View Full Version : Latest on Tallaght (wtf is going on?)

08/02/2005, 7:10 PM
Rovers receive stadium boost (http://www.eleven-a-side.com/premier/irish_soccer_detail.asp?newsid=15917)

February 8, 2005

Shamrock Rovers have received a boost in their long-running stadium struggle after they were given permission to challenge the decision by South Dublin County Council to deny an extension of planning permission before Christmas.

Work on the proposed stadium has ground to a halt amid the uncertainty, but the club will hope to gain approval to recommence the project after their latest boost.

The local authority had denied an extension of planning permission in December due to the unexplained nature of the relationship between the club and its major investor, Conor Clarkson.

However, in a High Court hearing on Monday, Rovers were permitted to launch an appeal against that decision by the South Dublin council.

The Hoops will play their home games at Bohemians’ Dalymount Park ground in 2005, and, even allowing for a positive outcome to its appeal against the refusal of planning permission, it may be well into next year before work on the Tallaght stadium is complete.

At this stage I haven't a clue what exactly is going on down there. Did the SDCC not agree to build the stadium, so why exactly are the Rovers board now trying to do this? Will this not just drag the process out even more and only annoy the people who had offered to dig them out of the sorry mess they got in? The SDCC said...

Re: Shamrock Rovers Stadium Site.
The Council wishes to re-iterate its commitment made at its meeting on January 10th . It is this Council's ultimate objective, as it was on day one, that this proposed stadium be completed and that Shamrock Rovers will play there on completion.

Other non-soccer sporting organisations must develop their own facilities and in so far as possible the Council will support such sporting facilities as proposed by other organisations.

So why not let them get on with it?

I must have missed something, this seems a very odd move to make.

08/02/2005, 7:33 PM
Fairly simple on my reading of today article in the Times.

SDCC are trying to freeze out the current investors from future development, including Clarkson, as the planning permission lapsed. The Council want to finish the stadium themselves.

Maguire, through Rovers trading company is taking the court action to get the planning extended to allow the investors to complete the work.

08/02/2005, 7:41 PM
Maguire, through Rovers trading company is taking the court action to get the planning extended to allow the investors to complete the work.

Why bother if the SDCC will complete the work and allow Shamrock Rovers to play there?

08/02/2005, 7:57 PM
Why bother if the SDCC will complete the work and allow Shamrock Rovers to play there?

Cause the investors are left high and dry and so is Maguire by extension, was what I presumed?

08/02/2005, 7:57 PM
Upon my limited reading, because they want to have an option on the ground and ancilliary facilities, ensuring as they see it an income for them. Plus the fact that rumours have it that they're already deep into Clarkson and can't afford to pay him off

08/02/2005, 8:04 PM
Cause the investors are left high and dry and so is Maguire by extension, was what I presumed?

So it's about the investers and Maguire himself? What I thought really.

The Rovers fans aren't happy anyway, the Clarkson deal seems to screw them majorly. Something about an option seven years into the lease for them to buy back the land at a price that couldn't possibley afford and after that, if they don't pay, they're in trouble.

09/02/2005, 12:03 AM
Why bother if the SDCC will complete the work and allow Shamrock Rovers to play there?

Simple. If that happens, no-one gets to line their pockets.

09/02/2005, 7:31 AM
If the SDCC take back the lease, McNamara, Clarkson and all the other new Kilcoyne's don't get their slice of prime public real estate. If Rover's win the case, they may get into Tallaght quicker but they'll never own the stadium, let alone the whole site.

Basically, once again Maguire is doing what's best for him and his backers rather than whats best for the football club. Role on AFC Rovers, for the Rovers fans and for the rest of us as well (even if you don't accept the "good for the league" arguement, it ain't good for the league all the negative press about Tallaght).

09/02/2005, 9:57 AM
It's so funny that six non-Hoops post about Tallaght and manage to talk more sense than our board. You've all hit the nail on the head: The SDCC want Clarkson out and want to finish the stadium themselves. The fans want to build the stadium with the SDCC. The board want to build the stadium with Clarkson and are now suing the very people who have the power to tell Rovers to f,uck off once and for all.
There's a fine line between evil genius and complete stupidity. Either way, this is not a "boost" for Rovers.

10/02/2005, 1:28 PM
Quite obvious from what I've just read that the Shamrock Rovers Board don't give two f**ks about the club. I can understand now why other SRFC fans are planning to boycott games in Dalymount next season.