with themselves? I suppose it never crossed his mind that kids might just be bored after school around their estates if there are no social amenities for them.

09/02/2005, 2:52 PM
Aren't there are already laws for loitering and the like? And if so, isn't Kelliher just whoring for attention that the tabloid media are stupid enough to give him?


09/02/2005, 2:59 PM
He's bang out of order coming out with a "one-size-fits-all" solution to this. The chronic lack of amenities for kids and teenagers is the main reason for this kind of problem- what is there for them to do?

On the other hand, I do know what he's talking about, there are some very nasty looking groups of young people hanging around, just LOOKING like trouble, and it needs to be addressed.

Its a valid issue and a valid concern, but he's made a mess of the way he's raised it.

09/02/2005, 3:59 PM
On the other hand, I do know what he's talking about, there are some very nasty looking groups of young people hanging around, just LOOKING like trouble, and it needs to be addressed.

Its a valid issue and a valid concern, but he's made a mess of the way he's raised it.

Agreed. This fascist response wil do no good, it will increase pressure on Gardaí and also on kids. Imagine the trouble you'd be in-getting taken home by a Guard purely because you were outside after 9pm!In addition, how could the age be known? IMO, anyone 13-18 can look more or less the same depending on height and dress. This is a stupid plan that stand to ignore the real problem, and make the TD look like the middle-aged person's Superman.

10/02/2005, 8:29 AM
I thought of a suitable election tag line for Billy Kelleher before, but

'Billy Kelleher, not just a pretty face'

is the best I can do...
More like Pretty Vacant?

I had the misfortune to be visited by him once, when he was looking for my vote. I am actually fairly polite to most pols who call to my door, (of course pds are intercepted at the gate and advised very strongly to leave as quickly as is possible), so I listened to him drone on for 5 minutes. He used about 5,000 words which boiled down to "vote for me cos I'm looking for votes". Idealess, visionless and fairly brainless.

I bet you he actually came up with this "idea" after finding a Post-It that had fallen from Kapitan McDowells desk.....

10/02/2005, 8:45 AM
'Billy Kelleher, not just a pretty face'
Surely you mean "not even a pretty face".
It doesn't say much for the people of this City that an eejit like him got elected. God help us all.
There was piece on the Last Word one night and he was on being the head of some Dail committee or other, couldn't string 3 words together.
The texts were flying in "Billy Who?" :D