View Full Version : a little birdy told me

08/02/2005, 2:15 PM
that things are not just frosty between the staff and employer at CCFC. Lennox would walk past the coaching staff on the street without a salute, and his condemnation of the coaching staff having to go back to basics, in the club programme, came without warning or consultation with anyone else.

I dont know what to think of the situation. Lennox has thusfar been good for the club; the healthy situation we are in is pretty much down to him. Dolan and Noel O'C oversaw the changeover to professionalism extremely well, and as Dolan once told me, being disappointed with a victory (in context, the narrow win against longford, out of context, finishing 2nd when we looked like coming mid table), is a good sign of ambition.

However something has annoyed Lennox, clearly, and the reprocussions are that there was an unhealthy atmosphere in the club. As much as the coaches probably made a good move career wise in taking charge of other clubs themselves, obviously the situation at cork city hardly persuaded them to stay.

Such are the implications of scrutinising a professional club (an oxymoron in itself), the open heart of the club is hidden for the sake of the money making business. However as supporters and therefore one of the driving forces behind the club, arent we entitled to know whats going on?

-What did Dolan do to annoy Lennox so much?
-How else has Lennox contributed to the bad atmosphere?
-Have things changed for the better?
-Are the rifts between chairman and manager, and manager and players connected?

08/02/2005, 2:24 PM
As a fan, I'd like to know

- that with some many "little birdies", "moles" and "flys on the wall" in the club, should CCFC be turned into a zoo rather than a football club?
- Must every unsubstansiated rumour, unproveable hearsay and bit of tittle-tattle about Cork City be dis-sected endlessly?


08/02/2005, 2:27 PM
Not trying to wws this, honestly, but surely someone is leaking/spinning all these tales?

08/02/2005, 2:30 PM
Not trying to wws this, honestly, but surely someone is leaking/spinning all these tales?
I suppose there must be, but its getting extremely tiresome at this stage. I've never heard such bitching, moaning, whinging and downright bullsh*t about ANY club EVER.
You'd swear we had been relegated or something......:rolleyes:

08/02/2005, 2:31 PM
i was about to jump in but thought better of it..... :D

[if there is a row or a disagreement over direction than im guessing its something along the lines of dolan wanting cash to add to the squad and lennox refusing to break the bank and preferring to steer a prudent sensible financial path - fair balls to him if thats the case!]

08/02/2005, 2:33 PM
I suppose there must be, but its getting extremely tiresome at this stage. I've never heard such bitching, moaning, whinging and downright bullsh*t about ANY club EVER.
You'd swear we had been relegated or something......:rolleyes:
Then the question is who and why. Not trying to comment on the validity of any of the arguments, but something ain't right with someone that this is going on....

08/02/2005, 3:09 PM
As a fan, I'd like to know

- that with some many "little birdies", "moles" and "flys on the wall" in the club, should CCFC be turned into a zoo rather than a football club?
- Must every unsubstansiated rumour, unproveable hearsay and bit of tittle-tattle about Cork City be dis-sected endlessly?


ok, i'll give you a hint. he recently left the club, is glad to get away from it, and feels the chairman let everyone down in his programme notes.

08/02/2005, 3:28 PM
I like most others are sick of the rumours.

Either reveal your source, or this thread will be closed.

08/02/2005, 4:12 PM
feels the chairman let everyone down in his programme notes.


Lennox was dead right to say what he said. It was the kick up the arse they needed. Seemed to work too

08/02/2005, 4:34 PM
ok, i'll give you a hint. he recently left the club, is glad to get away from it,

Just curious...is it Noel O'Connor you're on about? :confused:

08/02/2005, 4:38 PM
im not sure with all these rumours going if it is just people sh~t stirring or this is something more sinister going on. somoen seems tohave an agenda here

08/02/2005, 4:53 PM
Just curious...is it Noel O'Connor you're on about? :confused:

Well you could do the Gav-Gav's Old Doll-Mary I-NO'C connection:D

or maybe Gav saw it written on the jacks in UCC under "Any Info: Brian Lennox, Arts 3"

08/02/2005, 4:56 PM
I like most others are sick of the rumours.

Either reveal your source, or this thread will be closed.

this isnt a rumour. its fact. i cant say explicitly where i got this from because it wouldnt just be my arse at risk. close this if you want but i dont see the point. if you can find a thread similar to this, merge them.

08/02/2005, 4:59 PM
or maybe Gav saw it written on the jacks in UCC under "Any Info: Brian Lennox, Arts 3"

no but im still waiting on info on Liam Murphy, Geography 1. As its usually the geog's that walk around all day...

08/02/2005, 5:07 PM
Lennox would walk past the coaching staff on the street without a salute,

Just off the phone to Nick Griffin. He was as shocked as you are !!

08/02/2005, 5:41 PM
this isnt a rumour. its fact. i cant say explicitly where i got this from

If its fact, then there should be no problem. There is just so many people who seem to know things as "facts", yet wont divulge their sources, its unreal. It certainly doesnt give any of these rumours any merit, and they will remain rumours until a source is given.

Its very easy to start rumours (and some would say fun too), but these rumours are doing nothing but creating problems.

08/02/2005, 7:18 PM

Lennox was dead right to say what he said. It was the kick up the arse they needed. Seemed to work too
exactly. Lennox is the boss, and sometimes the boss needs to give people a boot up the hole.

im not sure with all these rumours going if it is just people sh~t stirring or this is something more sinister going on. somoen seems tohave an agenda here
there is definitely a vendetta against Lennox going on. people are not just criticising him on specific issues (which is fair game) but making wild accusations and personal attacks.I'd love to know who's behind this.

08/02/2005, 8:28 PM
Not trying to wws this, honestly, but surely someone is leaking/spinning all these tales?

Has wws become a verb now? ;)

How would you describe the art of wws-ing?


08/02/2005, 8:34 PM
If its fact, then there should be no problem. There is just so many people who seem to know things as "facts", yet wont divulge their sources, its unreal. It certainly doesnt give any of these rumours any merit, and they will remain rumours until a source is given.

Its very easy to start rumours (and some would say fun too), but these rumours are doing nothing but creating problems.

because sometimes things are told in confidence Gary, and a journalist like myself ( ;) ) has to then take morality into account. theres more i could say but i wont because i have an obligation to someone.

08/02/2005, 8:53 PM
because sometimes things are told in confidence Gary, and a journalist like myself ( ;) ) has to then take morality into account. theres more i could say but i wont because i have an obligation to someone.

and does a journalist like yourself have an obligation to do a thorough investigation of a 'story' and report the full facts from both sides?

08/02/2005, 8:53 PM
and does a journalist like yourself have an obligation to do a thorough investigation of a 'story' and report the full facts from both sides?

yes. catch the latest update in UCC Express next wedbesday, FREE

08/02/2005, 10:31 PM
yes. catch the latest update in UCC Express next wedbesday, FREE

Ah yes the home of Paul Daly. What a quality publication it COULD be. Remember the law of libel Gav!

08/02/2005, 10:33 PM
i was about to jump in but thought better of it..... :D

[if there is a row or a disagreement over direction than im guessing its something along the lines of dolan wanting cash to add to the squad and lennox refusing to break the bank and preferring to steer a prudent sensible financial path - fair balls to him if thats the case!]

My god you may have spoken a bit of sense for once WWS ;)

A face
08/02/2005, 11:02 PM
My god you may have spoken a bit of sense for once WWS ;)

I thought the same but didn't want to speak too soon !! :eek: :D

09/02/2005, 7:37 AM
take morality into account.
And what about the morality of blackening someones name by hints, innuendo and rumour?
Brian Lennox's name is being badied about left, right and centre, but you and all the others are extremely coy about the names of all these people supposedly telling the "truth".
If you want to have a discussion about morality, have a long hard look at your own version of it first.

09/02/2005, 7:49 AM
How would you describe the art of wws-ing?
Patsh should know, he falls for it most of the time. :D :D

09/02/2005, 9:41 AM
Patsh should know, he falls for it most of the time. :D :D
Hardly "falling" for it. Merely pointing out the dreary predictability of it all....:)

11/02/2005, 9:32 AM
And what about the morality of blackening someones name by hints, innuendo and rumour?
Brian Lennox's name is being badied about left, right and centre, but you and all the others are extremely coy about the names of all these people supposedly telling the "truth".
If you want to have a discussion about morality, have a long hard look at your own version of it first.

i'm not just citing Lennox as the reason for all this. This is just what a person recently very involved with the club had to say. the morals im talking about are my own, and believe me i thought long about posting this message. i've done it in a way so as not to break the trust of someone. i could have said a lot more. theres an article in ShedEnd.com's system thats probably never going to be published.

11/02/2005, 11:01 AM
the morals im talking about are my own, and believe me i thought long about posting this message. i've done it in a way so as not to break the trust of someone.
So you "don't break the trust of somebody", by naming them, but go ahead and post what they said, blackening a person's name without first asking that person to confirm deny what you were told, or give him the right to state his side of the story. Pretty skewed "morals".......:confused:

11/02/2005, 1:15 PM
So you "don't break the trust of somebody", by naming them, but go ahead and post what they said, blackening a person's name without first asking that person to confirm deny what you were told, or give him the right to state his side of the story.

its not the person who said this's trust i dont want to break. its someone else. you don't know the situation so either take the story at face value or don't bother replying.

Pretty skewed "morals".......:confused:

c'est la vie.

11/02/2005, 1:38 PM
you don't know the situation so either take the story at face value or don't bother replying.
So why post a thread if you don't want people replying?
I'm supposed to just read what you post and believe it?
You don't really like hard questions, do you?

11/02/2005, 3:04 PM
So why post a thread if you don't want people replying?
I'm supposed to just read what you post and believe it?
You don't really like hard questions, do you?

you're not supposed to do anything. i'm just advising. if you're going to complain that i wont tell you who said this, save it. you're clogging up a thread that should be discussing why the club is so lacking in transparency with whinging posts about morality and how you dont want to read these threads anymore. hadnt you agreed not to read my threads anymore anyway?

11/02/2005, 3:38 PM
Dear Foot.ie posters,

If you don't want to see threads comprised of unattributed commentary, rumour and supposition, try ignoring them. Did your momma ever tell you to "ignore them and they'll go away"? She was right you know.


willie john
14/02/2005, 5:21 PM

14/02/2005, 5:31 PM
willie john, turn off your CAPS LOCK or your posts will be deleted.

15/02/2005, 2:56 AM
snipped, becuase its fugly to read:


The following errors occurred when this message was submitted:

1. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.

15/02/2005, 5:37 PM
Make ur posts 5 characters, Gav :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


15/02/2005, 5:42 PM
yes. catch the latest update in UCC Express next wedbesday, FREE

Ill have to get my sister to pick me up a copy of that then.

Anyway lads, this thread was dross to begin with, now its just gone plain silly. Im locking it for now. Any complaints, PM me.
