View Full Version : Survey

Stevo Da Gull
06/02/2005, 10:50 PM
For people aged between 12-30. It is part of a school project, the more people surveyed the better so I decided to stick it up here to let anybody who is interested to participate.

If you are doing the survey you can either respond in this thread or PM me, also the same aplies to any questions you may have about the survey.
Since there can be no ticking of boxes I recomend that all multiple-choice questions are answered in the same way as the following example:

Q1: Do you eat food? Yes_ No_
Q1.A: Yes_
(when replying there is no need to write out the question, just the question number)

The Survey: Leisure Time Activity Survey

Q1 : Gender Male_ Female_

Q2 : Age 12-14_ 15-17_ 17-19_ 20-25 26-30

Q3 : Are you in a sports club? Yes_ No_

Q4 : Which sport do you play most?___________________________________

Q5 : What is your favourite sport?____________________________________

Q6 : On average, how many hours a week do you play sports?
0-2_ 3-5_ 6-9_ 9>_
Q7 : On average, how much money do you spend on sport in a month?
E 0-10_ E 10-20_ E 20-30_ E 30-40_ E 40>

Q8 : Do you have a job? No_ Part-Time_ Full-Time_

Q9 : If Q8 was answered no, Would you like a job? Yes_ No_

Q10: Do you watch TV? Yes_ No_

Q11: On average, How many hours of TV do you watch a week?
0-4_ 5-9_ 10-14_ 15-20_ 20>

Q12: How many TV's are in your home_________________________________

Q13: Do you hav a TV in your bedroom? Yes_ No_

Q14: When do you normally watch TV?
Morning_ Afternoon_ Evening_ Night_ All of the previous_

Q15: What's your favourite type of TV program? Drama_ Soap_ Sports_
Music_ Crime_ Doc_

Q16: Do you have access to a PC/Games Console? Yes_ No_

Q17: How many hours a week do you spend on PC/Games Console in your
spare time? 0-4_ 5-9_ 10-14_ 15-20_ 20>_

Q18: Which do you listen to more? CD_ Radio_

Q19: Whats your favourite type of music? Pop_ Dance_ Rock_ RnB_
Rap_ Other(please specify)__________________________________

Q20: Which would you prefer to spend your leisure time on?
Sport_ TV_ PC/Games Console_ Music_

I apologise to anybody who was offended by this survey and would like to thank anybody who took the time to particapate. :)

KR's Post
07/02/2005, 1:05 PM
The Survey: Leisure Time Activity Survey

Q1 : Male
Q2 : Age 17-19_
Q3 : Yes
Q4 : Football
Q5 : Football
Q6 : 9>
Q7 : E 40>
Q8 : Full time
Q9 :
Q11: 20>
Q12: 5 TVs
Q13: Yes
Q14: Evening
Q15: Sports_,Music_
Q16: Yes
Q17: 0-4_
Q18: CD
Q19: Dance_ Rock

07/02/2005, 8:30 PM
Q1 : Male_
Q2 : 15-17_
Q3 : Yes_
Q4 : Gaelic Football
Q5 : Soccer
Q6 : 3-5_
Q7 : E 10-20_
Q8 : Part-Time_
Q9 :
Q10: Yes_
Q11: 0-4_
Q12: 2
Q13: No_
Q14: Night_
Q15: Sports_
Q16: Yes_
Q17: 5-9_
Q18: CD_
Q19: Dance_
Q20: Sport_

07/02/2005, 8:36 PM
Q1 : Male
Q2 : 20-25
Q3 : Are you in a sports club? N_
Q4 : Football (proper football, not bogball)
Q5 : Football (as above)
Q6 : On average, how many hours a week do you play sports? 0-2
Q7 : On average, how much money do you spend on sport in a month? E 40>
Q8 : Do you have a job? Part-Time x2
Q10: Do you watch TV? Yes
Q11: On average, How many hours of TV do you watch a week? 20>
Q12: How many TV's are in your home 5
Q13: Do you hav a TV in your bedroom? Yes
Q14: When do you normally watch TV? Evening and Night
Q15: What's your favourite type of TV program? Sports
Q16: Do you have access to a PC/Games Console? Yes
Q17: How many hours a week do you spend on PC/Games Console in your
spare time? 15-20
Q18: Which do you listen to more? CD_
Q19: Whats your favourite type of music? Rock
Q20: Which would you prefer to spend your leisure time on? PC/Games Console

07/02/2005, 9:47 PM
For people aged between 12-30...

Damn, my birthdays in a few months...can you wait til then? ;)

07/02/2005, 10:52 PM
Q1 : Male
Q2 : Age 20-25
Q3 : No
Q4 : Soccer
Q5 : Soccer
Q6 : 0-2
Q7 : 30-40
Q8 : Part time
Q9 :
Q10: Yes
Q11: 20+
Q12: 2
Q13: Yes
Q14: Night
Q15: Sports
Q16: Yes
Q17: 15-20
Q18: CD
Q19: Alternative Country, Southern Rock
Q20: Music

Anything else? ;)

Stevo Da Gull
08/02/2005, 8:19 AM
Cheers to everybody who has replied so far.

Thanks Steve :)

08/02/2005, 8:35 AM
The Survey: Leisure Time Activity Survey

Q1 : Male
Q2 : 26-30
Q3 : No
Q4 : Football
Q5 : Football
Q6 : 3-5 Hours
Q7 : €30-€40
Q8 : Full Time
Q10: Yes
Q11: 5-9 Hours
Q12: 6
Q13: Yes
Q14: Night
Q15: Sports / Comedy
Q16: Yes
Q17: 0-4
Q18: CD
Q19: Rock / Alternative
Q20: Sport

Aberdonian Stu
08/02/2005, 10:14 AM
Q1 : Male_

Q2 : 20-25

Q3 : Are you in a sports club? Yes_

Q4 : Football

Q5 : Football

Q6 : 0-2_

Q7 : E 20-30_

Q8 : No_

Q9 : Yes_

Q10: Yes_

Q11: 20>

Q12: 2

Q13: No_

Q14: Evening_

Q15: What's your favourite type of TV program? Crime_

Q16: Yes_

Q17: 5-9_

Q18: Radio_

Q19: Jazz

Q20: PC/Games Console_

08/02/2005, 10:22 AM
Q1: Yes_
Q1.A: Yes_
(when replying there is no need to write out the question, just the question number)

The Survey: Leisure Time Activity Survey

Q1 : Male
Q2 : 20-25
Q3 : No_

Q4 : soccer_________________________________

Q5 : soccer

Q6 :
Q7 :

Q8 : ? No

Q9 : Yes

Q10: Yes
Q12: 1
Q13: No

Evening_ Night

Q15: Sports_

Q16: Yes

Q17: 15-20

Q18: CD

Q19: Rock

Q20: Music

08/02/2005, 11:24 AM
Q1 : Gender Male_
Q2 : Age 17-19_
Q3 : Are you in a sports club? Yes_
Q4 : Which sport do you play most?Gaelic football

Q5 : What is your favourite sport?toss up between football,Hurling and soccer

Q6 : On average, how many hours a week do you play sports?
Q7 : On average, how much money do you spend on sport in a month?
E 20-30_

Q8 : Do you have a job? Part-Time_

Q10: Do you watch TV? Yes_
Q11: On average, How many hours of TV do you watch a week?
Q12: How many TV's are in your home 2
Q13: Do you hav a TV in your bedroom? No_

Q14: When do you normally watch TV?
Evening_ Night_
Q15: What's your favourite type of TV program? Sports_

Q16: Do you have access to a PC/Games Console? Yes_

Q17: How many hours a week do you spend on PC/Games Console in your
spare time? 5-9_

Q18: Which do you listen to more? Radio_

Q19: Whats your favourite type of music? Dance_

Q20: Which would you prefer to spend your leisure time on?

08/02/2005, 11:37 AM
Q1 : Male

Q2 : 17-19

Q3 : Yes

Q4 : Football

Q5 : Football

Q6 : 3-5

Q7 : 30-40

Q8 : Part-Time

Q9 :

Q10: Yes


Q12: 3

Q13: Yes


Q15: Sports



Q18: CD

Q19: Rock

Q20: Sport

Stevo Da Gull
11/02/2005, 12:49 PM
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who has replied, you've all been a huge help.

Cheers Steve ;) :ball: